Wahoo War of the Minds 1997 Round Seven 1. He has written novels, like Season of Anomy, and verse, such as A Shuttle in the Crypt, but is better known as a dramatist. While he is principally known for comedies like The Trials of Brother Jero and Requiem for a Futurologist, his work can be ang ry, as in A Play of Giants, and political, like Kongi's Harvest. FTP, identify this author of Death and the King's Horseman, Ak=8E, and Ogun Abibiman, a Nigerian who won the Nobel Prize in 1986. Answer: Wole Soyinka 2. In certain higher plants, it is a waterproof protective layer covering the epidermal cells of leaves and other parts and limiting water loss. In many invertebrates, it is a dead, noncellular excretion of the epidermis. In arthropods, it is an exoske leton consisting of layers of protein and chitin, modified for various uses=2E In general, it is the outer layer or part of an organism that comes into contact with the environment. FTP, what in humans is identical with the epidermis, but popularly associ ated with a part of the fingertip? Answer: cuticle 3. The Roman general Sertorius claimed to have excavated his tomb and to have found a skeleton that was 60 cubits long. The son of Gaia and Poseidon, he lived in the Libyan desert, and it was believed that rain started falling when the earth was taken o ut of his tomb and did not stop until the earth was put back. FTP, identify this figure from Greek myth, who was killed by Hercules on his search for the golden apples when he wrestled with him and lifted him from the ground=2E Answer: Antaeus 4. He was dominated by his sister-in-law, Olympia Maidalchini, whose schemes crippled the papacy financially. In the bull Cum occasione impressionis libri, he condemned five propositions of Jansenius, and denounced the peace of Westphalia because of its abolition of bishoprics. FTP, identify this pope of 1644 to 1655, whose real name was Giambattista Pamfili, and who is best known for the portrait of him done by Velasquez and parodied by Francis Bacon. Answer: Innocent X 5. In 1600 he became court painter to Vincenzo Gonzaga, the Duke of Mantua=2E After returning to Flanders, he showed the influence of Caravaggio in works like the Raising of the Cross, while his Descent from the Cross shows a less dramatic style that allo wed him to employ assistants without notice. FTP, name this painter and diplomat, the teacher of Van Dyck who was knighted by Charles I. Answer: Peter Paul Rubens 6. This "island" nation actually consists of three inhabited islands, the smaller two of which are Gozo and Comina. The second largest town on the main island and the second largest town on Gozo share the name Rabat. Located south of Sicily, it maintai ns a regular ferry service with Syracuse. FTP, name this nation whose capital is Valletta. Answer: Malta 7. The title of this work, first published anonymously in May of 1850, was suggested by the poet=D5s future wife, Emily Sellwood. The Christmas lyrics indicate that the poem takes place over the course of three years, ending with a prothalamion celebratin g the marriage of Cecilia, the author=D5s sister. FTP, identify this sequence of 132 poems, written as a reaction to the death of Arthur Hallam by his friend Alfred Tennyson. Answer: In Memoriam A. H. H. 8. At the age of 20, he married a Roman Catholic, Mrs. Fitzherbert, but the ceremony was not recognized by English law. He pretended to be a Whig to annoy his father, but ended up governing with the Tories, as Perceval, Liverpool, Ripon, Wellington and=20 Canning served as prime minister during his reign. FTP, name this king of England, the husband of Caroline of Brunswick who ruled from 1820 to 1830 after succeeding George III. Answer: George IV 9. In 1904, he made his fortune by selling an electric lamp he had invented for a million marks. After both of his sons were killed in World War I, he refused to become the Weimar Republic=D5s ambassador to the United States, and retired to his country es tate after Hitler came to power. FTP, name this German chemist, who developed the concept of solution pressure, discovered the fast reaction path of hydrogen and chlorine, and proposed a heat theorem which became the