(Message inbox:28) Received: from dartvax.dartmouth.edu (dartvax.dartmouth.edu []) by pop-2.iastate.edu (8.7.3/8.7.3) with ESMTP id SAA07557 for ; Thu, 2 May 1996 18:55:11 -0500 (CDT) Received: from vixen.Dartmouth.EDU (vixen.dartmouth.edu []) by dartvax.dartmouth.edu ( with SMTP id TAA07636 for ; Thu, 2 May 1996 19:55:10 -0400 (EDT) Message-id: <17921393@vixen.Dartmouth.EDU> Date: 02 May 96 19:55:09 EDT From: College.Bowl@Dartmouth.EDU (College Bowl) Subject: NHAP : Williams Packet To: topquark@iastate.edu New Hampshire Anti-Primary : Williams Tossups 1. You probably don't recognize the name of Gerhard Kremer. He was a Flemish geographer who lived from 1512 to 1594, and he created a new kind of map in which the lines of latitude and longitude were perpendicular to each other. It does not bear his actual name, but the latinized form, with Kremer translated as "shopkeeper" or "merchant." FTP, name the map. _MERCATOR_ projection 2. A species moves into an area already populated by a very similar species. Over time, the two species evolve and gradually develop different traits, allowing them to coexist in the same habitat. This is, FTP, an example of what type of evolution? _CHARACTER DISPLACEMENT_ 3. Djibouti...the Congo...Belgium...Burundi...Chad...Switzerland...the Ivory Coast...Cameroon...Luxembourg...Rwanda.... FTP, all of these countries share what name for their major unit of currancy? _FRANC_ 4. He was the first pope to have a pastoral rather than a diplomatic or scholarly background since Pius X, and also the first pope to choose a double name, in commemoration of his two immediate predecessors. Born Albino Luciani in 1912, he died of a heart attack in 1978. FTP, name his man, pope for 34 days. _JOHN PAUL I_ 5. Known as the "Flower City," its more famous resisdents have included Susan B. Anthony, Fredrick Douglass, Shirley Jackson, George Eastman, and John Wallace. FTP name this upstate New York city, home of the Eastman Kodak corporation. _ROCHESTER_, New York 6. The ship of the Norwegian Daland is driven into a cove by a heavy storm. As the crew rest, a mysterious ship approaches them. The two captains meet, and the stranger gives Daland a crate of jewels for a night's stay in his home nearby. Upon learning that Daland has a young daughter, the stranger insists upon marrying her. They meet and love, but the stranger comes to believe she may be unloyal to him. To prove her loyalty and to release him from the curse he is under, she kills herself as he leaves. FTP, what opera by Richard Wagner is this a synopsis of? _THE FLYING DUTCHMAN_ 7. Parallel rays of light entering the telescope are reflected from a large concave mirror toward the focal point of that mirror, which is called the prime focus of the telescope. Before reaching the prime focus, the light rays are reflected again by a small convex mirror that brings them to a focus near a small hole in the centre of the main mirror. FTP, what is this kind of reflector? The _CASSEGRAIN_ reflector 8. Much as Chaucer did with the English Midlands dialect, Boccaccio and Dante played a major part in determining which region's version of Italian would become the standard, national language. FTP, name their region, also the home of Macchiavelli, the Medicis, DaVinci, and the cities of Pisa and Florence. _TUSCANY_ 9. Which golfer, recently engaged to Tawnya Dodd, stunned the golf world by coming back from an injury to win The Player's Championship. FTP name this golfer, nicknamed "Boom-Boom," who appeared in a Hootie and the Blowfish video. Fred _COUPLES_ 10. He made the first piece of American sculpture to be purchased for the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1901, a bronze group called "The Mares of Diomedes." Later in his career, he executed a massive bust of President Lincoln from a six gon block of marble in the Capiton Rotunda at Washington, D. C. In 1916 he made additions to the Statue of Liberty, inserting 250 panes of amber glass in the torch. FTP, name this sculptor of Mount Rushmore. John Gutzon de la Mothe _BORGLUM_ 11. It has a