TOSSUPS - MTSU I & II 1999 MOON PIE CLASSIC - UT-CHATTANOOGA 1. Though it's only about thirteen miles long and seven and a half miles wide, it is known for its sudden storms, which often strand sailors. Among its alternate names are Bahr Tabariya, Lake of Gennesaret, Sea of Chinnereth, and Sea of Tiberias. Its geographic characteristics are less known than its reputation for supernatural happenings. FTP name this inland sea where it is recorded that Jesus walked on water. Answer: Sea of Galilee 2. Corvées /kor VAYS/ were unpaid labors they owed in addition or in lieu of taxes, and they could pay a scutage tax in lieu of military service. For ten points, name these members of feudal society who exhibited the solemn acts of ritual of homage and fealty for being given a fief by an overlord. ANSWER: Vassal 3. It has a diameter of 300 miles across. Its highly eccentric orbit makes it almost more of a comet than a moon. It is about 87,000 miles away at its closest point to its home planet; it is about 5,900,000 miles away at its furthest point. FTP, name this small satellite of Neptune, which shares its name with the sea nymphs of Greek mythology. Answer: Nereid 4 .In her master's thesis, she spoke admiringly of the rhythmic prose of fellow southern author William Faulkner. Born Chloe Anthony Wofford, she graduated from Howard University in 1953 and went on to write such works as The Bluest Eye, Tar Baby, and Song of Solomon. FTP name this author of Beloved. Answer: Toni Morrison 5. Simon is a Sean Connery impersonator. Renton is a vegetarian, but is deadly accurate with a gun. Tommy gets AIDS after he gets addicted to heroin. Begbie is a lunatic with a penchant for violence. FTP what is this novel by Irvine Welsh detailing the lives of a group of friends in Edinburgh? Answer: Trainspotting 6. It combines with oxygen to produce xanthophyll. Its presence in the liver of humans and animals aids in the metabolism of Vitamin A. FTP, name this orange-yellow pigment that can be found in many flowers and which is best known for providing the color in carrots. Answer: Carotene 7. He rose up from the auto assembly line, so it is ironic that his most powerful weapon was the sit down strike. In 1955 he predicted a second industrial revolution as a result of automation.Who was this leader of the United Auto Workers Union who was chosen to lead the CIO on Dec. 4th 1952? Answer Walter Reuther 8. If _f_ and _g_ are differentiable, and _f_ (of _a_) equals _g_ (of _a_) equals zero, and _g_ (of _x_) does not equal zero, then the limit of _x_ as it approaches _a_ (of _f_ (of _x_) over _g_ (of _x_)) equals _f_ prime (of _x_) over _g_ prime (of _x_). FTP what's the name of the rule in calculus which has just been described to you? Answer: L' Hopital's Rule 9. She fled to Europe after she was going to be put on trial for publishing obscene materials in her newspaper "The Woman Rebel." Responsible for the first shipment of diaphragms into the United States, who is this woman who, FTP, opened the first birth control clinic in the United States? Answer Margaret Sanger 10. Its seal contains the town motto, "summus quod summus," or "we are what we are." Two different cartographical errors are responsible for its absence on all known maps of Minnesota. Chances are, it's been a quiet week in this fictional town where all the women are strong, the men are good looking, and the children are all above average. FTP name this creation of humorist Garrison Keillor. Answer: Lake Wobegon 11. QUOTE: "If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, and only one held a contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind." FTP what English philosopher & economist wrote these lines in his 1859 essay On Liberty? Answer John Stuart Mill 12. He was born in 1938, and graduated from Macalester College in Minnesota. After postgraduate work in Switzerland, he earned a master's in management from MIT. In the 1970s he spent two years as head of the tourism development board for his native Ghana, but since then he's made a career of diplomacy. FTP name this successor to Boutros Boutros-Ghali as Secretary General of the United Nations. Answer: Kofi Annan 13. This Phrygian woman turns into stone like the rock face on Mount Sipyrus in Asia Minor which "weeps" (pours water down from its summit). Her six daughters and six sons were killed by Artemis and Apollo. FTP, name this wife of Amphion, for whom is named the element with atomic number 41. Answer: Niobe 14. His experiences in the commedia dell'arte helped shape his repertory of stock characters, and he often played those stock characters off against parodies of himself drawn by critics. He ridiculed his own marriage to a much younger woman in The School for Husbands, and died immediately after a performance in which he played the lead role in his own The Imaginary Invalid. FTP name this French playwright, author of