Harvard 3 BONUS 1. 30-20-10. Name the artist from black and white copies of works. 30: [Show man holding woman] 20: [Show mountain, Mont Sainte-Victoire] 10: [Show oranges and apples still life] A: Paul _CEZANNE_ ["say-ZAN"] BONUS 2. 30-20-10 Name the sports figure. 30) He once said "If I had lead anything like a normal life, I would have been a historian." His recent book, "Black Profiles in Courage," has been published by William Morrow. 20) During his career, he was on 3 college championship teams and 6 NBA championship teams. 10) He has scored more points in NBA carrer than any other man. A: Kareem _ABDUL-JABBAR_ or Lew _ALCINDOR_ BONUS 3. Name the poet from the lines FTP each. 1. "Death be not proud, though some have called thee / Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so." A: John _DONNE_ 2. "He'd said that everything possessed / The power to transform itself, or else, / And what meant more, to be transformed." A: Wallace _STEVENS_ 3. "I love thee to the depth and breadth and height / My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight / For the ends of Being and ideal Grace." A: _E_lizabeth Barrett _BROWNING_ BONUS 4. For five points each, name the senator who was caned in 1856 after a fiery anti-slavery speech and his home state. A: Charles _SUMNER_ and _MASSACHUSETTS_ For five points each, name the representative who was insulted by Sumner's insulting references to a relative and his home state. A: Preston _BROOKS_ and _S_OUTH CAROLINA_ For ten points, name the relative. A: Sen. Andrew _BUTLER_ BONUS 5. 30-20-10, name the guitarist from excerpts of performances. For 30: [=== PLAY TAPE ===] For 20: [=== PLAY TAPE ===] For 10: [=== PLAY TAPE ===] Answer: Eric _CLAPTON_ [Excerpts are from "In the Presence of the Lord", "Layla", and "Layla" again.] [To audio operator: If the team gets it off the 30 or 20, remember to play the other clue or clues now.] BONUS 6. FTP each, name these freshmen Republicans in the U.S. house under DNC assault. 1. This Idaho Congresswoman's fierce defense of private property rights against federal environmental regulation and "endangered salmon bake" has her in hot water. A: Helen _CHENOWETH_ 2. Despite a messy divorce, this Nebraska representative is a darling of the Christian Coalition; maybe the name helps. A: Jon _CHRISTENSEN_ 3. He's no relation to any auto maker, but given the number of dollars labor unions and the DNC are spending, this Michigan representative could use the money. A: Dick _CHRYSLER_ BONUS 7. For 10 points each, find the integral of each of the following functions. Yes, we know that you can addd a constant to the integral, so don't bother telling us that! 1) e^x [e to the x] A: e^x (_e to the x_ or _the same_) 2) sin 2x [sine of 2 x] A: _-1/2 cos 2x_ 3) 1/x [1 over x] A: ln x (_natural log of x_ or _log to the base e of x_) BONUS 8. Answer these questions about men involved in Cuban coups, FTP each. 1. This leader, part of the Sergeants' Rebellion, gained election to the presidency in 1940, was defeated in 1944, left peacefully, then seized power in a coup in 1952, maintaining power until New Year's Day, 1959. A: Fulgencio _BATISTA_ Zaldivar 2. This man, also a part of the Sergeants' Rebellion, ran in presidential elections twice against Batista, losing in 1940 and winning in 1944. Name this leader of the Autentico party, whose campaigns against corruption were only partially successful. A: Ramon _GRAU_ San Martin 3. When Fidel Castro gathered his victorious revolutionaries together in 1959, he asked, "Who here is an economist?" This newly-minted Cuban citizen thought Castro had asked "Who here is a communist?", so he raised his hand -- and was promptly appointed president of the Bank of Cuba. Answer: Ernesto "Che" _GUEVARA_ BONUS 9. James Madison's term in Federalist #10 for threats to minority rights and Lani Guinier's most recent book share a title. FTP, what is this four-word phrase? A: _TYRANNY OF THE MAJORITY_ Madison believed that one of the threats of democracy was that groups bent on advancing their own interests at the expense of minorities