chamber, unused since 1880, where unruly members of parliament are kept. If you add a penny, it gains two fifths of a second. The name by which it is known actually only refers to one 13.5 ton bell. Its hour hand is 9 feet long, and its minute hand 15 feet long. FTP, name this postcard and tee-shirt staple. _BIG BEN_ 12. This case was used as a precedent in the Roe v. Wade decision eight years later. The Supreme Court established the doctrine of a "zone of privacy" guaranteed by the Constitution at this time. FTP identify this groundbreaking 1965 case, in which the court struck down a state law prohibiting all instruction in the acquisition or use of contraceptives. A: _Griswold_ v. Connecticut 13. This behavioral psychologist compared psychoanalysis to voodooism and theorized that patterns of behavior varied little from one series to the next. In 1920, his affair with a research assistant forced him out of academia. FTP name this psychologist who went on to apply the principle of conditioning to advertising John _WATSON_ 14. In 1932, he became prime minister and absolute ruler of his country. An admirer of Mussolini, he turned his country into a quasi-fascist "corporate state." FTP name this long-serving dictator who ruled Portugal until incapacitated by a stroke in 1968. Antonio de Olivera _SALAZAR_ 15. FQTP, what eight-letter word starting with "D" is the technical name for the range of a musical intrument or voice? _DIAPASON_ 16. This actor got his first part on stage purely by accident, with no previous training or preparation. He moved easily from his surprisingly successful career on the stage to films, with roles in The Wall, Brazil, The Cotton Club, and Who Framed Roger Rabbit? FTP, name this actor, nominated for an academy award for his work in Mona Lisa. Bob _HOSKINS_ 17. This Congressman's career finally reached fruition with the last Congressional elections. Widely known for his honesty, this Representative does his own taxes and returns campaign contributions because he runs unopposed. FTP, name this Republican from Houston, Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee. Bill _ARCHER_ 18. The names the same. One was King of France from 1316 to 1322 nicknamed "The Tall." A second was the grandson of Louis the XIV, a founder of the Bourbon dynasty in Spain. A third was a Macedonian king so strongly hated by the Romans for his actions in the Second Punic War that they started a war of revenge with him, which they won. For ten points, give the common name and number. _PHILIP V_ 19. This author is well known by historians both for his poor style and lack of talent and the racism which colors his writing. His books are viewed as the best examples of Radical Racism, which dominated the U.S. in the late 1800's. For ten points, name this author of The Clansman, which was adapted into the movie Birth of a Nation. Thomas _DIXON_ 20. This tall Croatian is finally acheiving the success predicted for him. After winning several tournaments, he defeated Pete Sampras in the Lipton semifinals before pulling out of the finals due to injuries. For ten points, name the current #6 tennis player in the world. Goran _IVANISEVIC_ 21. The March of the Dead...New Year's Eve...The Reckoning...The Lone Trail...The Spell of the Yukon...The Cremation of Sam McGee...The Shooting of Dan McGrew.... FTP, who wrote all of these poems? Robert W. _SERVICE_ 22. Linear independence is a crucial concept in higher math. One of the most effective ways to prove it involves solving a matrix composed of two functions and their derivatives. For ten points name this widely used method. The _WRONSKIAN_ 23. Isaac Asimov's stories and novels have been scheduled for Hollywood production, but we never seem to see any of his stuff on the silver screen. I, ROBOT almost made it several times, but finally died when the screenwriter, angered by a studio executive that hadn't even read his adaptation, insulted the exec., telling him he had the intellect of an artichoke. FTP, name his pissed writer, well known for his own science-fiction stories. Harlan _ELLISON_ 24. Under the Byzantine emperor Justinian I, the penalty for this crime was the death penalty. In Scotland, it was punishable by death until the18th century. In England, it is both a statutory and a common-law offense, and has been since the 17th century. The Mosaic law decreed that its punishment would be death by stoning, and St. Thomas Aquinas described it as a sin against faith. FTP, what is the sin or crime or impious irreverence? _BLASPHEMY_ New Hampshire Anti-Primary : Williams Boni BONI 1. (30/20/10) Name the author from his works. 