From Fri Jan 24 17:45:03 1997 Date: Sun, 19 Jan 1997 01:27:49 -0500 (EST) From: "R. Hayden Hurst" To: Subject: Finally - GU ?'s Resent-Date: Sun, 19 Jan 1997 12:15:22 -0500 (EST) Resent-From: David Zuckerman Resent-To: Trivia Club Here they are, slightly more than twent-five hours after the original deadline. I apologize once again - I know this may have affected some of your editing plans. Either way, I hope to see you February 1. Hayden ------- Georgetown Grey Toss-Ups 1. On Halloween Night, 1950, the Rochester Royals bested the Washington Capitols 78-70. Since a Washington professional basketball team lost, the score wasn't surprising. What was surprising, however, was the appearance, for ten points, of what player, the first balck to play in the NBA? ANSWER : Earl _LLOYD_ 2. "Walter Scott has no business to write novels, especially good ones", wrote Jane Austen, "I do not like him, and I do not mean to like [Blank] if I can help it - but I fear I must. Austen is referring to, for ten points, which 1814 novel, set during the Jacobite uprising in England and which deals with the adventures of an English soldier, who gives the novel its name? ANSWER : _WAVERLEY_ 3. Written by Jay Livingston and Ray Evans, it won the Academy Award for best song in 1956, as part of the Hitchcock movie _The Man Who Knew Too Much_. For ten points, name this song ,originally sung by Doris Day, which is probably a big hit with predestinationists who speak Spanish. ANSWER : _QUE SERA SERA_ or _WHATEVER WILL BE WILL BE_ 4. While most people here should be able to remember Halley's Comet, another comet, which was in view in late 1973 and early 1974, should be remembered by few of us. As well it should, since it never lived up to its advance billing. For ten points, identify this comet, which shares its names with one of a principal in the world of _The Simpsons_. ANSWER : _Kahoutek_ (Kuh-hoe-TEK) 5. A prospector comes back from the Superstition Mountains in New Mexico, the only remaining survivor of a larger party. He claims to have found a vast gold mine, but his instructions aren't particulalrly good, and a few prospectors lose their lives. This is not the next Michael Crichton novel, but it is, for ten points, what famous legend? ANSWER : _THE LOST DUTCHMAN'S MINE_ 6. It was founded by the Greeks in the 6th B.C.E., who called it Massilia. It's the capital of the departement (Day-part-UH-maw) Bouches-du-Rhone (Boosh-doo-Rone). For ten points, name this French city whose name sounds very similar to the French national anthem. ANSWER : _MARSEILLE_ (Mar-SAY-uh) 7. American Airlines Flight 444, the University of Illinois-Chicago, the University of California at Berkeley, the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, and Rentech Company in Sacramento. These are all, for ten points, targets of letter bombs which are alleged to have been committed by what well-known person, who may just be the elusive Unabomber? ANSWER : Theodore _KACZYNSKI_ (Kuh-zin-SKEE). Prompt on Unabomber 8. Primate of Italy, Patriarch of the West, Prince of the Apostles, Bishop of Rome. For ten points, who am I referring to? ANSWER : the _POPE_ (Ask for less specific answers with either Pope John Paul II or Karol Wojtyla) 9. All hail the Pioneers! Rutgers-Camden finally ended its NCAA-record 117-game losing streak with a 77-72 win on January 7 win. For ten points, what school gave them their win? ANSWER : _BLOOMFIELD_ College 10. It ends with the line "..Through Eden took their solitary way" and begins with "Of man's first disobedience, and the fruit ...". For ten points, identify this 1667 epic poem which will always be a bane for any Georgetown tournament. ANSWER : _PARADISE LOST_ 11. If you've been sentenced to death in the United States, you can rest assured that your sentence will be reviewed - that is, except in two places. One is the federal government. However, one state which has a death penalty law does not have automatic judicial review. For ten points, name this state. ANSWER : _ARKANSAS_ 12. The European Coal and Steel Community, as we all know, is the forerunner to the European Union. And while the Maastricht (Mahs-trickt) Treaty did much to ensure the growth of Europe, another, earlier treaty, may have been even more important. For ten points, identify this treaty which created the European Economic