Dork Bowl I: Dorkier Than ThouRoundUniversity of MemphisTOSSUPS QQ In Switzerland, psychiatrist Dick Diver meets Nicole Warren, who was hospitalized after an incestuousencounter with her father. Eventually Dick and Nicole marry, but the marriage deteriorates due to hisalcoholism and affairs, including one with actress Rosemary Hoyt. Nicole seeks comfort in the arms of warhero Tommy Barban. FTP, name this 1934 novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Answer _Tender is the Night_ QQ Born John Rowlands in England in 1841, he emigrated to America and eventually fought for both armiesduring the Civil War. He later earned fame as an explorer, and he was knighted for being the first Europeanto trace the Congo to its source. FTP name this man, presumably most famous for travelling to Africa forthe New York Herald to find Dr. David Livingstone. Answer Sir Henry _Stanley_ QQ In exchange for saving his life from a serpent, the Egyptian prince Tamino promises the Queen of Nightthat he will rescue her daughter Pamine from the sorceror Sarastro. Accompanied by Papageno, Taminofinds the girl and falls in love with her, and they eventually marry . FTP name this Mozart opera, named forTamino's enchanted musical instrument. Answer _The Magic Flute_ (Die Zauberfloete) QQ In 1950, this football franchise came into existence as the New York Yankees before relocating, first toBoston and then to Dallas, where they became the Dallas Tex ANS. They had little success, but after anothermove they fared much better with the likes of Art Donovan, Raymond Berry, and Johnny Unitas. FTP namethis team, formerly located in Maryland, whose current players include Marshall Faulk. Answer The Indianapolis _Colts_ QQ In preparation for an attack on Corinth, Mississippi, Grant had been ordered to stop just north of the cityto wait for reinforcements from General Buell. Sensing an opportunity, Confederate forces under Johnstonlaunched a surprise attack whose initial success was reversed by Buell's arrival and the death of Johnstonhimself. FTP name this bloody 1862 battle in southwest Tennessee. Answer _Shiloh_ (accept Pittsburgh Landing) QQ (Two Answers RequireD A Roman legend states that they fought for Rome at the battle of Lake Regilusin 496 . B A Among their other exploits are rescuing Helen from Theseus, who had kidnapped her, helpingin the Calydonian Boar Hunt before one of them died at the hands of Idas and Lyncaeus. FTP brothers ofHelen and Clytemnestra, ultimately tr ANSformed into the constellation Gemini. Answer _Castor_ and _Pollux_ (accept Polydeuces for Pollux) (prompt on Dioscuri or early buzz withGemini) QQ Major tributaries include the Monocacy, Rappahannock, and Shenandoah rivers. Rising in the AlleghenyMountains near Tucker County, West Virginia, it meanders 287 miles through Maryland and Virginia beforeemptying into the Chesapeake. FTP name this river which flows through such historical sites as Harper'sFerry, Mount Vernon, and, of course, Washington, D. A Answer _Potomac_ QQ In this poem, a guest is taken to the top of a steep staircase where the narrarator uncovers a painting byFra Pandolf. The painting portrays a smiling woman whose smiles have been "stopped" by the narrator'sorder. Its subtitle, "Ferrara," is perhaps a clue to the identity of its narrarator. FTP name this poem about aDuke who jealously has his wife murdered, the most famous of Robert Browning. Answer _"My Last Duchess"_ QQ This 1914 graduate of the University of Coimbra school of law initially earned acclaim as an economist,but he later ventured into politics as head of the Catholic Center Party, which resulted in his election to theparliament of Portugal. In 1928 he was made Minister of Finance, and in 1932 he was appointed PrimeMinister. FTP name this man, who ruled Portugal until his death in 19QQ Answer Antonio de _Salazar_ QQ Kambei and Schichiroji are two old battle-worn friends; Katsushiro is Kambei's apprentice; Gororubei