Yahoo! MailYahoo! Mail for Yahoo! - My Yahoo! Options - Sign Out - Help Mail Addresses Calendar Notepad Attachment View -- Powered by Back to Message 1998 Western Invitational Tournament VI - The Buzz-erkeley Bowl Tossups by Berkeley V and Georgia Tech - Jason King and Jason Hong 1. In 1862, the book A Memory of Solferino was published by Jean Henri Dunant. It contained his ideas about creation of a volunteer committee to care for war-wounded, and it led to the creation in 1863 of the Permanent International Committee for Relief to Wounded Combatants. For 10 points, what is the modern name of this organization devoted to bringing relief to those that need it? Answer: International Red Cross 2. In 1934, he called for the government to guarantee each family a minimum annual income of not less than one-third the average family income, or $2,000-$2,500. He began his career as a traveling salesman and later completed a three-year law course in seven months at Tulane University. For 10 points, identify this person who was elected governor of Louisiana in 1928, who advocated a Share-Our-Wealth movement. Answer: Huey Long 3. In this novel the main character and her grandfather are forced to leave their home, and roam around the countryside among the beggars after the main character's grandfather loses everything he owns to an obsessive gambler named Daniel Quilp. All along their journey they are helped by many kind people such as Mr. Marton, Mrs. Jarley, and Kit Nubbles; however, even their kindness can not keep the two characters from fading into death. FTP name this novel by Charles Dickens whose main character is Little Nell. Answer: The Old Curiosity Shop 4. The sources of their beliefs range from Babylonian, Egyptian, Greek mythology, to the Cabala and Zoroastrianism. A syncretic religious system of numerous pre-Christian and early heretical Christian sects, they held that matter, created by the Demiurge, is evil, and that spirit is good. FTP, what is this 2nd century heresy which believed that salvation comes from secret knowledge granted to initiates? Answer: Gnosticism 5. It depends on the circuit geometry, being large for coils and small for extended circuits, and is greatly increased by the presence of ferromagnetic materials. It is calculated as the ratio of the voltage induced in an electric circuit to the rate of change of the current in it. For 10 points, identify this effect analagous to the amount of friction a coil has to an AC current. Answer: inductance 6. While an honorary consul to Asian countries, he wrote Residence on Earth. After was elected a senator, he devoted as much time to politics as he did to his literary career, until his communist ideas forced him into hiding. During his hiding, he wrote an epic poem about the American continent, Canto General. For 10 points, who is this author of Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair, the winner of the 1971 Nobel Prize in literature? Answer: Pablo Neruda 7. His music influenced the composers Jean Philippe Rameau, Johann Sebastian Bach, and George Frideric Handel. Born in Florence, he formed a highly disciplined band of string players, Le Petits Violons, whose playing became a model of French musical style. He also established the French overture and his best known operas include Cadmus and Hermione, Bellerophon, Amadis, Roland, and Armide. FTP who was this favorite musician of King Louis XIV of France who wrote the first significant French operas? Answer: Jean-Baptiste Lully 8. It is a special case of the gamma function, and for large values of input, it can be approximated using Stirling's formula. In combinatorics, it is used to find the number of perturbations of n different elements. For 10 points, identify this recursive function in mathematics denoted by an exclamation point! Answer: Factorial 9. While in London, he involved himself in lobbying against the conservative Puritan establishment, and issued his most famous pamphlet, The Bloody Tenent of Persecution. From land purchased from the narragansett Indians, he instituted a liberal political structure based on the compact theory of government, separation of church and state, democratic land acquisition procedures, and religious tolera his father abdicated in 1556, and a zeal for Catholicism ruled his private conduct and infused his foreign policy. For 10 points, who is this person, who as a holy crusade against the “heretic and bastard” Queen Elizabeth, sent the Spanish Armada? Answer: Philip II 14. In 1931, she and Harriet Creighton proved that when two cells of corn are crossed genetically, they also exchange chromosomal material. Later, she began to study what she called "jumping genes" or "transcription genes." FTP, who is this person that won a Nobel Prize in physiology and medicine "for her discovery that genes can move from one spot to another on the chromosomes of a plant and change the future generations of plants" in 1983? Answer: Barbara McClintock 15. It is based on the lives of two eminent French clerics, Bishop Jean Baptiste Lamy, and Father Joseph Machebeuf. It described the missionary efforts of the French bishop Jean Latour and his vicar, Father Joseph Valliant, to establish a diocese in the territory of New Mexico. FTP, identify this novel by Willa Cather. Answer: Death Comes for the Archbishop 16. He died in 1813 leading an attack that captured York, now known as Toronto, in the War of 1812. As a brigadier