The Dregs

Toss-ups [ASU Evil]
  • According to the guys in the opening scene, this radio station has played such songs as "Heartbeat–It's A Lovebeat," "The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia," and "Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves." From the movie, one hears the infamous "Stuck in the Middle with You." For 10 points-- name this radio station, home of the super seventies weekend in Reservoir Dogs.

    answer: K-BILLY

  • Forrest Gump may have been an incredibly talented table tennis player, but despite that he never taught any animals to play the sport. It is possible, though, as this man managed to teach pigeons to play the game. For 10 points--identify this behavioral psychologist, who, when he wasn't playing ping-pong with the pigeons, found time to write Behavior of Organisms and Walden Two.

    answer: B.F. Skinner

  • In 1854, he settled in the Nebraska Territory, where he founded the Nebraska City News and became active in Democratic politics. A member of the territorial legislature and later acting territorial governor, he was an ardent proponent of forestation, urging Nebraska to set aside a day to encourage the planting of trees. For 10 points--identify this Secretary of Agriculture under Cleveland and founder of Arbor Day.

    answer: J. Sterling Morton

  • Hanging is the cause of death of her mother and grandmother. She travels with her blind half brother until his death at Colonus. Sophocles tells of her own death by hanging after she tries to bury one of her brothers. For 10 points--name the Theban with a confusing family tree.

    answer: Antigone

  • Its proof, first announced in a 1993 series of lectures entitled "Modular Forms, Elliptic Curves, and Galois Representations" and completed in 1995, is a decidedly modern and complex one, despite its namesake author's claim that it had a small and elegant proof. It is a consequence of the Shimura-Taniyama-Weil conjecture, the proof for which Andrew Wiles won the Wolf Prize in 1995. For 10 points--name this theorem that states that there are no x, y, and z such that xn + yn = zn for n greater than 2.

    answer: Fermat's Last Theorem. (Also accept Fermat's Great Theorem, or reasonable variants.)

    [ASU Mini-me]
  • "The strong one was fair, yellow-haired and tall/Very pleasant was the handsome youth to me./Brimful of food was Scotland, east and west/ During the reign of the ruddy, brave king." This glowing portrait of him constrasts strongly with those of later authors, culminating in that of Shakespeare's "Scottish Play." For 10 points--name this Gaelic ruler.

    answer: Macbeth

  • It was burlesqued by Henry Fielding twice, the second time in his The History of Joseph Andrews, an affront its author never forgave. Published in 1740, this epistolary novel follows the tale of a courtship between a servant and her mistress's son. For 10 points--name the book, the parody of which Samuel Richardson labeled "that vile Pamphlet Shamela."

    answer: Pamela; or, Virtue Rewarded

  • He delivered the last of his four-volume epic "The Sea of Fertility" to the publisher on November 25, 1970, but is better known in the West for his actions later that day. For 10 points--name this novelist, who led four Shield Society followers to a takeover of a military headquarters office, delivered a ten-minute speech to servicemen, and then committed ritual seppuku.

    answer: Mishima Yukio

  • Historically, names in this region consisted of a first name plus a patronymic comprised of "ap" and the father's name. When the inhabitants were conquered by a neighboring people, the confusing patronymic system was replaced with surnames. The patronymic often melted into a surname, leading to many surnames such as Pugh, Powell, and Pritchard. Other inhabitants took the possessives of their father's name; thus there were many named Williams, and so many named Jones that those in the British Army had to be referred to by number. For 10 points--name this pig-shaped region of Great Britain.

    answer: Wales or the Welsh or Welshmen

  • In an episode of the "X-Men", the Beast reads this book while on watch duty, holding it with his toes; he finds its premise interesting but unconvincing, as many did. The premise of this 1978 book by a teacher of psychology at Princeton is that, until about 3000 years ago,the two halves of the human mind were not fully integrated; background thought from one half was often interpreted by the other as the voices or commands of the gods. For 10 points--give the title of this Julian Jaynes book about the beginnings of modern consciousness.

    answer: The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind

  • A month ago, James Inhofe (pron. en-HOFF) was the second ranking Republican on the Senate Environment Committee. Perhaps the failed independent presidential campaign of ex-Republican and Environment committee member Bob Smith persuaded Smith to rejoin the Republican fold. More likely, however, was that the untimely passing of this Environment Committee chair, prompted Smith to return and put himself back in line for the committee chair. For 10 points--name this four term moderate from Rhode Island who died 3 weeks ago, who was replaced in the full senate by his son Lincoln.

    answer: John Chafee(CHAY-fee) (accept Bob Smith before "ex-Republican")

  • The name originally referred only to a species of fish which lived in the Atlantic. However, recently it has been applied to similar fish in the Pacific. Their normal color is silver, but this often changes during breeding season. Some species are purely freshwater fish, but most spend part of their lives in the ocean. For 10 points--give the common name for these fish whose species include the chum, coho, and sockeye.

    answer: salmon


  • There are ten basic systems including the Eskimo, Crow, Dravidian, Hawaiian, Iroquois, and Omaha, each named after the people in which it was first studied. They differ in which of ego's relations are differentiated from each other and whether collateral relations are ever grouped with lineal ones. For 10 points--name these systems of familial nomenclature studied by anthropologists.