30: Wired: The Life and Times of John Belushi 20: The Commanders 10: All the President's Men (with Carl Bernstein) Bob _WOODWARD_ 2. (30) This phylum includes hydroids, corals, sea anemones, and jellyfish. FTP name it. A: _CNIDARIA_ (accept _COELENTERATA_) For another 10 points, spell CNIDARIA. A: C-N-I-D-A-R-I-A Finally, FTP name the specialized feeding/stinging cells unique to Cnidarians _NEMATOCYSTS_ 3. (25) For 5 pts. each, name the members of the first triumvirate. M. Licineus _CRASSUS_, Julius _CAESAR_, _POMPEY_ (also accept Gnaeus _POMPEIUS_) Next, for 5 points, where did the three hold their pivitol 56 B.C.E. conference? _LUCA_ In 53 B.C.E. the triumvirate was torn apart following a Roman defeat. For 5 pts. name this battle, in which Crassus was killed. _CARRHAE_ 4. For ten points each, given the lines from the greatest modern poet, Wallace Stevens, supply the title. It was evening all afternoon. / It was snowing / And it was going to snow. _THIRTEEN WAYS OF LOOKING AT A BLACKBIRD_ Music if feeling, then, not sound; / And thus it is what I feel, / Here in this room, desiring you. _PETER QUINCE AT THE CLAVIER_ Slowly the ivy on the stones / Becomes the stones. Women become / The cities, children become the fields / And men in waves become the sea. / It is the chord that falsifies. _THE MAN WITH THE BLUE GUITAR_ 5. (30) Mystery authors are often defined by the memorable characters they create. With that in mind, name, for 10 points each, the author who created the following characters. Flynn, Fletch, Jack Faoni Gregory _McDONALD_ Steve Carella, Bert Kling, Meyer Meyer Ed _McBAIN_ Claude Erskine-Brown, Horace Rumpole, She Who Must Be Obeyed John _MORTIMER_ 6. (30) Answer these questions about mountains in the United States for the stated number of points. First, for 5 points, name the highest mountain in the U.S. Mt. _MCKINLEY_ Next, for 10, name the highest U.S. mountain east of the Mississippi River. Mt. _MITCHELL_ Finally, for 15 points, name the highest peak in the 48 contiguous states. Mt. _WHITNEY_ 7. (30) Answer these questions about Ambrose Bierce for the stated number of points. For 5 points, did Bierce review for the Hearst papers or for the Pulizers? _HEARST_ For 10 points, what was his middle name? _GWINNET_ For fifteen points, in which of these stories would we see a man killed by his own mechanical chess player? Moxon's Master, The Damned Thing, or Can Such Things Be? _MOXON'S MASTER_ 8. (30) How well do you know your English monarchs? You'll get 5 points for each of the four most common names of English kings you can come up with, and a ten point bonus for getting them in order. _EDWARD_ and _HENRY_ (tied with 8 each), _GEORGE_ (6), and _WILLIAM_ (4) 9. (30) Is your head in the clouds? Or, better yet, are the clouds in your head? You will hear three lists with three types of clouds in each list. Two of the types in each list will be real, and one made-up. Pick out the pretender FTP each and a possible total of 30. Altostratus, altocumulus, altocirrus _ALTOCIRRUS_ Cumulonimbus, nimbostratus, stratonimbus _STRATONIMBUS_ Cumulocirrus, stratocumulus, cirrostratus _CUMULOCIRRUS_ 10. (30) It's election year again, and states such as California and Florida with big chunks of electoral votes will be fiercely contested. Some states, though, will be more or less irrelevant. For 5 points each and a possible total of 30, name any 6 of the 7 states with the minimum of 3 electoral votes. _ALASKA_, _DELAWARE_, _WYOMING_, _VERMONT_, _NORTH DAKOTA_, _SOUTH