would form. FTP, what was the seven-letter word Madison applied to such groups? A: _FACTION_ This author of _Disquisition on Government_ argued that minorities ought to be given a veto over certain issues that concern them even if the majority has a permanent and different view. He used this argument to support the continuation of slavery, a point Guinier might dispute. FTP, name this former vice president. A: John C. _CALHOUN_ BONUS 10. Identify the Rogers and Hammerstein musical that contains each of the following songs, 10 points each: 1. Out of my dreams; Poor Jud is dead A: _OKLAHOMA_ 2. It's a grand night for singing; It might as well be spring A: _STATE FAIR_ 3. 101 pounds of fun; This nearly was mine A: _SOUTH PACIFIC_ BONUS 11. The US controlled these islands between 1945 and 1972. In 1972, they were returned to Japan, which has claimed them since 1895. The US has used one islet in the chain for target practice as recently as 1979. The Japanese claim on them is now being contested by 2 other nations. First, for 5 points each, name these other two claimants. A: The Peoples Rebublic of _CHINA_ or the _PRC_ or _Red China_ and _TAIWAN_ or _Nationalist China_ One name is used in Japan for these islands while a different name is used in China. For 10 points each, give these two names. A: _Senkaku_ Islands (Japanese) and _Diayu_ Islands_ (China & Taiwan) BONUS 12. To test for antibodies, including HIV antibodies, scientists often use a technique called an ELIZA. For 30 points, ten points per part, give the words that form the acronym ELIZA. A: _ENZYME-LINKED_ _IMMUNOSORBANT_ _ASSAY_ BONUS 13. Answer these questions about Euclidian geometry FTP each. 1. Euclid states that all BLANK are congruent to establish that space is uniform. A: _RIGHT ANGLES_ 2. Euclid states that given a line and a point outside the line, there is only one line that is BLANK to the line that passes through the point. A: _PARALLEL_ 3. FTP, what is the name of his 13-volume treatise that contains the axioms, proofs, and other contributions to proportion, number theory, and plane and solid geometry? A: _ELEMENTS_ BONUS 14. 30-20-10. Name the novel given its characters. 30. Hippolyte and Princess Catiche 20. Anatole Kuragin 10. Nicholas Rostov A: _WAR AND PEACE_ BONUS 15. T.S. Eliot's monumental work The Waste Land is divided into five separate poems, each dealing with separate themes but intertwined into the whole. For five points each, 30 points if in order, give the titles of these five sub-poems in the Waste Land. A: _THE BURIAL OF THE DEAD_ _A GAME OF CHESS_ _THE FIRE SERMON_ _DEATH BY WATER_ _WHAT THE THUNDER SAID_ BONUS 16. 30-20-10: Identify the American poet from the works. 30) My November Guest (1913), To Earthward (1923) 20) Once by the Pacific (1928), The Death of the Hired Man (1914) 10) The Gift Outright (1942), Fire and Ice (1923) A: ROBERT _FROST_ BONUS 17. For the stated number of points name the capital of the following Pacific island nations. 5. Fiji. A: _SUVA_ 10. Vanuatu. A: Port _Villa_ 15. Tonga. A: _NUKU' ALOFA_ BONUS 18. 30-20-10. Name the author from the works. 30: La Casa Verde (1966) (The Green House) 20: La Ciudad y los perros (1963) (The city and the dogs) 10: Lituma en los Andes (1993), winner of the 1994 Cervantes Prize. (trans. Death in the Andes) A: Mario _VARGAS LLOSA_ BONUS 19. Have you been playing shareware games? If so, you'll be rewarded on this question. If you can name the game from the Happy Puppy top ten downloads from a quote, you get ten points; if you need the manufacturer, you get five. 1. 10: "Damn, those alien bastards are going to pay for messing up my ride." 5: 3D Realms A: _DUKE NUKEM 3-D_ 2. 10: "Bigfoot is doing it in the air!" 5: Microsoft A: _MONSTER TRUCK MADNESS_ 3. 10: "Player becomes bored with life," or, "Player is eviscerated by a fiend." 5: id Software A: _QUAKE_ BONUS 20. For ten points each, name the three parts of the small intestine starting with the one most distal from the pyloric sphincter. (Moderator: Answer must be in the proper position for credit) A: _ILEUM_, _JEJUNUM_, _DUODENUM_