1997 MLK Weekend Tournament Questions by Maryland =0D 1. Structured on John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, the book bitterly attacks man's inhumanity to man. It describes a period of imprisonment in a French military concentration camp during World War I, where the author was incarcerated on a false charge of treason. For ten points, name the 1922 autobiographical novel by e.e. cummings. Answer: The Enormous Room =0D 3. Founded in AD 969 by the Fatimids, it was taken by Saladin in the 12th century. It was the capital under the Mamelukes from the 13th to 16th centuries, then reaching the height of its prosperity. For ten points, what city was occupied by the British from 1882 to 1946, the largest city in Africa and capital of Egypt? Answer: Cairo =0D 4. It was first celebrated as a three-day holiday, lasting from the 17th to the 19th of December. During its continuance no public business could be transacted, law courts and schools were closed, and no war could be started. For ten points, identify the ancient Roman holiday of disorder and misrule, extended to seven days under the empire and named for the Roman god of agriculture. Answer: Saturnalia =0D 5. Although he began paying tribute through the Danegeld, the Danes returned to plunder his realm and stayed for three years. He married Emma, sister of the duke of Normandy, possibly hoping to gain an ally. The son of Edgar and half-brother and successor of Edward the Martyr, he was succeeded by his son Edmund Ironside and by Canute. FTP, name this king of England from 978 to 1016. Answer: Ethelred the Unready =0D 6. There are typically four of these endocrine glands in the human body, and a disease similar to osteoperosis occurs when they become enlarged or develop tumors. Important in regulating the calcium-phosphate balance between the blood and other tissues, it secretes a hormone that inhibits excretion of calcium by the kidneys and intestines, and stimulates the release of calcium from the bones into the bloodstream. FTP, what are these pealike glands that secrete PTH and were long thought to be part of the thyroid gland? Answer: parathyroids =0D 7. Only five of this man's poems were published before he was killed on the bank of the Oise-Sambre Canal. Born near Oswestry, he worked as a teacher at Berlitz School of Languages before enlisting in 1915. While recuperating from trench fever at the Craiglockart War Hospital, he met Siegfried Sassoon, who encouraged him, and later published works. FTP, who is this poet of 'Strange Meeting,' 'Anthem for Doomed Youth,' and 'Dulce et Decorum Est'? Answer: Wilfred Owen =0D 9. During the War of 1812, it was attacked and boarded outside of Boston harbor by crewmen of the British warship Shannon, causing American commander James Lawrence to utter his famous cry, 'Don't give up the ship!' For ten points, name the vessel made famous by an incident in 1807, when the Royal Navy stopped it and forcibly removed six crewmen. Answer: The Chesapeake =0D 10. His face was drawn from a composite of twenty winners of the Congressional Medal of Honor, and the tattoo on his behind was actually a copyright mark. Conceived in 1964 by Newport, Rhode Island toy company Hassenfeld Bros., he was fully jointed with 21 moving parts, his hair coming in four colors. For ten points, identify the 12-inch plastic action figure, 'America's Movable Fighting Man,' shortened to three inches when he became 'a real American hero.' Answer: G.I. Joe=0C11. In this landscape painting, a dog watches two men from a bank of a small stream. Scudding clouds are visible overhead, and a cottage and copse of trees lie on different sides of the river. The two farmers are fording the stream in a wagon which is pulled by two black horses, which one of the men is pointing to, while the other farmer gazes into the background. FTP, this is a brief description of what 1821 painting by John Constable? Answer: The Haywain =0D 12. Born and raised in exile with his family in Kuwait, in 1900 he began his campaign to reconquer the family domains in the Nejd. By 1922 he had conquered the Nejd and then captured Hejaz, becoming king there in 1926. For ten points, who was this ruler who opened his country to oil exploration and in 1932 named his kingdom after himself? Answer: Ibn Saud =0D 13. The most common type has chemical formula H4 Mg3 Si2 O9. Usually occuring as veins in rocks, the two most important kinds are amphibole, which has needlelike fibers, and chrysotile, a form of serpentine, which has curly fibers. FTP, name this group of substances used in water pipe and roofing materials because of its resistance to acid and fire. Answer: asbestos =0D 14. At the end of this short story, rescuers come across a deuce of clubs pinned to a tree with a bowie knife, marking the final resting place of the gambler John Oakhurst. On their way to Sandy Bar, four travellers are snowed in along with a married couple, and only Uncle Billy and Tom Simson survive the blizzard. First published in 1869 in the Overland Monthy, FTP, what is this story about exiles from a Western mining camp, written by Bret Harte? Answer: The Outcasts of Poker Flat (not Flats) =0D 15. They had a large, thick skull, a chinless jaw, a sloping forehead, and a brain somewhat larger than that of modern humans, and they stood slightly more than 5 feet tall. Existing 125,000-35,000 years ago in the middle Paleolithic, they used stone tools, fire, and cave