general, he was killed when a powder magazine exploded as he led the assault on the then capital of upper Canada. He led two expeditions from 1805 to 1807, one in the upper Mississippi region of the Louisiana Purchase and the second in what is now New Mexico and Colorado. For 10 points, name this person, who in 1806 he sighted but did not climb the mountain in the Colorado Rockies that would later be named for him. Answer: Zebulon Pike 17. The poet falls asleep in the Malvern Hills and dreams that in a wilderness he comes upon the tower of Truth, with the dungeon of Wrong in the deep valley below, and a "fair field full of folk" between them. Before going off on a quest in search of the men who are Do-Well, Do-Bet, and Do-Best, the dreamer meets Holy Church, Conscience, Liar, and Reason, and is aided in his seach for St. Truth by a Christ-like figure who promises to lead the way if they will help him in his fields. For 10 points, identify this allegorical moral and social staire written around 1370 by William Langland. Answer: Piers Plowman 18. He left his job as a successful Wall Street banker to become and administrative assistant to Franklin Roosevelt in 1940, moved up to Under Secretary of the Navy and in 1944 became Secretary of the Navy. For 10 points, identify this man who following the creation of the National Military Establishment in 1947 became the first Secretary of Defense. Answer: James Forrestal 19. Symbolized by the Greek letter eta, its constant of proportionality is measured in poise. It can be measured by a device invented by Ostwald and is created when a sheer stress is applied to a flowing liquid or gas. For 10 points, what is this physical property? Answer: Viscosity 20. When the priest Mattathias died, he appointed the mightiest of his sons to be the military commander and carry on the fight against the Syrians. He succeeded in purifying the temple at Jerusalem, but failed to gain political liberty for his people. FTP, name this Hasmonean leader whose family’s story is told in two books of the Old Testament Apocrypha. Answer: Judas Maccabeus 21. Her work has been criticized as involving invalid and narrowly stereotyped generalizations from the cultural ideals of a few social roles. Her major theoretical contribution was the formulation of the configurationalist approach to the study of entire culters, treating a culture in effect as if it were a unique, integrated whole. She did field work among the Serrano, Apache, Blackfoot, and Zuni Native Americans. For 10 points, who is this American cultural anthropologist and author of Race, Science, and Politics and The Chrysanthemum and the Sword? Answer: Ruth Fulton Benedict 1998 Western Invitational Tournament VI - The Buzz-erkeley Bowl Tossups by Berkeley E and Georgia Tech - Jason King and Jason Hong 1. Name the novel written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez for ten points each. 1. Taking place between the late 1870s and the early 1930s in a South American community, it is a tale of two lovers, artistic Florentino Ariza and wealthy Fermina Daza, who reunite after being a lifetime apart. Their spirit of enduring love contrasts with the decay around them. Answer: Love in the Time of Cholera 2. This epic tale is told by an old gypsy writer Melquiades, and focuses on seven generations of the Buendia family and their lives in the utopian city of Macondo. Answer: One Hundred Years of Solitude 3. This novel also features Colonel Aureliano Buendia from One Hundred Years of Solitude. It depicts the life of a dictator of a Caribbean nation that is slowly dying. Answer: The Autumn of the Patriarch 2. Identify these phyla of kingdom animalia, ten points each 1. By far the largest animal phylum, with over two million species identified and with estimates of up to ten million, they are segmented animals with paired, jointed appendages on some or all of their body segments Answer: Arthropoda 2. The second largest phylum of animals, they live in aquatic or moist environments, are soft-bodied, and are usually protected by a calcareous shell whichis secreted by a fold of the body wall called the mantle. Answer: Mollusca 3. These are worms with a well-developed coelom, and with the body divided up into a number of more or less similar segments. They include earthworms, leeches, and ragworms. Answer: Annelida 3. Name the painting given a description for ten points, or the painter for five. 1st 10 pts: This 1717 painting shows lovers leaving for the fabled isle of lovers, where they have made their vows to the shadowy Venus who is hidden in the undergrowth. 1st 5 pts: Jean Antoine Watteau Answer: Embarkation for Cytherea 2nd 10 pts: Painted six years after the event it depicts, it shows a dead man lying in a pool of blood in the foreground, with a Christ-like figure about to be shot point blank. 2nd 5 pts: Francisco Goya Answer: The Third of May 1808 3rd 10 pts: There is a trapeze act in the top-left. In the center is Suzon, a barmaid, and we can see the reflection of the barmaid and the “customer”, who is actually the viewer. Also visible are some of the painter’s friends, Mery Laurent and Jeanne Demarsy. 