isa kindhearted man who hopes to befriend Kambei; Heihachi is notable for his sense of humor; Kyozu is amaster swordsman; and Kikuchiyo is a farmer who comes along for the ride. These men are hired to save avillage from bandits in, FTP, what 1954 film, the most famous of Akira Kurosawa? Answer The _Seven Samurai_ (_Shichinin no Samurai_) QQ Among her problems are the late arrival of an expected piece of luggage, not receiving Wednesday'snewspaper, and runs in her pantyhose. She escapes these troubles by retreating to her bedroom to listen tomusic in her head. We, like her creator Paul McCartney, might wonder how she will feed her other childrenbesides the one she can to breastfeed. FTP name this subject of a well-known Beatles song. Answer _Lady Madonna_ QQ Born Naftali Reyes in 1904, he adopted his more famous name in honor of a favorite Czech author. Inhis early life he was taught by Gabriele Mistral. His own first poetical work was _Twenty Love Poems and aSong of Despair_ and later works such as _Residence on Earth_ and _General Song_ would earn him the QQ 53 Nobel Prize. FTP name this poet, whose exile from Chile was dramatized in _Il Postino_. Answer Pablo _Neruda_ QQ After graduating from Williams in 1856 this man taught Classical languages at the Eclectic Institute inOhio and briefly practiced law before joining the Union Army in 18QQ By 1863 he was a Major General andhe was still in uniform when elected to the House of Representatives, where he served until the election of QQ QQ FTP name this man, who became the 20th President before being shot by Charles Guiteau. Answer James A _Garfield_ QQ Also known as Paralysis Agit ANS, its causes are unknown, but it appears to be related to a dysfunctionof the basal ganglia. It usually afflicts people over 50, gradually producing symptoms which includemuscular rigidity, a fixation of facial expression, stooped posture, and characteristic tremors of extremities.FTP name this illness, whose victims may include Janet Reno and Pope John Paul II, as well as Hitler. Answer _Parkinson's Disease_ (Syndrome) QQ In the distant background cliffs lead into the sea on whose shore is a round, egg-shaped object. To theleft is a plateau on which lies a tree and a watch-shaped piece of amber with ants trapped inside, while themiddle shows a ridge over which melts a flesh-colored object resembling a nose and an eye. These are alldetails of, FTP, what painting, also containing three melted clocks, the most famous of Salidor Dali? Answer _The Persistence of Memory_ QQ His experiences during WWII inspired a trilogy, while his devotion to Catholicism is reflected in_Helena_, a fictional biography of the mother of Constantine the Great. Among his early works are suchlight-hearted satires as _Scoop_, _Black Mischief_, and _Decline and Fall_, as well as more serious workssuch as _A Handful of Dust_. FTP name this author, most famous for _Brideshead Revisited_. Answer Evelyn _Waugh_ QQ It consists of three islands, Gozo, Comino, and the main island. Its language, a dialect of Arabic writtenwith a latin script, reflects the many occupations it has endured, and, though its economy now depends ontourism and foreign aid, in the past it was coveted for its strategic position in the Mediterranean. FTP namethis island nation, long a member of the British Commonwealth, whose capital is Valetta. Answer _Malta_ QQ Originally a faith healer and miracle worker from Samaria, one early Christian tradition attributes thefounding of Gnosticism to him. In another he is killed when Saint Peter exorcises the demons which enablehim to fly, which contradicts yet another legend in which he is Baptised by Phillip the Deacon. FTP namethis figure of Christian folklore most famous for offering to purchase the ability to tr ANSmit the Holy Spirit. Answer _Simon Magus_ or _Simon the Sorceror_ QQ Discovered by Berzelius, it shows increased conductivity when its metallic form is exposed to light andcan