DAKOTA_, _MONTANA_ 11. (30) I'll give you a famous quote from a piece of beat literature, you name the author for the stated number of points. For 5 points- "I first met Dean not long after my wife and I split up." _ON THE ROAD_ (Jack Kerouac) For 10 points- "I'm with you in Rockland" _HOWL_ (Allen Ginsberg) For 15 points- "like when Mrs. Kindhead comes to collect for the Community Chest/ Grab her and tell her There are unfavorable omens in the sky!" _MARRIAGE_ (Gregory Corso) 12. (30) For ten points each, answer the following questions about the Scipios. Which Scipio defeated Hannibal at the Battle of Zama in 204? Scipio _AFRICANUS_ Which Scipio created the Scipionic Circle and led the Romans in the destruction of Carthage? Scipio _AEMILIANUS_ Which Scipio served as the main opposition to the destruction of Carthage in the Senate? Scipio _NASICA_ 13. (30) I'm sure you've heard about the recent conflict between China and Taiwan. As a result, you should be able to answer these questions about it. For ten points, the conflict occurred as Taiwan held its first general elections, who was the winner and current leader of Taiwan? Lee _TENG-HUI_ The Chinese premier was a strong instigator of China's actions, for ten points, name him. Li _PENG_ Finally, what nation has come out strongly supporting a place in the UN for Taiwan, including a 70% approval of the idea in a recent poll. _CANADA_ 14. (30/20/10) Identify the artist given the work titles. 30. Summertime and Full Fathom Five 20. White Light and Scent 10. Lavender Mist and Number Ten, 1949 Jackson _POLLOCK_ 15. (30) Name the following players in the budget standoff between congress and president Clinton, ten points each and a possible total of 30: The chairman of the House Budget committee John _KASICH_ The chairman of the Senate Finance Committee Pete _DOMENICI_ The Secretary of the Treasury who has raided the Social Security Trust Fund in order to avoid a government shutdown Robert _RUBIN_ 16. (25) William Holden was one of the great screen actors of all time, and yet he is sadly forgotten now, only fifteen years since he passed away. To remind you of his greatnes, identify these William Holden films for five points each. In this film he plays a POW in an American camp, trying to convince his fellow prisoners he is not a Nazi spy. Peter Graves and Otto Preminger co-star in this Bily Wilder film. In another Wilder film, he plays a Hollywood screenwriter turned gigolo. He narrates this film from beyond the grave, having been killed by his employer/lover, a silent film star trying to make a come back. In this movie, opposite Audrey Hepburn and Humphry Bogart, he plays a carefree lover who finds maturity in the end, but not before sitting on some broken glass. He plays an American in a British POW camp, captured by the Japanese. After escaping, he leads a commando team back to the camp, leading to an existential, pyrotechnic massacre. In one of his last roles, he plays a member of a group of outlaws, fighting a losing battle with the progress of civilization. He plays with Ernest Borgnine and was directed by Sam Peckinpah. _STALAG 17_, _SUNSET BOULEVARD_, _SABRINA_, _THE BRIDGE ON THE RIVER KWAI_, _THE WILD BUNCH_ 17. (30) The Heritage Foundation recently ranked 142 countries and territories on the basis of economic freedom. Answer the questions about the list for the stated number of points. For 5 points, who came in first? _HONG KONG_ For 5 points each, which three nations tied for last? _CUBA_, _LAOS_, and _NORTH KOREA_ For 10 points if you get it within 2, 5 points if within 4, what was the rank of the United States? _7th_ (10 pts for 5-9, 5 for 3-11) 18. (30) Given a description, identify the computer game for ten points each: You play the part of the freelance police in their search for Bruno the Bigfoot and Trixie the Giraffe Girl from Scranton in this game, which features gratuitous violence, a psychotic rabbit, an amusement park ride called "The Cone Of Tragedy" _SAM AND MAX HIT THE ROAD_ An asteroid the size of a small moon is on a collision course with