Boston Summer Open Round 12 Questions by Matt Bruce Tossups 1. The author of this novel wrote, "My main object in this story was, to exhibit in a variety of aspects the commonest of all the vices: to show how Selfishness propagates itself; and to what a grim giant it may grow, from small beginnings." The epitome of selfishness and hypocrisy is Pecksniff, whose character flaws are meant to reflect those of 19th century America, at least as seen by an Englishman. Thomas Pinch and Tigg Montague also appear in--for 10 points--what novel by Charles Dickens? answer: _Martin Chuzzlewit_ 2. His last words, "do not disturb my diagrams," were spoken to the Roman soldier who killed him during the siege of Syracuse. He may have invented a large lens to set Rome's wooden ships on fire but he thought his greatest feat was a proof that a sphere has two-thirds the volume of a circumscribed cylinder. For 10 points--name the mathematician whose principle gives the weight of a body immersed in liquid. answer: _Archimedes_ of Syracuse 3. Patrick, Quentin and Libby are growing up in Missouri, raised by a single mother who got divorced six months before the pilot. The theme song is an Aretha Franklin cover of "Lady Madonna." One of three comedienne [com-ee-dee-EN] sitcoms that ABC once aired back-to-back, this show followed ~Roseanne~ and ~Ellen~ on Wednesday night. For 10 points--name this blue-color program starring Brett Butler. answer: _Grace Under Fire_ 4. Persistent, unwelcome mental images. Preoccupation with violence and fear. Habitual counting, checking and double-checking, along with insistence on a set routine, such as a favorite meal or pastime. Ritual avoidance of bad things, such as cracks in the sidewalk, and certain repeated activities, such as washing one's hands. These are all symptoms of--for 10 points--what anxiety disorder? answer: _OCD_ or _obsessive-compulsive_ disorder (prompt on partial answer) 5. Oregon became the 33rd U.S. state. Kansas voted to ratify the Wyandotte constitution. Edwin Drake struck oil near Titusville and prospectors found the Comstock Lode. The song ~Dixie~ was first sung in public and John Brown seized the federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry. For 10 points--in what year did all these events take place? answer: _1859_ 6. In the Hans Baldung Grien woodcut, the title character lies on the ground, stomach-down, leaning against a tree at the right edge and looking back up at the sky. In the Andrea Mantegna painting, he is in repose, head on a pillow, eyes shut, feet sticking out at the bottom with clearly visible stigmata. For 10 points--what two-word phrase titles both these works about the passing of a religious leader? answer: _Dead Christ_ 7. The name is the same. One is the seat of Jackson County and self-proclaimed "Hugging Capital of the World," a city of about 55,000 people located in the Rogue Value, 80 miles southwest of Crater Lake. You can get from here to the other in about an hour, by catching a bus at Sullivan Square. For 10 points--what name is shared by a city in southern Oregon and the Gateway to Somerville? answer: _Medford_ 8. "What was he, when we came to sift His meaning and to note the drift Of incommunicable [In-co-MU-ni-Ca-ble] ways That make us ponder while we praise? Why was it that his charm revealed Somehow the surface of a shield? What was it that we never caught? What was he, and what was he not?" He befriended an unpopular woman, reached out to an autistic boy and settled a quarrel, all to the amazement of the citizens of Tilbury town. For 10 points--name this title character of an E.A. Robinson poem. answer: _Flammonde_ 9. Most plant cells contain at least one of these organelles, which can occupy as much as 80% of a mature plant cell. They store water, ions, certain waste products and nitrogen compounds. For 10 points--name the type of organelle that creates turgor pressure when it expands. answer: _vacuole_ 10. He began as a local God of Busiris [BYU-si-rus], but by the Middle Kingdom he had been established as one of the chief gods of Egypt. Often represented as a mummy sprouting corn, his reputed burial place at Abydos became the most sacred center of Egyptian pilgrammage. His son Horus took revenge upon Seth, who had torn this God's corpse into 14 pieces. For 10 points--name this husband of Isis and ruler of the dead. answer: _Osirus_ 11. The top five scorers in this school's basketball history are Tom Kleinschmidt, Dave Corzin, David Booth, Mark Aguierre and George Mikan. Freshmen Bobby Simmons, Lance Williams and Quentin Richardson led this team to the 1999 NIT. The trio didn't have to travel far from Chicago public schools to the