shelters. FTP, name this type of early human, named after the site in West Germany where their fossil remains were first discovered. Answer: Neanderthal man =0D 16. Their last king, Roderick, was defeated by the Moors in 711. King Euric brought them to their peak of power in the 5th century, when they expanded to the Loire, made Toulouse their capital, and took Vandal lands in Spain, but they were essentially confined to Spain after they lost lands north of the Pyrenees to Clovis. FTP, name this tribe, which sacked Rome in 410 after defeating the emperor Valens at Adrianople in 378. Answer: Visigoths =0D 17. Encouraged to go to Paris by the poet Jean de la Fontaine, he traveled as a historiographer with Louis XIV's campaign. After an attack on his most famous work led him to give up the theatre, Madame de Maintenon persuaded him to write Esther and Atalie for her. FTP, name this French playwright of Britannicus, Bajazet, Andromaque, and Phedre. Answer: Jean Racine =0D 20. Arising in the Kunlun Mountains, it flows generally east, with a 'great northern bend' around the Ordos Desert, to a mouth on the Bo Hai, a gulf north of the Shandong Peninsula. Because of the devastating floods once common along its lower course, it is sometimes called 'China's Sorrow'. FTP, name this great river of northern China. Answer: Huang He or Hwang Ho or Yellow or other equivalent =0D 21. Born in Nyack, New York, he studied under Robert Henri from 1900 to 1906, and then made several trips to Europe. In the late 1930s he emerged as a major realist painter of the American scene, going against the current of European abstraction. For ten points, identify the artist of Early Sunday Morning and The Night Hawks. Answer: Edward Hopper=0C22. Latin for 'what is under the threshold of experience,' it was first named by literary critic Longinus in the 2nd century AD, receiving much currency in Europe when his treatise was translated by Boileau in 1674. It is a conglomerate name for anything for which human beings feel wonder: the divine, natural phenomena, or inspirational human qualities. Burke wrote that it contains the potential to fire the imagination, in contrast to the ordered Universe of the Enlightenment. For ten points, identify the concept, also the name of a band who scored the 1996 hit, 'What I Got.' Answer: The Sublime =0D 23. Born with the last name Reizenstein, this American studied law before writing his first play, On Trial, the story of an assassin who wants to be sentenced without a trial. Later works include Counselor-At-Law, Two on an Island, and The Adding Machine, a satire on the growing robotization of man. FTP, who is this playwright who won the 1929 Pulitzer Prize for his Street Scene? Answer: Elmer Rice=0C1997 MLK Weekend Tournament Questions by Maryland =0D 1. Answer the following concerning Brook Farm for the stated number of points. 1. For 5 points, name the state, and for 10 points, name the town, in which it was located. Answer: West Roxbury, Massachusetts 2. FTP, the community was founded based on the ideas of what philosopher, who believed that social harmony could be achieved in a society based on the 'phalanx'? Answer: Charles Fourier 3. Among the visitors to Brook Farm was, for 5 points, what presidential candidate of the Liberal Republican Party in 1872? Answer: Horace Greeley =0D 2. Identify the following taken at random from the question writer's high school calculus textbook FTP each. 1. This is a point where the concavity of a function changes, or where the second derivative of the function changes sign. Answer: point of inflection 2. It is the chord of a parabola which passes through the focus perpendicular to the axis. Answer: latus rectum 3. This is the term for any polar curve given by the equation r =3D a + b cos theta [r equals a plus or minus b cosine theta] or r =3D a + b sin theta. Answer: limacon =0D 3. Arrange the following events from the history of the Roman Republic in chronological order for 5 points each. The events are: Tiberius Gracchus assassinated by opponents of his land reforms. Carthage sacked and made a province of Africa. Conspiracy of Catiline thwarted by Cicero. Sulla retires after ruling as dictator. Hannibal is defeated at the battle of Zama. Cincinnatus defeats the Aequi. Answers: Cincinnatus (458 BC), Zama (202 BC), Carthage sacked (146 BC), T. Gracchus killed (133 BC), Sulla retires (79 BC), Catiline (63 BC). =0D 4. Answer these questions concerning the literary classic Heart of Darkness for the stated number of points. 1. For 5, who wrote it? Answer: Joseph Conrad 2. For 10, the explorations through Africa of which man serve as a primary influence to the work? Answer: Henry Stanley 3. For 5 points for one and 15 points for both, identify the main character of Heart of Darkness and the explorer he was trying to find. Answer: Marlow and Kurtz =0D 5. Identify the following Supreme Court cases for 10 points each. 1. In this 1925 case, the Court ruled that First Amendment protection of freedom of speech applied to the states as well as to the federal government. Answer: Gitlow v. New York 2. In 1951, the Court in this decision upheld convictions under the Smith Act of 1940 for speaking about Communist theory that advocated the forcible overthrow of the government. Answer: Dennis v. U.S. 3. This 1954 companion case to Brown v. Board of Education found that the congressionally mandated segregated public school system in the District of Columbia violated the Fifth Amendment's due process guarantee of personal liberty. Answer: Bolling v. Sharpe=0C6. Sure, Purim isn't for another two months, but why not write a question about the story behind it? For ten points each: 1. In what book of the Bible can you find the story, about a Persian queen? Answer: Esther 2. Who was the adopted uncle of Esther, a Jew who had saved Persian king Ahasuerus (a-hash-VER-osh) from assassins? Answer: Mordecai 3. What rival of Mordecai had secured a decree to kill all the Jews in the kingdom and have Mordecai hanged? Answer: Haman =0D 7. Given a composer's only opera, name the composer FTP. If you need other works, you will only get 5. 