Yahoo! MailYahoo! Mail for Yahoo! - My Yahoo! Options - Sign Out - Help Mail Addresses Calendar Notepad Attachment View -- Powered by Back to Message 1998 Western Invitational Tournament VI - The Buzz-erkeley Bowl Tossups by Berkeley Y and Georgia Tech - Jason King, Jim Dendy, Jason Hong 1. Their functions are not fully understood, but may include protection against grazing animals, and a role in nitrogen assimilation. Many have biological activity, and have been used as drugs, such as quinine, morphine, and cocaine, but they may also be very toxic, as in the case of strychnine. For 10 points, identify these organic, nitrogen-containing bases from plants that include complex ring structures. Answer: alkaloids 2. She was betrothed to Turnus, king of the Rutuli, but she abandoned him at the behest of an oracle for another that later killed him in single combat. The daughter of Amata and Latinus, she is the wife of Aeneas, and thus an ancestor of Romulus. For 10 points, name this character that shares her name with the daughter of Titus in Titus Andronicus. Answer: Lavinia 3. Word of his oratorical brilliance spread after his celebrated "Bunker Hill Oration" at the laying of the cornerstone for the Bunker Hill Monument in Boston. His other early speeches included The Landing of the Pilgrims and The Dartmouth College Case, matched perhaps only by his Reply to Hayne in the US Senate in 1830. For 10 points, identify this man, the secretary of state under Harrison, Tyler, and Fillmore. Answer: Daniel Webster 4. It was published in elephant folio size in parts between 1827 and 1838 in London, and an accompanying text was issued in five volumes between 1831 and 1839, where the author had the help of William MacGillivray, who supplied scientific information. It contains detailed drawings tinted in watercolor, and the dramatic, lifelike setting of subjects gave it a vitality that distinguished its artist as one of the finest in the 19th century. For 10 points, identify this groundbreaking book by John James Audubon. Answer: The Birds of America 5. The daughter of an archaeologist, she was born in Cairo while her father was on one of his digs. Educated at Oxford and Cambridge, she was one of the first to use an electronic computer to aid in the determination of the structure of penicillin. Her most notable work, however, was the determination of the structure of cyanocobalamin, or vitamin B12. For 10 points, identify this English biochemist who won the Nobel Prize in 1964. Answer: Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin 6. Born at Kutama, this self-educated man became a teacher before turning to radical politics. After a 10 year detention in Rhodesia, he spent 5 years in Mozambique gathering support in preparation for his country's independence. In 1976 he joined forces with Joshua Nkomo to form the Patriotic Front and, later, a coalition government. For 10 points, identify this man, the first Prime Minister of Zimbabwe. Answer: Robert Mugabe 7. It includes several small island groups, including the Matsu off Fuzhou, the P'enghu Islands, and off the mainland city of Amoy the Quemoy Islands. For 10 points, what is this nation that is regarded as an island province by the People's Republic of China? Answer: Taiwan 8. His first poem to be published was "The Battle of Lovell's Pond" in the Portland Gazette. Later poems included Autumnal Nightfall, The Angler's Song, and Hymn of the Moravian Nuns. For 10 points, identify this American poet who was born in Maine and taught at Bowdoin, author of the sonnet “Mezzo Cammin” and The Village Blacksmith. Answer: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 9. There were four electoral classes, each of which elected delegates who then in turn chose the members to represent their various interests. Two of the four lasted their full five year terms but the first two were dissolved after only a few months for being too critical of the governments. For 10 points, identify this lower house of the Russian parliament created by Czar Nicholas II in response to the Revolution of 1805. Answer: duma 10. The northern section is occupied by the Koryak Autonomous Oblats and it extendes about 750 miles southwest. The oblats of which it is the main component has its capita century, as Santa Maria Rotunda, it has been used as a Christian church. For 10 points, identify this building erected at Rome by Agrippa, son-in-law to Augustus, and dedicated to all the gods. Answer: Pantheon 15. The English minister, William Gregor, became interested in analyzing odd minerals and in 1791 isolated a substance he felt might be a new element which he called menachite. Four years later it was rediscovered by Martin Klaproth who because of its strength renamed it in honor of the predecessors of the Greek gods. For 10 points, identify this metallic element used in light strong alloys, with atomic number 22. Answer: titanium 16. The first part is Aggressive Chastity and the second is Provocative Prudence. It tells the story of a simple, unsophisticated 15 year old country girl, the maidservant of a wealthy woman who dies and whose son, Mr. B., pursues her with base intentions. He kidnaps her and tries