Community. ANSWER : Treaty of _ROME_ 13. America, Multiplication, Grammar, and Science. They don't mean much on their own, but in the 1970s and 1980s, they did. For ten points, name these ABC-produced spots which appeared along with Saturday morning cartoons. ANSWER : _SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK_ 14. Get rid of it! If in doubt, leave it out! These two ideas quite nicley portray the ideas of a Twentieth Century school of art . For ten points, name this style, which excludes everything which serves no practical purpose, and whose best examples can be seen in objects which are reated to the work environment. ANSWER : _FUNCTIONALISM_ (Accept _MODERNISM_ or _INTERNATIONAL STYLE_) 15. Congress repealed the fifty-five mile an hour speed limit in November, and, predictably, many states chose to raise their limits to 65. One state, however, went slightly further, by deciding to have no daytime speed limit. For ten points, identify this state, whose last major traffic pattern involved a group of Freemen. ANSWER : _MONTANA_ 16. It comes from the Arabic word for "striped cloth", which often uses it in decoration. For ten points, name this skill, the art of using knotted threads to make lacework and fringes. ANSWER : _MACRAME_ (Mack-ruh-MAY) 17. Prince Laurent, Princess Astrid, Prince Philippe (Fil-EEP), Queen (Paola (Pow-LUH), and King Albert II are all members, for ten points, of what European royal family? ANSWER : _BELGIUM_ 18. He founded the Panhellenic Social movement, Pasok, and pushed Greece towards the left during his two terms in office. For ten points, name this former Greek premier, who served from 1981-1989 and from 1993 until 1996 before dying on June 23 of last year. ANSWER : Andreas _PAPANDREOU_ (Pop-ahn-dray-OO) 19. In 1982, the University of Utah was home to a stunning development in medicine, when Dr. Barney B. Clark was operated on by William DeVries. For ten points, what was so special about this operation? ANSWER : Clark received an _ARTIFICIAL HEART_ (Accept anything similar) 20. Few sites are more inspiring than that of the American flag. However, the original Stars and Stripes had to go up in battle sometime, and Delaware legend has it that it was at this Revolutionary War battle. For ten points, name the battle, the only one to be fought in Delaware. ANSWER : Battle of _COOCH'S BRIDGE_ 21. They started out arguing that reforms in the Church had to go even farther than had been proposed by Lutherans and Calvinists. They are known for their practicing of adult baptism, as well as refusing to swear oaths or serve in the armed forces. For ten points, name this group, foundedby Menno Simmons in the mid-1500s, whose adherents today include the Amish. ANSWER : _MENNONITE_ 22. Are you a romantic? This author certainly wasn't. In his books Nana and L'Assommoir (L'ass-um-vwahr), he discussed protitution and alcoholism, respectively. For ten points, name this famous realist writer of the late 19th Century, best known for his famous article entitled "J'Accuse" (Jah-KOOZE) ANSWER : Emile _ZOLA_ 23. We all know that France is not exactly favored when it comes to war against Germany. However, in the Franco-Prussian of 1870, the French were goaded into war, since Bismarck edited, for ten points, what now-famous telegram? ANSWER : _EMS DISPATCH_ 24. It what was a total surprise to the world, the French were quite difficult in terms of confirming a new UN secretary general. While they originally wanted from Cote d'Ivoire (Coat dee-VWAHR), they did at least partially get their wish, as the new UN secretary general is African and does speak French. For ten points, name this Ghanian (Gan-ay-un). ANSWER : Kofi _ANNAN_ (Ko-fee Uh-nan) 25. No, the answer is not ENIAC (Ee-knee-ack). It was, however, a similarly large computer, with 2,000 vacuum tubes, and the first fully electornic one. For ten points, name this computer which was developed in 1943 by Britain to crack German codes. ANSWER : _COLOSSUS_ 26. There are three types of this item. The first is known as a unit, which holds and manages securities. The second is a charitable, and it administers funds for charity. The third, and most well-known, is a business one, which is structured to eliminate competiton in the marketplace. For ten points, name this, one example of which included Standard