Rosemont Horizon. For 10 points--name this team now coached by Pat Kennedy but once coached by Joey Meyer. answer: _DePaul_ _Blue Demons_ 12. His only request to newspaper reporters was that they not publish anything about his personal life. Their failure to comply led to his estrangement from his parents, who had not previously known that he was gay. He died alone just a few years after he had saved the life of the president. For 10 points--name the man who deflected the aim of Sarah Jane Moore, preventing any harm to Gerald Ford. answer: Oliver _Sipple_ 13. At the start of this play, a young man offers to carry water for a woman. As they flirt, the woman, Sidi, soon tells him that she wants a bride price. He ends up in a love triangle with her and the village chief, Baroka, whose nickname supplies part of the title. Throughout the play, Lakunle uses his modern ways to justify not spending money. For 10 points--name this conjunctively-titled work by Wole Soyinka. answer: The _Lion and the Jewel_ 14. A North Carolina one gave its donor list to the Nicaraguan Contras in 1984. A Colorado one traded contributor lists with the National Rifle Association. The Democratic Party was the preferred crony of Boston's WGBH. For 10 points, name this type of entity whose funding is in jeopardy thanks to these ethical lapse. answer: _public television_ station 15. Hermite applied elliptic functions to solve the general case in an 1858 paper. In 1799, Ruffini's proof of the problem's insolubility fell short, but in 1824 Abel correctly proved that the solution could not be found by the extraction of roots. For 10 points--give the general term for these equations of degree five. answer: _quintic_ equation 16. ~More Than Ever~. ~Only Time Will Tell~. ~Can't Live Without Your Love And Affection~. ~After the Rain~. These songs all came to us from a duo whose songs may not measure up to their pedigree. For 10 points--give the surname of the blonde twins Matthew and Gunnar. answer: _Nelson_ 17. According to Book One, "Everything is good as it leaves the hands of the author of things, everything degenerates in the hands of man. He forces one soil to nourish the products of another, one tree to bear the fruits of another. He mixes and confuses the climates, the elements, the seasons. He mutilates his dog, his horse, his slave." Fathers often make such complaints to their sons, but in this case the son is fictional. For 10 points--name this treatise by Rousseau. answer: _Emile_ 18. This physical property is zero for a solenoid, which is a long ring with wires wrapped around it. Therefore, when current is passed through the solenoid, even though a magnetic field is created parallel to the plane of the ring, the magnetic field inside the ring stays inside the ring. For 10 points--identify this property associated with parting? answer: _divergence_ 19. He once sent a marriage proposal to Queen Elizabeth. He and his son later joined forces to find wives, though his critique of his daughter-in-law's appearance led to the fight in which he killed his son. Another son died while he was on a pilgrimage, adding to the rage of the man who, despite his piety, reputedly hurled small animals against the walls of Moscow. For 10 points--name this deranged 16th century czar. answer: _Ivan_ the _Terrible_ (or _Ivan IV_) [George Bernard Shaw noted that this union would have turned him into "Ivan the Terrified."] 20. "You are all excellent players. Watch my stick as often as you can, count your rests carefully, and everything will be all right." This composer gave those words to his orchestra before they performed his overture from an opera that conductor Francois Habeneck had butchered five years earlier. The opera was ~Benvenuto Cellini~, which gave rise to the "Roman Carnival Overture." For 10 points--name this composer, whose other works include ~Harold In Italy~ and ~Symphony Fantastique~. answer: Hector _Berlioz_ (accept "Roman Carnival Overture" early) 21. Its name translates to "grizzly bear" and its highest point, at 13,000 feet, is Mount Lyell. It also contains the highest waterfall in North America. For 10 points--name this national park, the supposed origin of an arch-nemesis of Bugs Bunny. answer: _Yosemite_ Boston Summer Open Round 12 Questions by Matt Bruce Bonuses 1. Name these key figures in the Teapot Dome scandal for 10 points each: A. This Montana senator led the subcommittee that spent 18 months investigating. answer: Thomas J. _Walsh_ B. Walsh's findings led to the conviction of this owner of Mammoth Oil. answer: Harry F. _Sinclair_ C. This Secretary of the Interior, also convicted, would become the first U.S. cabinet member to go