3rd 5 pts: Edouard Manet Answer: The Bar at the Folies-Bergere 4. Identify these early leaders of Athens, ten points each 1. He canceled debts, freed Athenians enslaved for debt, established the heliaea, the courts of justice, for which he is known as the founder of Athenian democracy Answer: Solon 2. He sought popular support by increasing the water supply, and gave to peasants land confiscated from exiled aristocrats. Taking advantage of the general instability, he became a one-man ruler. Answer: Pisistratus 3. To safeguard the city, he introduced the practice of ostracism. Name this leader that assumed leadership after Pisistratus Answer: Cleisthenes 5. Identify the following about South American geography 1. For five points, it is the highest mountain in the Western Hemisphere Answer: Mount Aconcagua 2. Connected to the Amazon by the Casiquiare, a natural canal, Ciudad Bolivar is the principal city of this Venezulan river. For five points, name it. Answer: Orinoco river 3. It is the part of South America south of the Rio Negro, or more usually the dry tableland between the Andes and Atlantic Answer: Patagonia 4. Sparsely populated, it is one of the hottest places in South America. Adjacent to parts of Bolivia and Argentina, it is a source of oil and tannin Answer: Gran Chaco 6. Answer the following for ten points each: 1. A strong unionist and supporter of the Compromise of 1850, this Texas Senator refused to vote for the Kansas-Nebraska Bill, and was removed as governor of Texas when he refused to support the Confederacy Answer: Sam Houston 2. A Senator from Kansas, he is perhaps the man that saved the presidency by refusing to vote to impeach Andrew Johnson Answer: Edmund Ross 3. Along with John Quincy Adams, Daniel Webster, Thomas Hart Benton, Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus Lamar, George Norris, and Robert Taft, the political careers of Edmund Ross and Sam Houston are highlighted in what Pulitzer Prize winning collection of essays? Answer: Profiles in Courage 7. Identify the following involved with the world of dance, ten points each 1. She created the first major American ballet, Rodeo, and brought such techniques to musicals, such as Oklahoma! Answer: Agnes De Mille 2. A Russian impresario and critic, with Michel Fokine he founded the Ballets Russes Answer: Sergei Diaghilev 3. A member of Diaghilev’s Ballets Russes, he moved to the US and helped found the School of American Ballet. He also was the artistic director and principal choreographer of the New York City ballet Answer: George Balanchine 8. Name the following characters from the Iliad, ten points each. 1. There were two characters with this name. The lesser one attempted to rape Cassandra. The greater one was the most famous hero after Achilles, but went mad after Achilles' armor was offered to Odysseus instead of himself. Answer: Ajax 2. While Achilles sat out the war, this "dear friend" took his place in battle by wearing his armor, but was eventually killed by Hector Answer: Patroclus 3. He exchanged bronze armor for gold with Glaucus. Name this Greek that killed Pandarus and even wounded Aphrodite and Ares Answer: Diomedes 9. Answer the following about set theory, fifteen points each. 1. Often abbreviated as ZF, this is now the most widely recognized axiomatization of set theory. Answer: Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory 2. Developed by Georg Cantor, this celebrated hypothesis states that there is no set with cardinality strictly greater than the cardinality of the set of rational numbers, but strictly less than the cardinality of real numbers. Whether one accepts this hypothesis or not is a matter of choice, as it has been shown that it is consistent with set theory whether it is taken as is or negated. Answer: Continuum hypothesis 10. Give the English house given rulers belonging to that house, ten each. 1. William III, Mary II, Anne Answer: Stuart 2. George V, Edward VIII, George VI Answer: Windsor 3. Edward II, Edward III, Richard I, Richard II Answer: Plantagenet 11. Name the female writer on a 10-5 basis given works. 1st 10 pts: A Night in Arcadie 1st 5 pts: Awakening Answer: Kate Chopin 2nd 10 pts: South Under Moon 2nd 5 pts: The Yearling Answer: Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings 3rd 10 pts: Delta Wedding 3rd 5 pts: The Optimist's Daughter Answer: Eudora Welty 12. Name these sects of Islam, ten points each. 1. Permitting no religious conversion or intermarriage, they consist of some 370,000 hill people in Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and Jordan. They believe that the sixth Fatimite caliph, or Hakim, is God Answer: Druse 2. Doctrinally, they were related to other Shiite sects, especially the Druses. The founder, Said ibn Husayn, founded a dynasty and claimed the caliphate on the basis of descent from the daughter of Muhammad the Prophet. Answer: Fatimids 3. A reform movement, the founder taught that all accretions to Islam after the third century of the Muslim Empire were spurious and must be expunged. A sect of the Sunnis, they advocate austerity in worship and living. Answer: Wahabis 13. Identify these Nobel laureates in Chemistry, 5-10-15. 1. For her discoveries of radium and polonium, she won the 1911 Nobel Prize. For five, name her. Answer: Marie Curie 2. He won two Nobel prizes, one for determining the structure of insulin and the other for contributing in determining the base sequences in nucleic acids. For ten, name him. Answer: Frederick Sanger 3. For his discovery of the laws of chemical dynamics and osmotic pressure in solutions, he won the first Nobel Prize in Chemistry. For fifteen, name him. Answer: Jacobus Van’t Hoff 14. 30-20-10-5 Name the writer. 