Oil before its breakup. ANSWER : _TRUST_ 27.Aleksander Kasniewski (Kwahx-knee-ev-skee), the leader of the Democratic Left Alliance, won the Polish presidency in late November of 1995. His victory was particularly surprising in who he defeated. For ten points, name the previous president, whose handling of Poland's economic woes did not match his leadership of Solidarity in the early 1980s. ANSWER : Lech _WALESA_ (Vuh-less-uh or Vuh-wence-uh) 28. The Prague Spring was a dark day for individual freedom, yet Brezhnev justified it on the grounds that the liberalism being encouraged by the head of state there was not healthy. For ten points, name this leader, who was overthrown in 1968. ANSWER : Alexander _DUBCEK_ (Doob-CHECK) 29. Ulysses S. Grant, Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Jackson, and George Washington all have, for ten points, what commonality which allows them to "face" up to one another? ANSWER : _THEY ARE ALL FEAUTURED ON U.S. CURRENCY_. Accept equivalents. 30. _Shiloh_, _The Slave Dancer_, _TheTrumpeter of Krakow_, _The Whipping Boy_, _Johnny Tremain_. These items have two things in common: they're all children's books, and they've all received, for ten points, what medal which is given to honor such literature? ANSWER : _NEWBERRY_ Medal 31. Southwest Asia on October 24, 1995, the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean on June 30, 1992, the Arctic North from Finland to Alaska on July 22, 1990. These are all examples of locations, for ten points, of what rare phenomenon? ANSWER : _SOLAR ECLIPSE_ (Prompt on eclipse) 32. Known as "Kalaalit Nunaat" (Kuh-LAH-lit Noo-NAHT), it's the world's largest island. Its capital is Nuut (Noot) - and no, it's not Georgia. For ten points, name this island discovered by the Eric the Red which is now a Danish posession ANSWER : _GREENLAND_ Bonuses 1. (30) Identify the missing word from the quotes, 30-20-10. 30 - "I call [Blank] frozen music", said by Von Goethe. 20 - "[Blank] is inhabited sculpture", said by Constantin Brancusi (Bran-coo-ZEE). 10 - "[Blank] is the art of how to waste space", said by Philip Johnson. ANSWER : _ARCHITECTURE_ 2. (20) So, you fancy yourself a lover? With Valentine's Day coming up, here's a chance to prove your worth. Give the originators of the following lines for five points apiece. A - " How do I lover thee? Let me count the ways." ANSWER : Elizabeth Barrett _BROWNING_ B - "All mankind love a lover." ANSWER : Ralph Waldo_EMERSON_ C - "A Jug of Wine, a Loaf of Bread - and Thou..." ANSWER : Edward _FITZGERALD_ D - "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate." ANSWER : William _SHAKESPEARE_ 3. (25) How well do you know _The Simpsons_? How well do you know _A Streetcar Named Desire_? Now, how well do you know the characters in the Simpsons episode "Oh! A Streetcar!" I'll give you a character, and you'll earn five points if you tell me who they play in the episode. For example, if I said "Marge", you would say "Blanche". A - Ned Flanders ANSWER : _STANLEY B - Apu ANSWER : _STEVE_ C - Helen Lovejoy ANSWER : _STELLA_ D - Lionel Hutz ANSWER : _MITCH_ E - Otto, and eventually Llewellen (Lew-ELLEN) Sinclair ANSWER : _PABLO_ 4. (30)It's State Flag Identification time! I'll give you a clue about a U.S. state flag, and you'll earn ten points if you can tell me which one it is. A - The only flag whose background is green. ANSWER : _WASHINGTON_ B - One of the two state flags which has only the first letter of the state name in the flag design. ANSWER : _COLORADO_ or _OHIO_ C - On a blue, white and red field, an eagle carries the state motto. ANSWER : _IOWA_ 5. (30) How well do you know college football champions? More specifically, how well do you know the first six schools to win, starting with 1936? You'll get five points for each, and a bonus five if they're in the correct order. ANSWER : (In order) _MINNESOTA_, _PITTSBURGH_, _TEXAS CHRISTIAN_, _TEXAS A&M_, _OHIO STATE_, _NOTRE DAME_ 6. (30) The 1990 census further confirmed the rise of the Sun Belt, as California gained seven more congressional seats, Texas got four, and Florida received three. However, five more states also gained one seat apiece. You'll get five points apiece for each one you name, plus a five point bonus if they're all correct. ANSWER : _ARIZONA_, _GEORGIA_, _NORTH CAROLINA_, _VIRGINIA_, _WASHINGTON_ 