    answer: kinship system(s)

  • Yevgeny Zamyatin's We. Anthony Burgess's The Wanting Seed. Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451. Aldous Huxley's Brave New World. George Orwell's 1984. These are all examples of novels in which technological, sociological, or political ideas are taken to an extreme resulting in a terrifying civilization. For 10 points--give the eight-letter term, the opposite of "utopia," that is generally applied to such works.

    answer: dystopia or dystopic (accept anti-utopia before "eight-letter")

  • He is known for riding 80 miles on horseback from Dover to get to the Continental Congress, where he was a fierce advocate of independence. Eventually, he signed the Declaration of Independence, but before that, he was a delegate to the 1765 Stamp Act Congress and the speaker of the Delaware Assembly. During the American Revolution, he led his colony's militia against Great Britain. For 10 points--name this once obscure "president" of Delaware who appears on the tails of some 1999 quarters.

    answer: Caesar Rodney

  • A recently proposed theory states that Basin and Range extention, as it relates to the Fault Block Sierra Nevada mountain range, is causing the northward extension of faults such as Lavic Lake* which were thought to be extinct. The San Andreas Transform, according to this theory, will soon abandon the so called "Big Bend Area" and its present day northwest strike, and connect to the dip slip faults on the eastern flank of the Sierra, thereby passing near towns like Landers and Ludlow. The towns of Twentynine Palms and Joshua Tree recently got a preview of this scenario when on October 16, 1999 the earth on either side of Lavic Lake slipped, causing a 7.1 earthquake. For 10 points--name the tremble that derailed a train, broke water pipes in the Coachella Valley and offered a reminder of the shifting earth beneath California.

    answer: Hector Mine Earthquake

  • For a quick 10 points--complete the infamous pattern. Pearl, Mississippi; West Paducah, Kentucky; Jonesboro, Arkansas; Edinboro, Pennsylvania; Springfield, Oregon; Littleton, Colorado; what?

    answer: Conyers, Georgia


  • This German author deals extensively with themes of music and time in his works. The novel that won him the Nobel prize features a chapter called "By the Ocean of Time", which discusses the distinction between "narrative time" in which the events of a story take place, and "musical time," in which the book is read. His last major novel adds a third layer of time, that of the narrator as he writes the life of his friend, who is loosely based on Arnold Schönberg. For 10 points, who is this author, most remembered for these two novels and an earlier novella depicting the death of a character based on Gustav Mahler, on vacation in Venice?

    answer: Thomas Mann

  • He has played the part of a street vendor, a monk, a beggar, a cripple, and even a representative of non-existent foundations for the elderly and for education. He's not a professional actor, per se, but he was recently described as tall, dark, and unstable by prosecutor Alfonso Gomez. For 10 points, name this confessed killer of 140 Colombian children.

    answer: Luis Alfredo Garavito

  • This novel catapulted its author to sudden literary fame when he won the Booker prize in 1981. Although it was also awarded the Booker of Bookers in 1993, it is probably the author's second most famous book, behind The Satanic Verses. For 10 points, name this work by Salman Rushdie, which gave its name to the generation born around 1950 in India at the point of transfer from British to native rule.

    answer: Midnight's Children

  • Though never king himself, this founder of the House of Lancaster was the third surviving son of Edward III, and was also the uncle of Richard II and father of Henry IV. For 10 points, name this father of Henry Bolingbroke, who utters the lines "this blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England" in Shakespeare's Richard II, whose name derives from his birthplace in Belgium.

    answer: John of Gaunt

  • He died at the age of 102 in his Saint-Chamoud home in 1994. In 1960, he knocked two zeroes off the value of the old currency and created the "New Franc" that brought post-war inflation under hand. Together with Jean Violet and Archduke Otto von Habsburg, he founded a "sister organization" to the Bilderberg Group called "Le Cercle" [lay SIRK], a secret society that included Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski. For 10 points--who was this French Finance Minister and Prime Minister in the 1950s?

    answer: Antoine Pinay

  • The namesake of this phonology theory derives from the way the speaker of a language chooses the most desirable word or phrasal unit from an infinite set of inputs. It assumes that all languages share a universal set of phonological constraints and that languages differ only with respect to how they rank these constraints with one another. For example, a speaker-faced with an infinite candidate set-selects the input that has the least amount of high-ranked violations and simultaneously rejects all others. For 10 points--what relatively new development in phonology, seeks to replace parameter-based generative approaches to phonological problems?

    answer: Optimality Theory

  • Identify the shared name: One was a noted orator, lawyer, and epistolary writer. He chronicled the death of his uncle, who adopted him as a son. Appointed by Nero to be a procurator in Spain, that uncle wrote a 37-volume encyclopedia on Roman history called Historia Naturalis. Differentiated by the adjectives "The Elder" and "The Younger"--for 10 points--what was their common name?

    answer: Pliny

  • His first contract was with the Green Bay Packers, with whom he signed right after graduating from Northern Iowa. He then became a member of the Amsterdam Dragons and Iowa Barnstormers before joining the NFL in 1998. He became a starter after Trent Green suffered a season-ending injury. For 10 points--name this quarterback of the St. Louis Rams.

    answer: Kurt Warner