Yahoo! MailYahoo! Mail for Yahoo! - My Yahoo! Options - Sign Out - Help Mail Addresses Calendar Notepad Attachment View -- Powered by Back to Message es in several mystery novels, including a showdown in which both he and Holmes supposedly perished in a waterfall. For 10 points, identify this French master thief whose name is also used in several anime by Hayao Miyazaki. Answer: Arsenne LUPIN 23. Thirty-eight miles in diameter, the official "Zone of Alienation" includes the site of a disastrous accident that occurred in 1986. For 10 points, identify this nuclear power facility whose ex st attitude. In one scene, Angellica threatens Willmore with a pistol. By the end of the play, Willmore marries Hellena and Belvile marries Florina. For 10 points, identify this play written by the Surinam-born English author Aphra Behn [BEN]. Answer: The ROVER 33. This English verb is synonymous with "to hypnotize." It was derived from the name of a famous Austrian physician who used the power of suggestion to cure ailments of his patients. For 10 points, what is this verb? Answer: MESMERIZE 34. Pencils and paper may be necessary: Consider an isosceles trapezoid with an area of two radical three meters squared. The shorter base is one meter long; two of the four angles measure 120 degrees each. For 10 points, calculate the perimeter of the trapezoid in terms of meters. You have 40 seconds: good luck! Answer: 8 meters 1998 Western Invitational Tournament VI - The Buzz-erkeley Bowl Bonuses by Jason Hong and UC Irvine - Willie Chen, John Gose, Andy Eiser, and Bill Waddle 1. Before microscopes became popular, many scientists believed that microorganisms arise from lifeless matter such as beef broth. For fifteen points each, answer the following questions about the theory of spontaneous generation: 1. Chronologically, this Italian physician was the first to demonstrate that fly maggots do not arise from decaying meat if the meat has been covered to prevent the entry of flies. Answer: Francesco Redi 2. This Frenchman disproved the theory of spontaneous generation by devising a series of swan-necked flasks containing broth; one story tells that he openly drank the stale broth to the amazement of fellow scientists. Answer: Louis Pasteur 2. Identify these Chinese dynasties, for ten points each: 1. Following the Sui dynasty, it was marked by territorial expansion, suppression of Buddhism, and great sculptors, painters, and poets. Poets in this period also produced the representative "300 poems." Answer: Tang [tong] 2. A number of Chinese people today are proud to be descendants of this dynasty; therefore, they call themselves the people of this dynasty. This dynasty was divided into West and East periods. Answer: Han 3. The most notorious tyrant to rule China reigned in this dynasty, in which he executed many people and buried their bodies in the initial creation of the modern Great Wall of China. Answer: Chin (not Tsin) 3. Name the artist from the following pairs of works for 10 points each; 5 points when given the nationality and style: 1st 10 pts: "Posters at Trouville" and "Riders in the Forest" 1st 5 pts: French, Fauvism Answer: Raoul Dufy 2nd 10 pts: "The Fifer" and "The Guitarist" 2nd 5 pts: French, Impressionism Answer: Edouard Manet (not Monet) 3rd 10 pts: "Man at the Crossroads" and "Creations" 3rd 5 pts: Mexican, Muralist Answer: Diego Rivera 4. Identify these events preceding the War of Northern Aggression, ten points each. 1. John Brown, his sons, and antislavery followers were accused of the murder of five pro-slavery settlers in this massacre named after a nearby creek Answer: Pottawatomie Massacre 2. In October of 1857, a convention submitted to the US Congress a state constitution which called for the admission of Kansas to the Union as a slave state. For 10 points, name this proposal which was rejected in a referendum. Answer: LeCompton Constitution 3. He sponsored the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which included his ideas on popular sovereignty. For 10 points, name this Illinois Democrat Answer: Stephen Douglas 5. Answer the following questions about economics: 1. This economic theory states that government should "fine tune" the economy by manipulating spending and taxation on a regular basis. The government can end depressions by increasing spending. What is this theory? Answer: Keynesian Economics 2. The satisfaction of consuming a product decreases with each additional unit consumed. This law of economics explains why your tenth Big Mac does not taste as great as your ninth. Answer: Diminishing Marginal Utility 3. This term applies when the increase of prices exceeds the rate of 50% per month. It is a condition when money practically loses all of its value, and barter becomes the method of business. What is this economics term? Answer: Hyperinflation 6. Given a quote, identify the author and work from which it is taken. 1. “Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord; \ He is trampling out the vintage where the Grapes of Wrath are stored” Answer: Battle Hymn of the American Republic, by Julia Ward Howe 2. “Far from the Madding Crowd's ignoble strife \ Their sober wishes never learned to stray” Answer: Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard, by Thomas Gray 3. “How beauteous mankind is! O Brave New World \ That has such people in't” Answer: The Tempest, by William Shakespeare 7. Identify the following movies in which actor Ben Stiller stars: 5, 10, 15. 1. In this sleeper 1998 summer hit, Ben has a little too much hair gel for co-star Cameron Di length cones. Answer: Fovea 2. This is a tough covering that protects ame this ancient city: 1. Lying on a great seismic site, this area next to the Kairatos was inhabited since Neolithic times, as early as 6,000 BCE. 2. 3,000 clay tablets inscribed in Linear A or Linear B were discovered by Sir Arthur Evans in this island city’s excavations. 3. This ancient city lies on the island of Crete. It gives us much insight into the Minoan civilization. Answer: Knossos [NAW-sis] 12. In the 1970's Uganda's Idi Amin r gas? Answer: Sparging 2. What type of an elution is one in which the composition of the solvent remains constant? Answer: Isocratic elution 3. In what type of an elution does the composition of the solvent change continuously or change in several steps? Answer: Gradient elution 25. Name this famous rock: 30-20-10 1. This eruptive rock is also called "Blue Ground." 2. This rock Back to Message Yahoo! 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