third law of thermodynamics, winning=20 him the Nobel Prize in 1920. Answer: Walther Nernst 11. His writings include a novel, Dark Princess, an autobiography, Dusk of Dawn, and sketches collected in such books as Darkwater. Professor of economics at Atlanta University, he gained prominence there with such studies of African American life as Jo hn Brown and Black Reconstruction. FTP, name this editor of the Encyclopedia of the Negro, the Encyclopedia Africana, and the magazine Crisis, who died at the age of 93 in Ghana, best remembered for The Souls of Black Folk. Answer: William Edward Burghardt Du Bois 12. While fighting the Parthians, a traitorous guide misled his forces, leading to his utter defeat, and on his retreat to Armenia he was killed by Surenas, a Parthian general. A supporter of Sulla, he had success in battle against the Samnites, and at=20 the battle of Lucania he crushed the Spartacan rebellion. FTP, name this Roman politician, who became co-consul with Pompey in 72, a financier who went on to join the first triumvirate with Pompey and Caesar. Answer: Marcus Licinius Crassus 13. The decay of K mesons through this interaction provided the first evidence of parity violation. Weinberg, Glashow, and Salam suggested it could be unified with electromagnetism, a fact established by Rubbia and van der Meer=D5s discovery of the W and=20 Z bosons. Despite its name, on an atomic scale it is the third-strongest of the four fundamental forces, far stronger than gravity. FTP, what is this force responsible for the decay of most subatomic particles? Answer: the weak nuclear force (accept electroweak on early buzz) 14. After the central character is wounded in a mortar attack, he is sent to a hospital in Milan for surgery. He returns to duty in Austria, but deserts and flees to Switzerland with his pregnant lover, who gives birth to a stillborn son in March 1918 a nd dies shortly afterward. FTP, identify this novel, published in 1929, which tells the story of an English nurse, Catherine Barkley, and an American ambulance driver, Frederic Henry, written by Ernest Hemingway. Answer: A Farewell to Arms 15. The name was also given to the prophet of Thyratira in Revelation who preached idolatry. The daughter of Ethbaal, she married around 880 B.C. as part of an alliance with Omni, and she stayed in power ten years after her husband's death as queen moth er to Ahaziah and Joram. FTP, identify this queen of Israel, whose seizure of Naboth's vineyard led to the downfall of her husband Ahab, and whose name has come to be applied to any adulterous woman. Answer: Jezebel 16. While a plugger for the Remick publishing house, he began writing songs, and his first hit, "Swanee," came at the age of nineteen. Although he soon had steady work writing scores for the George White Scandals, he wanted to create serious music; unfo rtunately, his first opera, 135th Street, was a failure and removed after only one show. FTP, name this American composer of the Cuban Overture, Of Thee I Sing!, An American in Paris, and Rhapsody in Blue. Answer: George Gershwin 18. At Yellow Tavern, he turned Sheridan off the direct road to Richmond, but suffered fatal wounds in the attack. After serving with Lee at Harper's Ferry, he was made a brigadier general for saving the Confederate left at First Bull Run, and covered t he withdrawal to the Chicakahominy in the Peninsular campaign by riding all the way around McClellan's forces. FTP, identify this Southern soldier, who took command of the second Army Corps after Jackson's death, and whose absence at Gettysburg deprived=20 Lee of essential reconnaissance. Answer: James Ewell Brown Stuart 19. A staff photographer for Look magazine, he made his directorial debut in 1950 with the documentary Day of the Fight. His first feature came three years later with Fear and Desire, and he became famous for The Killing and Paths of Glory. FTP, identi fy this filmmaker, whose other movies include Dr. Strangelove, A Clockwork Orange, and 2001:A Space Odyssey. Answer: Stanley Kubrick 20. The main character meets Bernard Marx and Helmholtz Watson, alienated intellectuals, and argues about freedom with Mustapha Mond, the World Controller. Set in the year 632 After Ford, it is the tale of a Savage, raised on an Indian reservation, who=20 kills himself in disgust after being introduced to hedonistic civilization. FTP, identify this dystopian 1932 novel in which workers are divided into categories labeled with Greek letters and the drug soma maintains happiness, written by Aldous Huxley. Answer: Brave New World Boni: 1. Identify the following concerning a Russian novel, for the stated number of points. 