7. (30)Name the U.S. president from the clues given, 30-20-10 30 - A graduate of Yale University, he initiated the income tax, which may have contributed to him receiving only eight electoral votes, lowest ever for an incumbent 20 - He was governor of the Philippines as well as secretary of war before becoming president 10 - After losing his bid for reelection, he taught law at Yale until he became chief justice of the Supreme Court ANSWER : William Howard_TAFT_ 8. (30) Those darn Catholics! Always forming universities and suchlike! And it doesn't end there. They also accept seven more books of the Old Testament than do Protestants. You'll get five points apiece if you can name any six of these "deuterocanonical" books. ANSWER : _TOBIT_, _JUDITH_, WISDOM_, BARUCH_, 1 MACCABEES_, _2 MACCABEES_, _SIRACH_ (or _ECCLESIASTICUS_ 9. (30) How well do you know your Pythagorean identities? Assuming that x is either a real number or the measure of an angle in degrees, please identify the missing part of each for the stated number of points. 5 - One minus sin squared x equals this [1-sin(^2)x =this] [Host - y(^2) means y squared for all subsequent questions] ANSWER : _COSINE SQUARED X_ [cos(^2)x] 10 - Secant squared x minus one equals this [sec(^2)x - 1=this] ANSWER : _TANGENT SQUARED X_ [tan(^2)x] 15 - One plus cotangent squared x equals this [1+cot(^2)x=this] ANSWER : _COSECANT SQUARED X_ [csc(^2)x] 10. (25) Quick lesson on Chinese history - after Mao Zedong (Dzih-dong)'s death, China cleaned house, blaming the barbarity of the Cultural Revolution on the so-called Gang of Four. But who were they? You'll get five points per correct answer, and a bonus five points for all correct. ANSWER : (Be very kind with regards to pronunciation) _JIANG QING_ (Jee-AHNG Ching), _WANG HUNGWEN_ (Wahng hung-WEN), ZHANG CHUNQIAO_ (Zhahng Chung-Chee-OW), _YAO WENYUAN_ (Yow Wen-Yoo-EN) 11. (25) Airbus may be in trouble with the proposed Boeing-McDonnell Douglas merger, but this European consortium is still a major player in the aircraft industry. It's called a consortium, of course, becuase it's really four companies in one. If you can name any of the four, you'll get five points apiece. If you can name them all, you'll get an extra five points. ANSWER : _AEROSPATIALE_ (Ay-ro-spah-see-ahl), _BRITISH AEROSPACE_, _CASA_, _DASA_, (Accept Daimler-Benz) 12. (30) Name the year of the US presidential election from clues about it, 30-20-10 30 - One of the two elections that Van Buren lost, but the only one he lost as a member of the Free Soil Party. 20 - The losers were Lewis Cass and William O. Butler, even though the eventual winners did not win a majority of the popular vote. 10 - This election resulted in Millard Filmore becoming Vice President ANSWER : _1848_ 13. (25)You remember those stupid NASDAQ commercials, don't you? Well, whether or not it's "the stock market for the next hundred years", what we care about are the initials. You'll receive twenty-five points if you can give me what they stand for. ANSWER : _NATIONAL ASSOCIATION of SECURITIES DEALERS AUTOMATED QUOTATIONS_ 14. (30) Identify the poet from the works, 30-20-10 30 - "The Lamb", "Holy Thursday" 20 - "The marriage of Heaven and Hell", "The Little Girl Lost" 10 - "The Tyger" ANSWER : William _BLAKE_ 15. (25) No fisticuffs are permitted at College Bowl, but knowing about fisticuffs can get you some points. I'll give you five heavyweight champions of the world, and you list them from first to last in the order that they first held the title. Here they are... Cassius Clay, George Foreman, Joe Frazier, Sonny Liston, Floyd Patterson. ANSWER : Floyd _PATTERSON_, Sonny _LISTON_,Cassius _CLAY_ (Accept Mohammed, _ALI_, Joe _FRAZIER_, George _FOREMAN_ 16. (30) Identify the movie from characters given, 30-20-10. 