to seduce her, but is deterred by the tenacity of her resistance. She then convinces him to marry her and sets about to reform him. For 10 points, identify this epistolary novel by Samuel Richardson. Answer: Pamela 17. This man, the first black to earn a PhD from Harvard University, joined the communist party and moved to Ghana in 1961. But before that, he was active in many ways, editing The Crisis for many years, and founding the Niagra movement and the NAACP. For 10 points, identify this author of The Souls of Black Folk. Answer: W.E.B. DuBois 18. They proposed that France, Germany, and Belgium, with Britain and Italy as guarantors, should recognize as permanent their frontiers with one another fixed at Versailles and the demilitarized zone of the Rhineland. Germany and France renounced war as a means of solving their future differences. Germany’s signing of them led to Germany’s entry into the League of Nations and was regarded as a great triumph for German Foreign Minister Gustav Stresemann. For 10 points, identify this seris of treaties signed in 1925 which Hitler declared null and void in 1936. Answer: Treaties of Locarno 19. It is a legal principle derived from the 39th clause of the Magna Carta, which provides that "no freeman shall be arrested or imprisoned or deprived on his freehold or outlawed or banished or in any way ruined, nor will we take order action against him, except by the lawful judgment of his equlas and according to the law of the land." For 10 points, identify this notion embodied in the 5th and 14th amendments of the US Constitution. Answer: due process 20. His study of Roman architecture led him to develop an original style of design incorporating classical elements. Among his famous buildings are the churches of San Giorgio Maggiore and Il Redentore; the Villa Capra, or Rotonda, at Vicenza; and Palazzo Chiericati, also at Vicenza. He also wrote a treatise, Four Books of Architecture, that raised great interest throughout Europe and was translated into English by Inigo Jones. For 10 points, identify this 16th century Italian architect whose style became the basis of English Georgian architecture in the 18th century. Answer: Andrea Palladio 21. Born in 1935 in Sydney, and educated at Strathfield, New South Wales, this man is the author of historical novels, including Gossip from the Forest, about the armistice negotiations in November 1918. For 10 points, identify author most famous for his book about a German industrialist who saved the lives of Polish Jews during WWII. Answer: Thomas Keneally 1998 Western Invitational Tournament VI - The Buzz-erkeley Bowl Bonuses by Berkeley B and Georgia Tech - Jason King, Jim Dendy, Jason Hong 1. Identify the following British Prime Ministers. 1. For five points, name the conservative who bought control of the Suez Canal and had Queen Victoria proclaimed Empress of India Answer: Benjamin Disraeli 2. He led Britain to victory in the Crimean War and kept Britain out of the US Civil War. For 10 points, name him. Answer: Henry Palmerston 3. For five points, identify this four time prime minister who introduced the secret ballot, the first Education Act, and the Irish Land Act. Answer: William Gladstone 4. A liberal, his leadership foundered over the conduct of WWI and the Easter Rebellion. For 10 points, name him. Answer: Herbert Asquith 2. The Handy Science Answer Book can come in handy for writing science bonuses. For 10 points each, answer the following questions or variants that you can find in that wonderful little book. 1. What important scientific device was invented in 1928 by Ernst Ruska and Max Knoll? Answer: electron microscope 2. What man coined the term cybernetics? Answer: Norbert Weiner 3. The fallout after Chernobyl was heavy in isotope 137 of what element with atomic number 55? Answer: cesium 3. Given clues, identify the character from Space Ghost Coast to Coast, five points each. The answer is either Space Ghost, Brak, Zorak, Moltar, or Blip 1. Sings songs such as “Mashed Potatoes”, “I Love You Baby”, and “Baloney Sandwich” Answer: Brak 2. He has been quoted as saying “You know, one thing I've noticed about this show, every time the writers hit the wall, you know what they do? ... they have me blow you up with my destruct-o ray. Haven't you ever noticed that?... stuck for an ending?” Answer: Space Ghost 3. Sings songs such as “It’s Not Easy Being Evil”, “Zingor”, and most of “Bad Bug” Answer: Zorak 4. Has been quoted as saying “Oh... I'm a rambling idiot, rambling everywhere. I'm a rambling idiot, in my underwear...” Answer: Brak 5. Has been quoted as saying, “Well, I am fairly evil, but I've been happily married to my beautiful wife Linda for over six years now. What did I say---?!” Answer: Moltar 6. Has been quoted as saying, “It's a lonely road that I travel. Beset by treacherous villainy. Evil fun-seekers. And my own private demons!!! Aaaaaa!”, as well as “The word for today is a Spanish word. Gracias. It means "friend" Answer: Space Ghost 4. Identify the following from the intersection of formal languages and computer automata theory, ten points each. 1. This theoretical machine consists of an automaton, a read and write head, as