1. 10 points: The title character of this 1868 work returns to Russia after several years in Switzerland, becomes engaged to Aglaya Epanchin, and falls in love with Natasha Filippovna. Answer: The Idiot 2. 5 points: Name the author of The Idiot. Answer: Fyodor Dostoyevsky 3. 15 points: Name the main character of The Idiot, who goes insane after Natasha is murdered by Rogozhin. Answer: Prince Myshkin 3. Identify the following parts of the tooth, FTP each. =20 1. This is the membrane of connective tissue surrounding the root and attaching the tooth to its socket. Answer: periodontal membrane 2. This bony substance forms the main portion of the tooth. It is like bone, but contains tiny canals for nerves and capillaries. Answer: dentine 3. This hardest material in the body covers the crown of the tooth. Answer: enamel 4. Answer these questions about the Northwest Territories for the stated number of points. 1. 5 points: Name the capital of the Northwest Territories. Answer: Yellowknife 2. 10 points: Name the largest lake found within the Northwest Territories: Answer: Great Bear Lake 3. 15 points: In 1992, natives voted that 2/3 of the territories would secede in 1999 to form a new region of Canada. What will be the name of that region? Answer: Nunavut 5. Identify the Mozart operas from characters, on a 10-5 basis. 1. 10 points: Blonda and Belmont 5 points: Constance and Pasha Selim Answer: The Abduction from the Seraglio 2. 10 points: Zerlina and Ottavio 5 points: Elvira and Leporello Answer: Don Giovanni 3. 10 points: Marcellina and Susanna 5 points: Count Almaviva and Cherubino Answer: The Marriage of Figaro 6. Identify the following concerning an Italian author FTP each. 1. His lesser known works include Belfagor, a story in which a devil looks at marriage, a history of Florence, and the 1525 play Clizia. Answer: Niccolo Machiavelli 2. One of Machiavelli's masterpieces is a series of discourses on this Roman historian. Answer: Livy 3. This cynical comedy tells the story of young lovers who overcome the meddlings of a foolish old man with the help of a drowsy confessor. Answer: The Mandrake or La mandragola 7. Identify the following disasters FTP each. 1. 600 people died in this Chicago theater in 1903. Answer: Iroquois Theater 2. 145 workers died in this New York factory in 1911. Answer: Triangle Shirt-waist Factory 3. Nearly 500 people died in this Boston theater in 1942. Answer: Coconut Grove 8. Identify the following from the history of Buddhism, FTP each. 1. This convert to Buddhism ruled India from 273 to 232 and spread the religion through a series of Rock Edicts. Answer: Asoka 2. Shan-tao founded this Buddhist sect, which believed in a paradise to which Buddha would bring his followers, in China in the seventh century. Answer: Pure Land or Ching-t'u 3. In 1253, this man founded the Buddhist sect named for him in Japan. It was a strongly patriotic religion that thought that other religions were trying to destroy Japan. Answer: Nichiren 9. FTP each, identify these diseases. 1. The exophthalmic variety is known as Graves=D5 disease, and the toxic multinodular type is known as Plummer=D5s disease, but most common is endemic, which results from dietary deficiencies and is typically corrected with table salt. Answer: goiter 2. Caused by sporozoans of the genus Plasmodium, its main vector in humans is the genus Anopheles. Answer: malaria 3. The discoid kind is a skin disorder usually not more serious than a persistent rash, but the systemic variety is a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin, joints, kidneys, and nervous system which can be fatal. It typically strikes young female adu lts. Answer: lupus erythematosus 10. Answer the following questions