convert light directly into electricity, making it ideal for use in photoelectric, solar, and photograhiccells. It can tr ANSform alternating to direct current, enabling it to be used commercially in rectifiers, and it iswidely used in glasses and enamels for its red color. FTP name this element with atomic number QQ Answer _Selenium_ QQ In 278 . B A this people migrated from central Europe and attacked the city-states of Macedonia andPergamum, eventually settling down in Asia Minor and establishing Galatia They are, however, morefamous for their conflicts with Rome, which they sacked in 386 . B A before being driven off by Camillus.FTP name this barbarian people, finally conquered by Caesar in 51 . B A Answer _Gauls_ QQ Evidence suggests that this city flourished in Greece around 1,500 to 1,400 . B A before its destructionby the Dori ANS around 13QQ Founded, according to legend, by Perseus, it figured prominently in the _Iliad_as the chief city in the Greek alliance against Troy, and it remained unexcavated until it was rediscovered inby Heinrich Schliemann. FTP name this ancient city, mythological home to Agamemnon. Answer _Mycenae_Memphis Bonuses QQ Name the following actors for ten points each.A This actor has starred in such films as _The Color Purple_, _What's Love Got to Do With It?_, _Othello_,#QQd _Fled_ Answer Lawrence _Fishburne_B This actor has starred in such films as _The Godfather_, _Something to Talk About_, _The ScarletLetter_, and _Phenomenon_ Answer Robert _Duvall_ QQ This actor has starred in such films as _The American President_, _Gettysburg_, _Firestarter_, and _WallStreet_. Answer _Martin Sheen_ QQ Given a description, identify the Mexican War battle, FTP.A In this April 18, 1847 battle General Winfield Scott defeated Santa Anna near the National Highway dueto Scott's superior artillery tactics and the excellent reconnaisance of Captain Robert E. Lee. Answer _Cerro Gordo_b). In this February 23, 1847 battle General Zachary Taylor defeated Santa Anna despite being outnumberednearly two to one. Answer _Buena Vista_C This was the first major joint-service amphibious operation in United States Military History. Scott andCommodore Matthew Perry captured an important coastal town near Mexico City. Answer _Veracruz_ QQ Identify the following characters from the _Aeneid_ FTP each.A He was Aeneas' faithful friend and companion. Answer _Achates_B En route to Italy, Aeneas stops at Epirus and finds Andromache there in the care of this man, the solesurviving son of Priam, who reprovisions the crew and gives Aeneas a useful prophecy. Answer _Helenus_C When Aeneas finally arrives in Italy he has to fight against the Rutuli ANS led by this prince, whom Aeneaskills in single combat. Answer _Turnus_ QQ Given the colonial name of an African nation, give the current name of the nation it once described, FTP.A Upper Volta Answer _Burkina Faso_B Basutoland Answer _Lesotho_C Gold Coast Answer Ghana QQ Several Bristish authors have at one point in their lives been members of British intelligence. Given adescription, name the author/agent, for the stated number of points.#QQ points: As an internal intelligence agent for Queen Anne, he gathered material for such works as _MollFlanders_ and _Robinson Crusoe_. Answer Daniel _Defoe_ QQ points: In 1917 Great Britain sent this author to Russia on a mission to support the Mencheviks and try tokeep Russia from falling to the Bolsheviks. He authored such works as _Cakes and Ale_ and _The Moon#QQd Sixpence_. Answer W. Somerset _Maugham_ QQ points: In the 1660's the governement of Charles II sent this woman to Holland to obtain information on theDutch military pl ANS during the Anglo-Dutch war. She authored such plays as _Oroonooko_ and _TheRover_. Answer Aphra _Behn_ QQ Given a description, identify the dinosaur, FTP. QQ This lizard, about 25 feet long and covered in an armored shell from which spikes protruded, had a bonyclub on the end of its tail. Answer _Ankylosaurus_ QQ Originating in the Jurassic, this dinosaur is famous for its tiny, walnut sized brain and for the bony plateswhich protruded from its back and spiked tail. Answer _Stegosaurus_ QQ Also of the Jurassic, these dinosaurs were over 70 feet long and may have weighed up to 50 tons.Scientists at one time thought these plant-eaters to be marsh-dwellers, but now paleontologists have begunto suggest that they lived on dry land in herds. Answer _Brontosaurus_ (accept Apatosaurus, Brachiosaurus) QQ Given a brief description of a Persian War battle, name it on a 5-10-15 basis.