to jail. answer: Albert B. _Fall_ 2. Name these Nathaniel Hawthorne short stories for 10 points each: A. The title character leaves his wife, Faith, before meeting with the devil. answer: _Young Goodman Brown_ B. Reuben Bourne feels so much guilt about not taking proper care of the dead title character that even a loving family can't make him happy. answer: _Roger Malvin's Burial_ C. A young man comes to America, mentioning his relative's name to everyone until the title character appears, tarred and feathered. answer: _My Kinsman, Major Molineux_ 3. Where should U.S. composers go to seek their inspiration? A. For 5 points--name the European composer who, while visiting the U.S. in 1893, suggested that Americans follow his example and borrow from African-American plantation themes. answer: Antonin _Dvorak_ B. One composer responded to Dvorak, writing to the ~Boston Herald~ that, "We of the North should be far more likely to be influenced by old English, Scotch or Irish songs, inherited with our literature from our ancestors." For 15 points--name this musician, who married a 40-year-old doctor when she was 18. answer: Amy Cheney _Beach_ C. Beach put her money where her mouth was with her Symponhy in E Minor, Opus 32. For 10 points--give its more common subtitle. answer: _Gaelic_ Symphony 4. Last month, ~The New Yorker~ suggested that Bill Clinton should run from the Senate from Arkansas in 2002. For 10 points each: A. What Republican currently holds that Senate seat? answer: Tim _Hutchinson_ B. Hillary, of course, seems to have her heart set on the seat that Daniel Patrick Moynihan will vacate in 2000. But Illinois Democrats tried and failed to convince her to wait four years and run against what Republican successor to Carol Moseley Braun? answer: Peter _Fitzgerald_ C. Meanwhile, Carol Moseley Braun has moved on with her life, securing the ambassadorship to what Southern Hemisphere country? answer: _New Zealand_ 5. Name these parts of a tapeworm for 10 points each: A. This six-letter word describes the segment that attaches a tapeworm to its host. answer: _scolex_ B. This eight-letter word describes the surface of a flatworm, which is covered by tiny microvilli. answer: _tegument_ C. This 10-letter word describes the segment of a tapeworm; each segment is its own reproductive unit. answer: _proglottid_ 6. Identify the following about the history of Celtic Christianity: A. For 5 points--Celtic Christianity arose when this missionary began converting the Irish around 432 A.D. answer: _Patricius_ or Saint _Patrick_ B. For 15 points--the end of Celtic Christianity in England came at this gathering of churchmen, 40 miles northeast of York, called by Oswiu of Northumberland. answer: The Synod of _Whitby_ C. For 10 points--in what century did the Synod of Whitby take place? answer: _Seventh_ (or _600s_) (664) 7. Name these members of the 1999 U.S. women's soccer team for the stated number of points: A. For 5 points--this forward, number 9, became the youngest person ever to play for a U.S. national soccer team in 1987. answer: Mia _Hamm_ B. For 10 points--this goalie, number 1, describes herself as "a fly in the milk." answer: Briana _Scurry_ C. For 15 points--this midfielder, number 11, co-captains with Carla Overbeck. She has 137 career caps. answer: Julie _Foudy_ 8. The Bible contains reference to at least three same-sex relationships that some people think have sexual overtones. For 5 points per person, name these couples. A. Often read during lesbian union services, the verse, "Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God," refers to these two women. answer: _Ruth_ and _Naomi_ B. The books of First and Second Samuel describe the close friendship between these two men. One was the son of an Israeli king but his friend actually became successor to the throne. answer: _David_ and _Jonathan_ C. The chief official in the court of Nebuchadnezzar showed "mercy and favor" to the prophet who got thrown into the lion's den. They probably didn't get physical because they were both eunuchs. answer: _Daniel_ and _Ashpenaz_ 9. "Art Garfunkel has been a voracious reader his entire life. Since 1968 Mr. Garfunkel has been keeping a list of every book he has read." For 10 points each--given a book from that list, as it appears on the web site, name its author. A. ~The Art of Loving~. answer: Erich _Fromm_ B. ~Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance~. answer: Robert _Persig_ C. ~Postcards From the Edge~. answer: Carrie _Fisher_ 10. Identify the following features of Afghanistan, for 10 points each: A. While the Helmand is longer, this river is Afghanistan's largest. answer: _Amu Darya_ B. This panhandle