well as an infinitely long tape used for storage. It is believed that this theoretical machine is the most powerful computer in terms of expressiveness. Answer: Turing Machine 2. A subset of context-free languages, this category of languages can express simple grammars, but cannot determine if a given string has the same number of two different characters. Answer: Regular expressions 3. A founder of formal language theory, this person provided an initial classification of languages into four different types, type 0 to type 3. Each language is part of a hierarchy which progresses from least expressive to most expressive. Answer: Chomsky hierarchy 5. Name the following Impressionist painters whose works you could view on the WebLouvre on a 10-5 basis from works 1st 10 - House of the Hanged Man, Road at Chantilly 1st 5 - Mont Sainte-Victoire, Card Players Answer: Paul Cezanne 2nd 10 - Mademoiselle Romain Lacaux, The Judgement of Paris, 2nd 5 - Le Moulin de la Galette, Answer: Pierre-Auguste Renoir 3rd 10 - Women in the Garden, The Seine at Argenteuil, 3rd 5 - Haystacks, Rouen Cathedral Answer: Claude Monet 6. Answer the following questions about a great Hindu epic for 10 points each. 1. What great epic was composed by the poet Valmiki around 300 BC and in its present form consists of some 24,000 couplets in seven books? Answer: Ramayana 2. Rama won the daughter of King Janaka for his wife by bending who's mighty bow? Answer: Siva or Shiva 3. Who was the daughter of King Janaka and wife of Rama who was carried by by Ravana, the demon king of Lanka, Ravana? Answer: Sita 7. Identify the island or group of islands on a 10-5 basis 1st 10 pts: Lying about 1500 miles east of the Phillippines, they were discovered by Magellan and originally named the Ladrones or Thieves Islands. 1st 5 pts: The world's deepest discovered submarine trench shares its name with this group of islands Answer: Mariana 2nd 10 pts: Treeless, rugged, and foggy, fishing is the chief occupation of these islands, which include Agattu, Attu, and Kiska 2nd 5 pts: These islands separate the Bering Sea from the Pacific and extend as far as 1200 miles from Alaska Answer: Aleutian 3rd 10 pts: Consisting of some 85 islands, it is and independent republic with 90% of the population living on the island Mahe 3rd 5 pts: Lying in the Indian Ocean northeast of Madagascar, their capital is Victoria Answer: Seychelles 8. Answer the following questions about the history of Iraq for 10 points each. 1. For 10 points, identify the last king of Iraq. Answer: Faisal II 2. For 10 points within 2 years, 5 points if within 5 years, in what year was Faisal II assasinated? Answer: 1958 3. Name the man who served as figurehead president from 1968- 1979 who was followed by Saddam Hussein. Answer: Ahmed Assan al-Bakr 9. Identify the following about the Monroe Doctrine, 5-10-15 1. This Secretary of State persuaded the President to issue what became known as the Monroe Doctrine. For five points name him. Answer: John Quincy Adams 2. During the Civil War, the Doctrine was challenged when this Habsburg archduke was placed on the Mexican throne. For 10 points, name him. Answer: Maximilian 3. The first application of the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine came in 1905 when Roosevelt sent Marines to this country to manage the country’s European Debt. For fifteen points, name it. Answer: Dominican Republic 10. Answer the following about this quote: “For fools rush in where angels fear to tread”. 1. First, for five points, what author wrote the book, Where Angels Fear to Tread? Answer: E. M. Forster 2. Second, for ten points, what author wrote this quote? Answer: Alexander Pope 3. Last, for fifteen points, in what Alexander Pope work would you find this quote? Answer: An Essay on Criticism 11. Identify these students of Karl Gauss, 5-10-15 1. For five, he is known for a one-dimensional figure created by joining the ends of a ribbon after one end has been turned Answer: Moebius 2. A German, his contributions include his work on the theory of functions of complex variables and representing such functions on coincident planes or sheets, surfaces that are named for him. For ten, name him. Answer: Riemann 3. Another German, he is best known for a method whereby real numbers can be defined in terms of rational numbers, which is known as his “cut” Answer: Dedekind 12. Name the Roman emperor given clues, ten points each. 1. He was proclaimed emperor by the Praetorians. He was supposedly poisoined by Agrippina II after she had persuaded him to pass over his son in favor of her son Nero. Answer: Claudius 2. An army commander, he was chosen to succeed Numerian after his coemperor, Carinus, was killed. He ruled the empire with a coemperor and two subemperors. Answer: Diocletian 3. Odoacer seized Ravenna and deposed of this emperor, the last Roman emperor of the West in 476 Answer: Romulus Augustulus 13. Its time for a potent potables bonus! Identify the following types of acids, ten points each. 1. This theory of acids defines an acid as a proton donor and a base as a proton acceptor Answer: Bronsted-Lowry 2. This theory of acids defines acids as substances which are able to accept electron pairs from bases, which are electron-pair donators Answer: Lewis 3. This theory of acids defines acids as a compound that can dissociate in water to yield hydrogen ions Answer: Arrhenius 14. 