Tartuffe. Answer: Moliere (accept Jean Baptiste Poquelin) 15. Born in 1703, he was a minister in Northampton, Mass. for 30 years before moving to Stockbridge, Mass., where he became an Indian missionary. Name this clergyman and theologian famous for his role in the Great Awakening and author of the 1741 sermon, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God." Answer: Jonathan Edwards 16. This group of 12 can be divided into two types: sensory and motor. Among them are the accessory, trochlear, abducens, oculomotor, and vagus. They control such things as vision, small, movements, even swallowing. FTP, name these nerves that are assesed to determine brain damage. Answer: cranial nerves 17. In a thoughtless moment of frolic gallantry, Lord Petre cut the hair of Lady Arabella Fermor, resulting in a feud between the two families. This true incident inspired this work, in which the heroine is renamed Belinda. For ten points, name this mock-heroic comic poem by Alexander Pope. ANSWER: The Rape of the Lock 18. It resulted in the capture of James M. Mason and John Slidell in Havana by Charles Wilkes of the U.S.S San Jacinto. For ten points, name this violation of freedom of the seas because the prisoners were taken from a neutral British ship in 1861 during the American Civil War. ANSWER: Trent Affair 19. European scientists in the seventeen and eighteen hundreds believed electricity was composed of two different types: vitreous and resinous. Then in 1751, this man proposed the single fluid theory, stating only one form of electricity exisited. Name this American scientist, philosopher, and politician, famous for his kite experiments with lighting held outside Philadelphia, PA. Answer: Ben Franklin 20. Founded by Captain Jon Logerquist, a Swedish mercenary, in 1635, it is now one of America's most populous cities with more than 4,800,000 citizens. What is this New Jersey city, famous for being the base of Wayne Industries and the home of Batman, at least in the DC comics universe? Answer: Gotham City 21. Pioneer 10 was launched. Life Magazine suspended publication after 36 years. The first woman rabbi in the united states was ordained in Cincinatti Ohio. Alabama Governor George Wallace was shot and paralyzed from the waist down while campaigning. And in May, police arrested five men invoved in a break-in in the Watergate apartment complex in Washington DC. FTP in what year did all of these events occur? Answer: 1972 22. The start one of these is for methionine. They are composed of groups of 3 nucleotides and are found on messenger RNA. FTP, name these clusters, which during protein synthesis, carry the cells genetic code. Answer: codons 23. The novelization was written by Henry Edwards, who also wrote the screenplay. Robert Stigwood was the producer and Michael Schultz was the director. It featured Steve Martin as Dr. Maxwell Edison, and George Burns as Mr. Kite. FTP what is this abysmal film staring Peter Frampton and the Bee Gees, allegedly based on the Beatles album by the same name? Answer: Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band BONI - MTSU I & II 1999 MOON PIE CLASSIC - UT-CHATTANOOGA 1. Recent events in Yugoslavia have prompted uncomfortable comparisons with the rise of Nazi Germany. Prove you aren't doomed to repeat it by remembering these items about European relations in the 1930s FTPE: a. This Czech leader offered the Sudeten Germans a great deal of autonomy in a failed attempt to forestall German annexation. His efforts are often compared to various deals offered to Milosevic and Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadjzic for ethnic Serb autonomy in Bosnia. ANS: Eduard Benes b. This British Prime Minister conceded Hitler's right to the Sudetenland at Munich in a conference not attended by Czech representatives. Parallels to the Rambouillet agreements have been floating about in the British media recently. ANS: Neville Chamberlain c. Hitler's invasion of Austria deposed this Austrian Chancellor, whose rise to power had been ironically bankrolled by Benito Mussolini. ANS: Kurt Schuschnigg 2. How much do you know about Saturn's rings? Assuming that the first ring is the outermost ring, and the third ring is the innermost ring, Answer these questions FTSNOP. F5P: The large gap between the first and second rings of the planet Answer: Cassini Division (or Divide) FTP The narrow gap that splits the first ring Answer: Encke Division (or Divide) F15P The name given to the third ring because of its transparent nature. Answer: Crepe Ring 3. Given a description of a character from Hawthorne's _The Scarlet Letter_ , name the character (first and last names are required except as noted) FTSNOP. 