Terrier Tussle 8: February 6, 1999.

Round 2: Questions by Harvard's End and Harvard Stern.



1. The new government of this playwright's native country dropped its (*) treason conviction against him last year. A member of the Yoruba people, he wrote such plays as A Dance of the Forests and The Lion and the Jewel. For 10 points-name this Nobel laureate from Nigeria.

answer: Wole Soyinka [WOH-lay shoy-IN-ka]


2. Its followers, who strive to achieve satori, are divided into the Soto, who attempt it through quiet (*) sitting, and the Rinzai, who focus on sudden shocks and meditation on koans, a kind of paradoxical statement. For 10 points-name this branch of Buddhism founded by Dogen Kigen, which recently gained publicity from a book by Robert Pirsig.

answer: Zen Buddhism (prompt on "Buddhism")


3. Recent debate over how this object should be classified centers on its (*) eccentric orbit. One proposal would classify it as "Trans-Neptunian Object #1," reflecting its status as an "ice ball outside the orbit of Neptune". Clyde Tombaugh might be turning in his grave over the fate of-for 10 points-what erstwhile planet?

answer: Pluto


4. Ports lying on this approximately 150-mile-long important shipping lane include Stromsand, Kristiansand, and (*) Oslo. It borders Jutland [YUTE-land] on the south and deepens towards its border with Norway on the north. For 10 points-what strait, connecting the western Baltic to the North Sea, may be best known to Diplomacy players?

answer: Skagerrak


5. He was born in London in 1944 as his family fled from the Holocaust. He earned a law degree at Northwestern University and led an effort to lower the voting age to 18. In 1977, he was elected mayor of (*) Cincinnati with the largest plurality in city history. Today, however, he is better known for his "Final Thoughts." For 10 points-name this top-rated talk show host.

answer: Jerry Springer


6. Gleaned from the refining of zirconium metal, this element takes its name from the Latin word for (*) Copenhagen. Because it absorbs neutrons so well, it is vital to large-scale nuclear reactors. Name-for 10 points-the element that has atomic number 72 and sounds like 50% of something.

answer: Hafnium


7. He edited America's first literary journal, Port Folio. As a state senator, he drafted Pennsylvania's rejection of parts of the Hartford Convention. His greatest fame came from a role in which he was terminated by President (*) Andrew Jackson in 1836. For 10 points-name the president of the 2nd Bank of the U.S. from 1823 to 1836.

answer: Nicholas Biddle


8. Be glad you didn't find a Necronomicum Ex Mortis in your basement.

Cheryl, Shelly, Linda and Scott pay the price for a professor's ability to translate Candarian resurrection literature. Only Ash survives the onslaught of the (*) nasty demons he unwittingly summons from the woods. For 10 points-name this 1983 horror classic budgeted at $50,000 and newly reissued on video, by the director of _A Simple Plan_, Sam Raimi.

answer: The Evil Dead


9. The libretto for his opera, Il Duca d'Alba, found better fame when reworked into Verdi's Sicilian Vespers. His wife died young, leading him to obsess over women who reminded him of her. He wrote at least 65 operas, among the best of which, the love story of (*) Nemorino and Adina, was dashed off in two weeks. For 10 points-identify the great bel canto composer of _The Elixir of Love_ and _Lucia di Lammermoor_.

answer: Gaetano Donizetti


10. Born in New York in 1903, he was sent to live with relatives in Montana at the age of three. He first won a seat in the House of Representatives in 1942. In 1952, he entered the Senate, where he became (*) Majority Whip five years later. For 10 points-name this man who, beginning in 1961, held the post of Senate Majority Leader for 16 years, longer than anyone in Senate history.

answer: Mike Mansfield


11. A classic example of this phenomenon is in auto insurance, where the driver's behavior is determined (*) after the contract is signed. Similarly, a hired worker determines her level of productivity after being hired; this results in wage imbalances in the market. For 10 points-what term refers to a situation in a game where an actor can take an unobserved action after an agreement is reached?

answer: moral hazard (do not accept "adverse selection")

[Adverse selection refers to actions taken before the decision is made.]


12. Uncle Aires [pronounced IRISH] puts on a wedding dress on his wedding night and rows off with (*) Henry the Navigator. The dysfunctional family includes an artistic matriarch more gifted than Picasso and a patriarch who smuggles off cocaine as Baby-Softo talcum powder. For 10 points-what fantastical 1995 work by Salman Rushdie takes its title from the name of narrator Moraes Zogoiby [mor-AY-es zo-GOY-bee]?

answer: The Moor's Last Sigh


13. Born in Pedrena, Spain, he finished second in his first (*) major professional tournament at age 19. He went on to capture three British Open titles and two Masters titles, in addition to his successful captaincy of the European Ryder Cup team in 1997. For 10 points-name this Spanish golfer who will be inducted into the World Golf Hall of Fame in March.

answer: Seve Ballesteros


14. This drink originated at Morrison's Old Corner Drug Store in (*) Waco, Texas in 1885. Conceived by English pharmacist Charles Alderton, who also served as the drug store's soda jerk, it is named after Alderton's first employer. In the 1950s, it officially dropped the period from its name. For 10 points-name the soft drink whose current slogan is "Just what the Doctor ordered."