#QQ points: In this 490 battle the Athenians under Miltiades defeated a Persian force almost 10 times larger. Answer _Marathon_ QQ In this 480 battle the Greek navy under the command of Themistocles defeated a much largerPersian fleet. Answer _Salamis_ QQ points: In this final battle Aristides defeated a much larger Persian army in a town just outside Athens in 4QQ B A Answer _Plataea_ QQ Recently two former Republican Senators, one from K ANSas and one from Tennessee, made news bygetting married. QQ First, FTP: name the newlyweds. Answer Nancy _Kassebaum_ and _Howard Baker_ QQ For a final 10 points: Nancy Kassebaum is the daughter of what famous Presidential hopeful? Answer Alf _Landon_ QQ Given a brief plot summary of an August Strindberg play, identify it, for fifteen points each. QQ In this play an old man named Hummel confronts a group of people he claims has wronged him andcommits suicide when his own past misdeeds are revealed, while a student named Arkenholtz, a "Sundaychild," attempoints to woo Hummel's daughter. Answer _Ghost Sonata_ QQ This play deals with a disastrous sexual encounter between a countess and her valet, which leads to hersuicide. Answer _Miss Julie_ QQ For five points each and a bonus five for all correct Answer the following questions:A The theory of Continental Drift states that at one time all the continents were one great continent,surrounded by one great Ocean. Identify both the continent and the ocean. Answer _Pangaea_ and _Panthallassa_B Into what two parts did Pangaea split? Answer _Laurasia_ and _Gondwanaland_C This branch of Panthallassa covered much of what is now eastern Europe and Asia, and has been used toexplain the large amount of marine fossil-bearing sedimentary rock in the Carpathi ANS. Name this body of#QQcient water, named after the mythological bride of Oceanus. Answer _Tethys_ Sea QQ Given a brief synopsis, identify the Wagner opera, FTP. Note: none are in the _Ring_ cycle.A Set during the reign of Henry the Fowler of Germany, in this opera a mysterious knight comes to therescue of Elsa, a woman falsely accused of withcraft, and offers to marry her provided she will not ask himeither his name or his birthplace. Answer:_Lohengrin_B Set in 13th century Germany, this tells of the internal struggle of a Christian knight torn between thetemptations of Venusberg, a pagan hall of pleasure, and his saintly betrothed Elisabeth. Answer _Tannhauser_C In this opera a simple knight heals the wounds of Amfortas, King of the Grail Knights, and bringsredemption both to him and to the sorceress-with-the-heart-of gold Kundry. Answer _Parzifal_ QQ The Conn-Smythe trophy is given to hockey players who have contributed the most to the success ofthe team in the Stanley Cup playoffs. In the history of the award five men have won it twice; of this five,three are still playing.A First, for five points each, name these three active multiple winners. Answer Wayne _Gretzky_, _Mario Lemieux_, Patrick _Roy_B Roy and Gretzky have since departed from Montreal and Edmonton, respectively, and each plays for adifferent team. For five points each, with what teams do these men now play? Answer Colorado _Avalanche_ (Patrick Roy) and New York _Rangers_ (Wayne Gretzky)C For a final five points, name either of the other two men to win the Conn-Smythe twice. Answer Bernie _Parent_ or Bobby _Orr_ QQ Identify the following twentieth century authors who wrote in German from works, FTP each; if youneed another clue, you only get 5 points. QQ points: The epic poem _Till Eulenspiegel_ and the plays _Beaver Coat_ and _The Sunken Bell_#QQ points: The plays _Before Sunrise_ and _The Weavers_ Answer Gerhard _Hauptmann_ QQ points: The novels _The Confessions of Felix Krull, Confidence Man_, _Joseph and His Brothers_, and_Tr ANSposed Heads_#QQ points: The novels _Buddenbrooks and _Death in Venice_ Answer Thomas _Mann_ QQ points: The novels _Hunger Artist_ and _The Trial_.