30-20-10 Identify the ancient philosopher. 1. In 322 he went to Colophon with his father and began teaching. He later founded a philosophical school in Mitilini on the island of Lsevos and later became head of a school in Lampsacus. 2. In 306 BC he settled in Athens where he taught a devoted body of followers in the garden of his home. 3. He taught that true happiness is the serenity resulting from the conquest of fear of the gods, of death and the afterlife and that intellectual pleasures were the supreme good and main goal of life. Answer: Epicurus 15. Identify the following somewhat related works given a brief description for 15 points, given the author for 5 points. 1st 15 pts: It is an allegorical novel in which Gabriel Syme, a poet turned detective is hired to infiltrate a group of anarchists each named for a day of the week who are bent on destroying the world. 1st 5 pts: G.K. Chesterton Answer: The Man Who Was Thursday 2nd 15 pts: A grim tale of revenge, it relates the downfall of a town that boasts of its honesty with the motto "Lead us not into Temptation". 2nd 5 pts: Mark Twain Answer: The Man Who Corrupted Hadleyburg 16. 30-20-10 Identify this nation. 1. This island nation surrounds the Gulf of the Gonave on three sides and includes Gonave Island. 2. It lies across the Windward Passage from Cuba. 3. Its currency is the Gourde and it lies due west of the Dominican Republic. Answer: Haiti 17. Identify the following involved with the world of dance, ten points each 1. She created the first major American ballet, Rodeo, and brought such techniques to musicals, such as Oklahoma! Answer: Agnes De Mille 2. A Russian impresario and critic, with Michel Fokine he founded the Ballets Russes Answer: Sergei Diaghilev 3. A member of Diaghilev’s Ballets Russes, he moved to the US and helped found the School of American Ballet. He also was the artistic director and principal choreographer of the New York City ballet Answer: George Balanchine 18. Answer the following questions about a famous native American. 1. For 10 points, what Native American leader who lived from around 1834 to 1890 was named Tatanka Yotanka? Answer: Sitting Bull 2. For 5 points, what tribe was led by Sitting Bull? Answer: Sioux 3. For 5 points, in what year did Sitting Bull defeat Custer at Little Big Horn? Answer: 1876 4. Sitting Bull was killed in the chaos ensuing from what spiritual movement let by Wovoka? Answer: Ghost Dance 19. Identify the authors who told tales of the following Imperial entities on a 5-10-15 basis. 1. 5 pts: The Emperor Jones Answer: Eugene O'Neill 2. 10 pts: The Emperor's New Clothes Answer: Hans Christian Andersen 3. 15 pts: The Empress of Blandings, about a prize sow who won three consecutive Fat Pigs silver medals at the Shropshire Agricultural Show. Answer: P.G. Wodehouse 20. It’s time for Travels with Alice in Wonderland. First, identify the following characters for five points each: 1. She wallops her baby till it howls and then sings lullabies to it. Answer: The Duchess 2. Always weeping, he shows Alice how to dance the Lobster Quadrille, and his conversation is largely puns and plays on words. He describes himself at what goes into a soup. Answer: Mock Turtle 3. At a mad tea party he offers Alice wine when there is none, and is reprimanded for putting butter into the Hatter’s watch. Answer: March Hare 4. This tiny character is thrust into a teapot by the Hatter and the March Hare Answer: Dormouse 5. Lastly, for ten points, who was the original illustrator of Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, whose work still pervades most copies printed today? Answer: John Tenniel 21. Identify the following books from Judaism, ten points each. 1. From the Hebrew for “learning,” it consists of the text of the Oral Law and a commentary on the Oral Law Answer: Talmud 2. From the Hebrew for “traditional lore,” it is based on the belief that every word, letter, number, and even accent of the Scriptures contains mysteries Answer: Cabala 3. It is the Written Law of Judaism and is the Hebrew name for the Pentateuch, the first five ooks of the Bible Answer: Torah 22. Answer the following questions about the Second Punic War, for ten points each. 1. This son of Hamilcar Barca, the founder of Barcelona, was made to swear eternal hatred towards Rome at age 9. At 22, he entered the army and began his fight with the Roman Empire. Answer: Hannibal 2. This battle took place after the Roman commander chose the day of the attack against the advice of his superior. This 216 battle resulted in a Hannibal victory & his occupation of Capua. Answer: Cannae 3. By 202 BC, the wear had been going badly for Hannibal & the Carthaginians and pressed by his countrymen for a decisive engagement, Hannibal stumbled into this costly loss, the last major battle of the war, in which he lost 20,000 men. Answer: Zama @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Back to Message Yahoo! 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