answer: Dr Pepper


15. A prototype for almost every modern drinking game could be found here: The (*) amystis was a drink you had to chug if you couldn't complete a verse of poetry; the kottabos was all about who could flick his dregs the farthest. It developed a whoe literary genre, including contributions by Epictetus, Xenophon and Lucian. For 10 points-name this often crazy event, from the Greek for "drinking together," elevated to dignity by Plato.

answer: Symposium


16. The Third Theorem deals with quotient rings derived from corresponding ideals, while the First Theorem is used to identify quotient groups by creating a surjective (*) homomorphism. These theorems both are used to show that two groups or rings have the same structure. For 10 points-what is this mathematical term for a mapping used to show that two fields, rings, or groups have the same structure?

answer: isomorphism


17. Although it was announced that their accuracy was 98%, a General

Accounting Office report put that number at around 50%. (*) Hughes Electronics didn't respond, but their current maker, Raytheon, cited old figures of 85%. Such improvements as the use of GPS did make these half-million dollar devices more accurate in their use in December 1998. For 10 points-name this "smart missile" recently used on Iraq.

answer: Tomahawk cruise missile


18. He worked in Titian's workshop in Venice at an early age. He also spent time in Rome, where the works of Michelangelo inspired his own (*) Pieta and Purification of the Temple. But it was a meeting there with Spaniards from the church in Toledo which changed his life. For 10 points-name this artist of Baptism of Christ and The Burial of Count Orgaz, who was born Domenikos Theotokopoulos.

answer: El Greco

(prompt on "Domenikos Theotokopoulos")


19. Divided into four 1,000-line sections and written in loose rhymed couplets, this poem is the first long work of its poet, who became dissatisfied with it soon after finishing it. The Greek legend on which it is based emphasizes the woman's (*) love for the title character, but the poet looks instead at the title character's love in his vision of the romantic ideal love. For 10 points-name this 1817 poem by Keats.

answer: Endymion


20. Although it was discovered before the electron, it was first explained by the Drude theory of free electrons in 1900-except for the fact that the coefficient was sometimes the (*) opposite sign that the Drude theory predicted. This is because in some conductors, the current carriers are positive holes. For 10 points, what effect is this in which charge carriers are deflected by a magnetic field?

answer: Hall effect


21. After successfully predicting a 1789 solar eclipse, he began publishing an almanac in 1791, in addition to being appointed to survey (*) Washington D.C. in 1790. For 10 points-name this scientist who sent a copy of his first almanac to Thomas Jefferson along with a letter asking him to support better conditions for American blacks.

answer: Benjamin Banneker


22. First Apsyrtus, son of Aeetes [ee-EE-teez]. Then Glauce [GLOW-kee], also called Creusa, the daughter of Creon. Next, Mermerus and Pheres, the perpetrator's own (*) children. Not bad for a serial killer who had to rely on enchantment and trickery before the days of bombs and machine guns. For 10 points, these people are all murder victims of what wife of Jason in Greek mythology?

answer: Medea


23. The Allies broadcast it into Europe in WWII to signal V for victory, because V in Morse code is (*) dot-dot-dot-dash. It showed up in many other works of its creator, such as the Fourth Piano Concerto, but it is most famous in one of his symphonies. For 10 points-identify this motive that Anton Schindler said represented "fate knocking at the door" in his biography of Beethoven.

answer: opening motive of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony

(accept fate motive or equivalent before "fate" is mentioned)


24. Despite its name, units from the U.S. 2nd and 7th Infantry Divisions were engaged here in the late 1960s, although only 18 miles of it were actually the responsibility of the U.S. Army. It actually runs slightly southwest-northeast, so it doesn't lie strictly on the (*) 38th parallel. For 10 points-name this place, arguably the most heavily fortified border in the world.

answer: Korean Demilitarized Zone or DMZ


25. In this play, the main character, a former Pullman porter, is forced to (*) flee when the natives of an island in the West Indies begin to revolt. As he rushes through the jungle, he retrogresses on the evolutionary ladder, becoming a participant in a slave auction. In the end, he is killed by the natives, who use silver bullets to finish him off. For 10 points-name this Eugene O'Neill play.

answer: The Emperor Jones


26. When the Muslims expanded into North Africa, this city was the last holdout, falling in 705. The Gracchi and Julius (*) Caesar failed, but Augustus succeeded in rebuilding it about 110 years after all habitation there was outlawed following its destruction. For 10 points-name this city, now a suburb of Tunis, that was founded by the Phoenicians or by Dido.

answer: Carthage


27. The name's the same. One is found in the book of Revelations in the

Bible, where it is described as a great star that "fell from (*) heaven, blazing like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers...and many died from the water, because it was made bitter." The other is the name of the "junior tempter" who receives advice from his uncle in The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. For 10 points-give the common name.

answer: Wormwood


28. In 1989 it was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Conceived in November 1985 by San Francisco (*) gay rights activist Cleve Jones, this memorial covered more than the area of a football field and contained 1,920 panels when it first appeared on the Washington Mall on October 11, 1987. For 10 points-name this memorial, whose expansion to 42,000 current

panels prevents it from being shown again in its entirety.

answer: The AIDS Memorial Quilt