5 points--The name of the adultress condemned to wear the letter _A_ over her heart Answer: Hester Prynne 5 points--The name of Hester Prynne's jealous husband Answer: Roger Chillingworth 10 points--The young reverend who committed adultery with Hester Prynne Answer: Arthur Dimmesdale 10 points--The illegitimate child of Hester Prynne and Arthur Dimmesdale (no last name required) Answer: Pearl 4. How many of you remember your high school Latin classes? First, translate these Latin signs into English F5P each. Cave Canem Answer: Beware of Dog Noli Perturbare Answer: Do Not Disturb Sona Si Latina Loquere Answer: Honk If You Speak Latin Now give the English translations of these lunar features F5PE: Sinus Iridum Answer: Bay of Rainbows Oceanus Procellarum Answer: Ocean of Storms Mare Tranquillitatis Answer: Sea of Tranquility 5. Sure, he's on the $20 bill, but these questions on the presidency of Andrew Jackson are only woth TPE. The Whig Party was launched to resist the abuses of the arbitrary "King Andrew" largely as a result of Jackson's veto of this internal improvements bill. ANS: The Maysville Road Bill In his second term, Jackson challenged the Bank of the United States, accusing its president of operating the bank in the interests of stockholders rather than the interests of the nation. Who was that bank president? ANS: Nicholas Biddle Among those who reacted against Jackson at the personal level was this third party, which nominated William Wirt to run against Jackson in 1832. Name it. ANS: the Anti-Masonic Party 6. Tommy can you hear me? Name these musicians who played a part in the film based on the Who's rock opera Tommy for ten points on the first clue, five on the second. 1a) FTP she is the Acid Queen and locks Tommy in an Iron Maiden loaded with syringes. 1b) This private Dancer escaped an abusive relationship with her husband Ike. Answer Tina Turner 2a) He plays the doctor who attempts to heal Tommy, but is more interested in Mrs. Walker. 2b) It's tough to say whether his scarier scene is when he sings in this film, or when he breaks through the door in the Shining. Answer Jack Nicholson 3a) He is the preacher in a church dedicated to Marilyn Monroe and promises eyesight to the blind. 3b) He's known as the Slowhand and has played in such bands as Derek and the Dominoes and Cream. Answer Eric Clapton 7. FTP, given the discoverer and year, name the chemical element. If you need the atomic number, you get 5 points. 1. 10--William Hyde Wollaston, 1803 5--46 Answer: _PALLADIUM_ 2. 10--Per Teodor Cleve, 1879 5--69 Answer: _THULIUM_ 3. 10--Nils Gabriel Sefstrom, 1830 5--23 Answer: _VANADIUM_ 8. FTP each, name the Shakespearean comedy given a set of characters. Valentine and Proteus ANS: Two Gentlemen of Verona Orsino and Viola ANS: Twelfth Night Dromio of Ephesus and Dromio of Syracuse ANS: The Comedy of Errors 9. Irving Stone made a successful literary career out of fictionalizing the lives of the famous. Given a Stone work, name the real-life protagonists F5PE: The Agony and the Ecstasy Answer: Michelangelo Buonarotti Lust for Life Answer: Vincent Van Gogh The Greek Treasure Answer: Heinrich or Sofia Schliemann The Passions of the Mind Answer: Sigmund Freud The President's Lady Answer: Rachel or Andrew Jackson Men to Match My Mountains Answer: Brigham Young 10. The course of European history for most of the 19th century was settled by the balance-of-power principles established at 1815's Congress of Vienna. Identify the representatives of the following nations FTPE. Austria ANS: Klemens von Metternich France ANS: Charles Talleyrand Great Britain ANS: Lord Castlereagh 11. FTPE answer these questions about the labors of Hercules. 1. His sixth labor was to kill the carnivorous birds of this lake. ANS: Stymphalis (accept adjective form Stymphalian) 2. His second labor was to capture alive the Erymantian boar and bring it to, FTP, whom? ANS: Eurystheus 3. His fourth labor was to capture a sacred stag and bring it to this goddess. ANS: Artemis 12. Do you love Link and Zelda just as much as I do? You might. Given information about any _Legend of Zelda_ game ever made, tell what is being sought for FFP apiece. a) The name of Level 6 in _Link's Awakening_ Answer: Face Shrine b) The FULL name of the evil villain who terrifies Link and Zelda in all of the Zelda games with the exception of _Link's Awakening_. Answer: Ganondorf Dragmire c) The name of the kingdom where Link and Zelda live In _Link's Awakening_ Answer: Hyrule d) the Instrument of the Sirens obtained from Eagle's Tower Answer: the Organ of Evening Calm e) The name of the boss guarding Parapa Palace in _The Adventures of Link_ Answer: Horsehead f) The subtitle of the Legend of Zelda video game made for Nintendo 64. Answer: Ocarina of Time 13. Identify the following famous dancers for ten points each: a. Born in 1880, he was the best Russian ballet dancer of his era and he was a founding member of Sergei Diaghilev's Ballet Russe. ANSWER: Vaslav Nijinsky b. Born Margaret Hookham, she was the most successful British ballet dancer of all time and served as prima ballerina in the British Royal Ballet from 1940 to 1979. ANSWER: Dame Margot Fonteyn c. As a teenager, this dancer was a regular on Sesame Street, but he is best known for his tap dancing in the Broadway sensation, Bring In Da Noise, Bring In Da Funk. ANSWER: Savion Glover 14. Given the definition, identify the biological term for the stated number of points. 