connects Afghanistan to China. answer: The _Wakhan Corridor_ C. This is Afghanistan's most populous city. answer: _Kabul_ 11. Name these moons of Saturn for 10 points each: A. Nobody knows the true diameter of this largest moon of Saturn because of the orange haze surrounding it. answer: _Titan_ B. The outermost of Saturn's moons, this small, spherical dark gray object may once have been an asteroid. It has a retrograde orbit. answer: _Phoebe_ C. Either of the two satellites that nearly share an orbit. When the inner, faster one catches up, gravitation causes them to switch. answer: _Janus_ or _Epimethus_ 12. Alex Karras is much more than the adopted father of TV's Webster. For 10 points each: A. Name the football team for whom he played defensive tackle from 1965 to 1971. answer: _Detroit_ _Lions_ B. Karras played Sheriff Wallace in this 1981 Bob Clark movie. answer: _Porky's_ C. In this 1974 comedy, Karras uttered such lines as "Mongo only pawn in game of life" and "Naw, Mongo straight." answer: _Blazing Saddles_ 13. "I have not yet begun to fight." Those words were spoken by a naval officer who had just lashed his ship to that of a British foe. A. For 5 points--name this military hero. answer: John Paul _Jones_ B. For 10 points--name the ship Jones commanded in this battle. answer: _Bonhomme Richard_ C. For 15 points--name the British ship that he engaged. answer: _Serapis_ 14. Identify these types of jurisdiction for 10 points each: A. This nine-letter word refers to a type of jurisdiction in which a court may review and revise a lower court's decision. answer: _appellate_ jurisdiction B. This nine-letter word refers to the jurisdiction of a federal court to settle a case involving parties from different states. answer: _diversity_ jurisdiction C. This eight-letter word refers to jurisdiction in which a court has the power to hear a case before any other court may do so. answer: _original_ jurisdiction 15. Answer the following about the poem "A Song For St. Cecilia's Day" for 10 points each: A. What 17th century Englishman wrote it? answer: John _Dryden_ B. In what month does one celebrate St. Cecilia's Day? answer: _November_ C. According to the poem, what cosmic force will mark both the beginning and the end of the universe? answer: _music_ (accept "harmony") 16. In 371 B.C., the Spartan army suffered a humiliating defeat on the road from Plataea to Thespiae. For 10 points each: A. Name the battle. answer: _Leuctra_ B. This man led the forces of Thebes, who won thanks to their wedge formation. answer: _Epaminondas_ C. This historian, an admirer of the Spartans, refused to mention Epaminondas by name when he wrote his account of the battle 10 years later. answer: _Xenophon_ 17. Name these "points" from analytical chemistry on a 5-10-15 basis. A. For 5 points--this is the lowest temperature at which the vapor of a substance can form an explosive mixture with air. answer: _flash_ point B. For 10 points--this is the pH of a solution at which the macromolecule has no net charge. answer: _isoelectric_ point C. For 15 points--this is the lowest possible melting point for a mixture between two solids. answer: _eutectic_ point 18. Answer the following about the life and creations of Stanford White for 10 points each: A. For what scientist did White design the Wardenclyffe laboratory building? answer: Nikolai _Tesla_ B. What venue did White design in 1890, only to be shot there in 1906? answer: _Madison Square Garden_ C. Harry Thaw is the jealous husband who shot him. What former chorus girl was the subject of their mutual affection? answer: Evelyn _Nesbit_ 19. The Homeowners Protection Act of 1998 will officially take effect on July 29, 1999. The law will make it easier for homeowners to cancel their PMI. A. For 5 points per word--expand the abbreviation PMI. answer: _Personal Mortgage Insurance_ B. Under the new law, Personal Mortgage Insurance will be canceled automatically as soon as the mortgage balance falls below a certain percentage of the purchase price. For 15 points if exact or 5 if within 10 percentage points, what is that percentage? answer: _78_% (5 points for 73-83) 20. Identify these musically titled novels for 10 points each: A. In this Oscar Hijuelos novel, Cesar and Nestor Castillo realize a dream when they perform with Desi Arnaz on "I Love Lucy." answer: The _Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love_ B. This children's book by E.B. White is a love story between two animals named Louis and Serena, one of whom is mute at first. answer: The _Trumpet of the Swan_ C. Walter D. Edmonds wrote this piece of historical fiction about the Battle of Oriskany. answer: _Drums Along The Mohawk_