about an American novelist FTP each. 1. He worked as a journalist and businessman before turning to detective fiction at the age of 45, publishing stories in The Black Mask until his first novel was published in 1939. Answer: Raymond Chandler 2. Raymond Chandler's first novel introduced a detective who would become his most famous character. Name that novel and the detective who first appeared in it FTP each. Answer: The Big Sleep and Philip Marlowe=20 11. Given its first secretary and the year it was created, identify the following cabinet departments FTP each. 1. Norman Colman, 1889 Answer: Agriculture 2. William Radford, 1913 Answer: Commerce 3. Oveta Culp Hobby, 1953 Answer: Health, Education, and Welfare 13. Identify the following from physics FTP each. 1. The first of these laws states that the heat produced when an electric current flows through a resistance is current squared times the resistance times the time. Answer: Joule's laws 2. This is the change in temperature that takes place when a gas expands into an area of lower pressure through a porous plug. It was discovered, in collaboration, by the two British scientists after whom it is named. Answer: the Joule-Thomson effect or the Joule-Kelvin effect 3. This SI unit is equal to one newton meter. Answer: the joule 14. Answer these questions about the Carolingians FTP each. 1. Charlemagne shared his kingdom with this brother until the brother's death in 771. Answer: Carloman 2. This son succeeded Charlemagne in 814. Answer: Louis I (the Pious) 3. This agreement divided the empire into 3 parts in 843. Answer: Verdun 15. Identify the following twentieth century artists from works FTP each. 1. Dog Barking at the Moon and Red Disk in Pursuit of the Lark Answer: Joan Miro 2. Burning Giraffe and Last Supper Answer: Salvador Dali 3. Family of Saltimbanques and Night Fishing at Antibes Answer: Pablo Picasso 16. The =D2This is SportsCenter=D3 ad campaign has been one of the most successful in ESPN=D5s history. For the stated number of points, answer these questions about the ad campaign. 1. 5 points: Everyone in the newsroom took turns carrying around this gymnast with a heavily taped ankle. Answer: Kerri Strug 2. 5 points: Keith Olbermann went crazy and smashed this soccer player=D5s guitar to stop him from singing Answer: Alexi Lalas 3. 10 points: It was love at first sight for Charley Steiner and this female boxer. Answer: Christy Martin 4. 10 points: Seth Hayes, the world=D5s youngest anchor, was fired for insisting that this former Yankee pitcher =D2sucks.=D3 Answer: Jimmy Key 17. Name the aged British prime ministers FTP each. 1. He left office in 1894 at the age of 84. Answer: William Gladstone 2. He took office at the age of 70 and retired at 80 in 1865. Answer: Viscount Palmerston 3. He left office in 1955 at age 80. Answer: Winston Churchill 18. Perhaps you have already forgotten that SSC stood for Superconducting Super Collider, but try to expand these still-viable accelerator acronyms FTP each. 1. Abbreviated LHC, this facility is planned for the CERN laboratory near Geneva. Answer: Large Hadron Collider 2. Abbreviated SLC, this Menlo Park facility completed in 1987 uses the world=D5s largest linear accelerator to smash electrons and positrons together. Answer: Stanford Linear Collider or SLAC Linear Collider=20 19. Name the following minor works by Chaucer FTP each. 1. On St. Valentine's Day Nature allows the birds to choose their mates. Answer: The Parliament of Fowls 2. This poem tells the stories of Cleopatra, Dido, and Medea, among others=2E Answer: The Legend of Good Women 3. In the second book of this unfinished poem, the poet speaks about love with a giant eagle. Answer: The House of Fame 20. Answer the following questions about U.S. history between V-E and V-J Day FTP each. 1. On July 6, Truman signed an executive order establishing this award for citizens who had rendered the nation meritorious service. Answer: Presidential Medal of Freedom 2. On July 16, this New Mexico town became the site of the detonation of the first atomic bomb. Answer: Alamogordo 3. On August 29, he was named Supreme Commander of Allied powers in Japan. Answer: Douglas MacArthur