1. For 5: they are endogenous cycles of about 24 hours that occur in the absence of external clues Answer: _CIRCADIAN RYHTHM_(s) 2. For 5: it is a class of flowering plants generally characterized as having two cotyledons, net-veined leaves, and flower parts in fours or fives. Answer: _DICOT_ (or _DICOTYLEDON_) 3. For 10: in genetics it is a situation in which the effects of both alleles at a particular locus are apparent in the phenotype of the heterozygote. Answer: _CO-DOMINANCE_ 4. For 10: this is the undifferentiated plant tissue from which new cells arise. Answer: _MERISTEM_ 15. FTPE identify the American neo-romantic composer given a well-known work. 1. The Grand Canyon ANS: Ferde Grofe 2. An American in Paris ANS: George Gershwin 3. Hoedown ANS: Aaron Copland 16. For ten points apiece, identify these works by Aristophanes. a. Greece's women seize the Acropolis and treasury, and they declare a sex strike until their men make peace. ANSWER: Lysistrata c. Dionysus disguises himself as Heracles and goes down to Hades with his slave Xanthias. There he visits Aeschylus and Euripides who he brings back to the land of the living. ANSWER: The Frogs c. The slave Cleon the Paphlagonian is well-loved by his master Demus. Then his fellow slaves Demosthenes and Nicias find a Sausage-Seller who persuades Demus to hate Cleon. ANSWER: The Knights 17. I'll describe a famous Supreme Court decision, you name the case FTPE. The Court ruled that separate public facilities for blacks and whites did not violate the Fourteenth Amendment's "equal protection" clause. ANS: Plessy v. Ferguson The Court held that constitutional challenges to the unequal distribution of voters among legislative districts could be resolved by federal courts, rejecting its own 1946 precedent. ANS: Baker v. Carr In this 1986 decision, the Court declared that voting districts should not discriminate by race, even if such discrimination was unintentional. It resulted in increased minority representation. ANS: Thornburg v. Gingles 18. Give the animal behavior term which refers to the following types of symbiotic behavior, FTPE. a. Helpful behavior which raises the recipient's direct fitness while lowering the donor's direct fitness. ANSWER: Altruism b. A relationship in which all organisms benefit. ANSWER: Mutualism or cooperation c. This relationship is similar to mutualism, but the benefit to the donor is delayed while the benefit to the recipient is immediate. ANSWER: Reciprocity 19. Name the author from works, 30-20-10. (30) La Nouvelle Heloise (20) Emile, ou L'Education (10) The Social Contract Answer: Jean-Jacques Rousseau 20. FTP apiece, given a description of a calculus rule, name the rule. a) For any real number _n_, the derivative with respect to _x_ (of _x_ raised to the _n_ power) equals _n_ times _x_ raised to the power of _n_ minus one. Answer: Power Rule b) The derivative with respect to _x_ (of _f_ (of _g_ (of _x_))) equals _f_ prime (of _g_ (of _x_)) times _g_ prime (of _x_). Answer: Chain Rule c) If _u_ equals _f_ (of _x_) and _v_ equals _g_ (of _x_) are differetiable, then the derivative with respect to _x_ (of _u_ over _v_) equals the derivative of _u_ with respect to _x_ times _v_ minus _u_ times the derivative of _v_ with respect to _x_ divided by the quantity of _v_ squared. Answer: Quotient Rule **********IT'S TRASH TIME************ (trust me, these are the right Answers) *Movies Tossup: Yo!! Wzup!! Let me ask ya' dis' question, alright?! So, what chillin' motion picture saw an all-star cast which included Patrick Swayze, Tom Cruise, Emilio Estavez, Rob Lowe, and Matt Dillon? It's da' only one. But it does happen dat dis movie is based on an S. E. Hinton novel, which pivots doze awesome greasers against doze no-good, stuck-up, socials. FTP, name it dudes. ~ Answer: _The Outsiders_ Bonus: FFP apiece, given the animated picture, give the villain who terrifies the "goodies" in each flick. Pocahontas The Land Before Time I The Little Mermaid Fern Gully: The Last Rainforest Aladdin Beauty and the Beast ~ Answers: 1) Governor Ratcliffe Shark Tooth Ursula Hexxus Jafar Gaston *Video Games Tossup: FFP, in Super Mario Brothers 3, what is World 5 known as? ~ Answer: Sky Land *Current music Tossup: FTP, this contemporary Christian group only recently got its start. Under contract with _Word Records_ based in Nashville, Tennessee, this foursome saw themselves receive the 1996 Dove Award for Group of the Year with an album called _Life, Love, and Other Mysteries_ and a song called _Keep the Candle Burning_. ~ Answer: Point of Grace