#QQ points: The novels _Amerika_ and _Metamorphosis_ Answer Franz _Kafka_ QQ Answer the following relating to the rule of Charlemagne FTP each. QQ points: For ten points, name the pope who crowned. Answer _Leo III_ QQ points: At this 775 battle Charlemagne defeated the Basques, though according to legend he did so at theexpense of his rear guard, which was guarded by Roland. FTP, name the battle. Answer _Roncesvalles_ (Roncesvaux) QQ points: Charlemagne gathered around him many of the greatest minds of his day, including this Englishmonk, who endeavored mightily to teach him to write. Name this man, who also helped quell theAdoptionist heresy. Answer _Alcuin_ of York QQ Identify the scientist from clues on a 30-20-10 basis. QQ points: When he was knighted in 1947 for his contributions to physics he chose as his symbol the yin-yang,which he explained as illustrating his Principle of Complementarity. QQ points: Though he assisted in the Los Alamos bomb project, he later advocated arms control, for which hewon the first Atoms for Peace Award in 19QQ QQ points: This Danish Physicist was the winner of the 1922 Nobel Prize for Physics for his development ofquantum physics. Answer Niels _Bohr_ QQ Given a significant archaeological discovery, identify the man who discovered it, FTP each. QQ The Incan city Macchu Pichu Answer Hiram _Bingham_ QQ Tutankhamon's tomb Answer Howard _Carter_ QQ The palace of Knossos on Crete Answer Arthur _Ev ANS_ QQ Given the following world capitals, identify the major river which flows through it, 10 points each.A Kiev Answer _Dneiper_B Khartoum Answer _Nile_C Brazzaville Answer _Congo_ QQ Given a list of people used by Shakespeare as characters, identify the historical play of Shakespeare fromwhich they are taken, FTP each. QQ Faulconbridge, Cardinal Pandulph, Prince Arthur Answer King _John_ QQ Mortimer, Owen Glendower, Henry Hotspur Answer _Henry IV part I_ QQ Archbishop Cranmer, Cardinal Wolsey, Katharine of Aragon Answer _Henry VIII_ QQ For assistance in the war against the allied Greek city states, Trojan King Priam had the help of severalnon-Trojan allies. Given a brief description, identify the ally, FTP each. QQ This Ethiopian prince, the son of Eos and Tithonus, came to Troy's aid after the death of Hector andkilled Archilochus, son of aged Pylian king Nestor. He was killed by Achilles. Answer _Memnon_ QQ This Lycian prince, son of Zeus and Europa, was the mightiest warrior on the Trojan side besides Hector;he was finally slain by Patroclus. Answer _Sarpedon_ QQ When this Thracian king heard a prophecy stating that Troy would never fall if his horses drank from theriver Xanthus, he rushed to the aid of the Troj ANS but was ambushed and murdered by Diomedes andOdysseus before his horses could drink. Answer _Rhesus_ QQ In 1640 Charles I of England summoned Parliament twice to ask for funds for the second Bishop's War. Answer the following about those Parliaments for ten points each. QQ ) What was the name given to the first parliament summoned that year which lasted from April 13 until itsdissolution by charles on May 5? Answer _Short_Parliament QQ ) What was the name given to the Parliament summoned in November of 1640 which lasted until itsdissolution in 1660? Answer _Long_ parliament QQ ) What was the name given to the Long Parliament after 121 members were expelled by the rebels in QQ 48? Answer _Rump_ parliament