earth, and only NASA veteran Boston Low has the expertise to stop it in this game, a collaborative effort between Steven Spielberg and George Lucas. The _DIG_ You are one of the last survivors aboard Citadel Station, TriOptimum's corporate space station, after an AI named Shodan goes berserk and modifies the maintenance and security robots into killing machines in this Doom predecessor from Origin. _SYSTEM SHOCK_ 19. (30) We all know them by their best, but not necessarily by their first. Given the title of their first full length play, give the name of the modern dramatist FTP. La Turista Sam _SHEPARD_ The Maids Jean _GENET_ The Birthday Party Harold _PINTER_ 20. (30) Most higher organisms have evolved respiratory pigments to carry oxygen through the bloodstream. In all vertebrates and some invertebrates, this is hemoglobin. FTP each, name these other pigments. This blue pigment is found in some crustaceans, such as crabs, and some mollusks. It contains copper instead of iron. _HEMOCYANIN_ Some annelids have this iron-containing green pigment. _CHLOROCRUORIN_ Other animals, including some polychaete and sipunculid worms, the brachiopod Lingula, and some priapulids, have this iron-containing violet pigment. _HEMERYTHRIN_ 21. (30) Answer these questions on the glorious art of satire for ten points each. What Roman satirist invented the poetical satire, influencing Horace, Persius and Jevenal? It is from his works that we derive the word 'satire.' Gaius _LUCILIUS_ The success of his "First Satire Of the Second Book Of Horace, Imitated" (1733) led to the publication (1734-38) of 10 more of these paraphrases of Horatian themes adapted to the contemporary social and political scene. Alexander _POPE_ This satirical novel follows the hero, Chichikov, on a get rich quick scheme, buying recently deceased serfs from landowners who no longer want to pay taxes on them, for him to pawn later. The author burned all but a few chapters of his sequel after finding religion. _DEAD SOULS_, by Nikolai Gogol 22. (30) Name the composer from some of his works, for five points each. Verklarte Nacht (Transfigured Night), Survivor of Warsaw, Pelleas et Melisande Arnold _SCHOENBERG_ Symphony of Sorrowful Songs, Already it is Dusk, Lark Music Henryk _GORECKI_ Nights of Summer, Romeo and Juliet, Symphony Funereal and Triumphant, Fantastic Symphony Hector _BERLIOZ_ Lyric Suite, Violin Concerto 'To the Memory of an Angel', Wozzeck, Lulu Alban _BERG_ Daphnis et Chloe, La Valse, Piano Concerto 'for the Left Hand', The Tomb of Couperin Maurice _RAVEL_ The Year 1905, The Year 1917, the 'Leningrad' Symphony, Chernyushki Dmitri _SHOSTAKOVICH_ 23. (30) From the line or lines in the U2 song, give the song. "See the face of fear / running scared in the valley below" A: _BULLET THE BLUE SKY_ "Early morning, April 4 / shot rings out in the Memphis sky." A: _PRIDE_ (In The Name Of Love) "There's a black car parked by the side of the road, don't go to the door" A: _TOMORROW_ 'You're a honey child to a swarm of bees/ gonna blow right through you like a breeze' A: " _EVEN BETTER THAN THE REAL THING_" "Miami, New Orleans, London, Belfast, and Berlin" A: "_STAY_ (Faraway, So Close)" 24. (25) Given the Elfquest character, give his or her soulname. Cutter _TAM_ Skywise _FAHR_ Dewshine _LREE_ Redlance _ULM_ Nightfall _TWEN_ 25. (30) Order these books of the Old Testament from least to most number of chapters for five points each. Ecclesiastes, Joel, Ruth, Nehemiah, Leviticus, Ezekiel _EZEKIEL_ (48), _LEVITICUS_ (27), _NEHEMIAH_ (13), _ECCLESIASTES (12), _RUTH_ (4), _JOEL_ (3) ------------------------------------------------------------ Kian Bergstrom - 98ksb@williams.edu I could not live if this were not illusion. It is a world, perhaps; but there's another. -from "The Labyrinth," by Edwin Muir In attempting to name everything that enters my field of vision, I am in essence defending myself against the hostile, unintelligable world that presses in on me from all sides. -from _The Magic of Words_, by Andrey Bely In memory of Krzysztof Kieslowski, 6.27.1941-3.13.1996