30 - S. Morgan Stern, wrote the novel the movie is based on, but never appears as a character, and Count Rugen 20 - Vizzini and Prince Humperdinck 10 - Buttercup and Inigo Montoya (In-ee-GO Mon-toy-YUH) ANSWER : _THE PRINCESS BRIDE_ 17. (25) Let's assume that you weigh 150 pounds. Did you know that almost 98 pounds of you is Oxygen, and that 27 mounds of you is Carbon, and that ... but I digress. In fact, if you can tell me the next four elements in terms of weight in the body, in any order, you'll get five points per correct answer. Get them all in the correct order from most to least and you'll get a five point bonus. ANSWER : (In order) _HYDROGEN_, _NITROGEN_, _CALCIUM_, _PHOSPHORUS_ 18. (25) He regarded psychology as the study of internal experience or consciousess. He primarily studied introspection, although he also studied sensation, perception and reaction times. For twenty-five points, all or nothing, name this German who is most famous for developing the first laboratory for the study of psychology in 1879 in Leipzig. ANSWER : Wilhelm _WUNDT_ 19. (30) If this were Preschool Bowl, I could ask you to name the three longest rivers in the world. However, this is College Bowl, so I'm going to test your knowledge on lakes. Name the three largest in any order for ten points apiece. ANSWER : _CASPIAN SEA_ (It's a lake, not a sea), _SUPERIOR_, _VICTORIA_ 20. (30) Even though Pat Buchanan is a GU alumnus, this is a question about free trade. More specifically, it's a question about the WTO. Each correct answer nets you ten points. A - Where is the WTO headquarters? ANSWER : _GENEVA_, (Prompt on Switzerland) B - What is the highest body of the WTO? ANSWER : _MINISTERIAL CONFERENCE_ C - Who is the current Director General? ANSWER : Rene _RUGGIERO_ (Roo-jair-OH) 21. Name the state from authors, 20-20-10 30 - Tennessee Williams, Eudora Welty 20 - John Grisham 10 - William Faulkner ANSWER : _MISSISSIPPI_ 22. (25) Yes, we all know that King Philip came over for good soup. But how well do you know the king - or more specifically the Kingdoms? Once again, since this is not Preshool Bowl, you won't get any points for naming Fungi, Plants, or Animals. That leaves two more, which will get you ten points for one or twenty-five for both. ANSWER : _MONERANS_, _PROTISTS_ 23. (25) ASEAN (Ahs-ee-AHN), orthe Association of Southeast Asian Nations, has been growing relatively quickly in recent years. In fact, it will continue this process in 1997, adding two new members. For ten points for one or twenty-five for both, name them ANSWER : _CAMBODIA_, _LAOS_ 24. (30) How well do you know your United Nations General Assembly? I'll give you a subject, and you'll earn ten points if you can tell me which of the seven numbered committees would deal with the topic. Ignore the Plenary and Special Political Committees.. A - Questions regarding the U.N. budget. ANSWER : _FIFTH_ B - Decolonization questions ANSWER : _FOURTH_ C - Legal affairs which fall under the General Assembly ANSWER : _SIXTH_ 25. (25) France gained little credibility after the Second World War until De Gaulle became president, as both of the leaders of the Fourth Republic were relatively ineffectual. Your objective is not to discuss why they were ineffecctual, but, rather, to name them. One answer is worth ten points - get both right, and you'll get twenty-five. ANSWER : Vincent _AURIOL_ (Or-ee-OHL), Rene _COTY_ (Coat-EE) 26. (30) Author from works, please, 30-20-10 30 - _Mere Christianity_, _The Abolition of Man_ 20 - _The Horse and His Boy_, _The Four Loves_ 10 - _The Screwtape Letters_ ANSWER : _C_live _S_taples _LEWIS_ 27. (30) Name the artist from his works , 30-20-10-5 30 - "Cave of the Winds", "A Meeting of Minds" 20 - "Sunset", "Girl at the Mirror" 10 - "Freedom from Hunger" 5 - Any famous Boy Scout painting ANSWER : Norman _ROCKWELL_ 28. (30) Name the author from works, 30-20-10. 30 - _Adam Bede_ and _The Mill on the Floss_ 20 - _Silas Marner_ and _Daniel Deronda_ 10 - _Middlemarch_ ANSWER : George _ELIOT_ (Prompt on Mary Ann Evans) 29. (30) Former Georgetown University professor Madeline Albright recently replaced Warren Christopher as Secretary of State. This makes the Clinton administration the fourth consecutive administration to have two Secreataries of State. How well do you know the previous six, however? You'll get ten points for every two you can name. (Host note : the team gets ten points for every two named - e.g., naming three will only bring ten points.) ANSWER : Cyrus _VANCE_, Edmund _MUSKIE_, Alexander _HAIG_, George SCHULTZ_, James _BAKER_ III, Lawrence _EAGLEBURGER_ 30. (30) Despite the fact that this is College Bowl, we can still have muscles - or at least talk about them. All three of them, in fact. You'll get ten points apiece if you can tell me the three systems in which muscles occur. ANSWER : _SKELETAL_, _SMOOTH_, _CARDIAC_