1. This author's novels include Dragon Seed, Imperial Woman, The Living Reed, All Men are Brothers and Mandala. 2. This writer wrote five novels with an American setting under the pseudonym John Sedges. The novels Sons and A House Divided are the last two novels of her most famous trilogy. 3. The Spirit and The Flesh were biographies of the parents of this writer, who were American missionaries in China. This writer was also awarded the 1932 Pulitzer Prize. 4. Besides winning the 1938 Nobel Prize in Literature, she also wrote The Good Earth Answer: Pearl S. Buck 15. Identify the composers whose last name all start with the letter P for 10 pts each: 1. A student of Gliere and Rimsky-Korsakov, this composer wrote the Classical Symphony, as well as the opera Love for Three Oranges. Answer: Sergei Prokofiev 2. This English composer of the opera Dido and Aeneas was the first winner of the Wunderking Award that would later go to Mozart. Answer: Henry Purcell 3. Besides setting texts by Apollinaire and Eluard to music, composing operas based on plays by Cocteau, and writing Les Biches for the Ballets Russe, he is the only member of Le Six that fits this category. Answer: Francis Poulenc 16. Identify the following battles of the American Revolution for 10 pts each: 1. This battle, General Charles Lee suddenly ordered a retreat from the British and was saved by the intervention of George Washington and the Baron von Steuben. This was also the battle that first brought attention to Molly Pitcher. Answer: Battle of Monmouth 2. Many believe the reason why General Cornwallis lost this crucial 1781 battle was because of Sir Henry Clinton’s tardiness in bringing reinforcements from New York. Answer: Yorktown 3. In this turning point in the war, Horatio Gates prevented John Burgoyne from breaking through at Freeman’s Farm and Bemis Heights. Answer: Saratoga 17. Identify the following about Kindergartens, fifteen each. 1. He believed in play as a basic form of self-statement, and though much criticized, profoundly influenced later educators. For fifteen points, name this German educator and founder of the kindergarten system. Answer: Friedrich Froebel 2. An exponent of Transcendentalism, she wrote widely on educational theory and published early works of Nathaniel Hawthorne. For twenty points, name this US educator, author, and publisher, who introduced Froebel's methods of education to the US and founded the first US kindergarten. Answer: Elizabeth Peabody 18. 30-20-10 Identify this American novel. 1. Pope Leo XIII blessed this book, making it the first novel to be blessed by a pope. 2. It grew out of a discussion of the divinity of Christ the author had with Robert Ingersoll on a train and tells the story of a young, aristocratic Jew named Judah. 3. It was published in 1880 and written by Lew Wallace. Answer: Ben Hur: A Tale of the Christ 19. Identify these types of light scattering for 15 points each. 1. This visible scattering creates a visible cone of light and in collodial systems the brilliance of this cone is directly dependent on the magnitude of the difference in refractive index between the particle and the medium. Answer: Tyndall effect 2. Unlike Tyndall scattering, this phenomenon changes the frequency and randomly alters the phase of the light scattered. Because of its low intensity this scattered light was not discovered until 1928 after study was prompted by the discovery of the Compton effect. Today it is used in spectroscopy. Answer: Raman scattering 20. Answer the following about theories on behavior and the mind, ten points each. 1. First proposed by the American psychologist Edward Thorndike, it states that simpler mental or behavioral elements are combined or associated to form higher-order mental or behavioral processes, and these elements are defined as stimuli and responses. Although it fell into disuse, it has recently come back into vogue with the advent of parallel computing. Answer: Connectionism 2. First proposed by English scientist Sir Francis Galton, this term denotes any form of thinking or philosophy which emphasizes the view that behavior is genetically determined, whether it be individual genotype or species make-up. Answer: Geneticism or hereditarianism 3. Advanced by German experimental psychologist Gustav Fechner and Scottish philosopher Alexander Bain, it is a reductionist theory equating the mind to the activity of the brain and the nervous system. Used in reference to the mind-body problem, it postulates that humans are a single unified identity and that empiricism is the methodology that should be used when studying the mind. Answer: Monism 21. Answer the following about the Panama Canal, ten points each. 1. Planning for the Panama Canal began in 1850 when this treaty between the US and Great Britain ensured that neither country would seek individual rights over such a canal Answer: Clayton-Bulwer Treaty 2. After the British relinquished any claims and gave the US sole rights to construct and control the canal, the Hay-Herran treaty was ratified, which granted the US a ten-mile strip of land owned by this country Answer: Columbia 3. An army engineer, President Theodore Roosevelt appointed him to direct the building of the Panama canal. He later served as first governor of the Canal Zone. Answer: George Washington Goethals @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Back to Message Yahoo! 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