1. 10 pts: Genoveva 5 pts: 'Rhenish' symphony and Carnaval Answer: Robert Schumann 2. 10 pts: Don Sanche 5 pts: Hamlet and Mazeppa, tone poems Answer: Franz Liszt 3. 10 pts: The Maiden in the Tower 5 pts: Kullervo, 6 Finnish Folksongs Answer: Jean Sibelius =0D 8. Given the opening lines, name the John Keats poem FTP each. 1. 'Much have I traveled in the realms of gold, And many goodly states and kingdoms seen;' Answer: On First Looking into Chapman's Homer 2. 'O what can ail thee, knight at arms, Alone and palely loitering?' Answer: La Belle Dame sans Merci 3. 'Thou still unravished bride of quietness, Thou foster-child of silence and slow time,' Answer: Ode on a Grecian Urn 9. Green Bay and New England will play next Sunday in Super Bowl XXXI. How much do you know about past Super Bowls? Answer for the stated number of points. 1. For 5 points, what team annihilated the Patriots 46-10 in their only other Super Bowl appearance, in 1986? Answer: Chicago Bears 2. For 5 points each, what two teams did the Green Bay Packers defeat in Super Bowls I and II? Answer: Kansas City Chiefs, Oakland Raiders 3. For 5 points each, identify the last Super Bowl the AFC won, the victorious team, and the team that was defeated. Answer: Super Bowl XVIII, Los Angeles Raiders, Washington Redskins 10. 30-20-10, identify the year. 1. Leo Tolstoy completes War and Peace. The Red River Rebellion in Canada takes place, as settlers resist British rule. 2. Mendeleev compiles the periodic table. Wyoming is the first territory in the U.S. to grant women's suffrage. 3. The Suez Canal opens, and the first U.S. transcontinental railroad is completed. Answer: 1869 =0C11. Answer the following concerning the Pleiades FTP each. 1. Name their father. Answer: Atlas 2. Zeus changed the Pleiades into a constellation so they could escape what giant who pursued them? Answer: Orion 3. In the constellation, only six of the seven stars are visible. According to some accounts, the invisible seventh is this woman, who left the constellation because she could not bear to watch the destruction of Troy, which had been founded by her son Dardanus. Answer: Electra 12. Answer the following concerning the English Bill of Rights for the stated number of points. 1. 10 pts: In what year was it issued? Answer: 1689 2. 5 pts: What English king accepted the English Bill of Rights in 1689? Answer: William III 3. 15 pts: The Bill of Rights was supplemented by a 1701 act which ensured the succession of the house of Hanover. Name it. Answer: Act of Settlement 13. Name the following geographic features of California FTP each. 1. This lake in southern California is 235 feet below sea level and has its own wildlife refuge. Part of the lake is ini the Torres Martinez Indian reservation. Answer: Salton Sea 2. At 14,491 feet, it is the highest point in the Sierra Nevada range. Answer: Mount Whitney 3. This national park includes San Miguel Island, Santa Rosa Island, and Santa Cruz Island. Answer: Channel Islands National Park =0D 15. 30-20-10-5, name the artist. 1. During a trip to Italy, he painted two large figure composi- tions, The Forge of Vulcan and Joseph's Coat. 2. Born in 1599, he also painted full-length portraits of Mariana of Austria and the Infanta Margarita. 3. His only nude, the Rokeby Venus, is in the National Gallery in London. During his first years as court painter to Philip IV, he painted Borrachos. 4. This Spanish painter's most famous work is The Maids of Honor. Answer: Diego Velazquez =0D 16. FTP each, name the following arteries. 1. This artery carries blood from the right side of the heart to the lungs, dividing into two branches near the aorta. Answer: pulmonary artery 2. It begins immediately behind Poupart's ligament and passes through the inner part of the thigh and becomes the popliteal artery in the lower third of the thigh. Answer: femoral artery 3. The larger of the two terminal branches of the brachial artery, it begins a little below the bend of the elbow and goes down the arm until dividing into two branches near the wrist. Answer: ulnar artery=0C17. For the stated number of points, given a Pulitzer prize- winning novel of the 1970s, name the author. 1. 5 pts: Humboldt's Gift Answer: Saul Bellow 2. 10 pts: The Killer Angels Answer: Michael Shaara 3. 15 pts: Angle of Repose Answer: Wallace Stegner =0D 18. Given a king of England, name any person who ruled France during his reign FTP each. 1. Richard I Answer: Louis VII or Philip II (Augustus) 2. Henry VI Answer: Charles VI, Charles VII, or Louis XI 3. James I Answer: Henry IV or Louis XIII =0D 19. 30-20-10, name the scientist. 20. Answer the following concerning the novel Things Fall Apart for the stated number of points. 1. 5 pts: Who wrote it? Answer: Chinua Achebe 2. 5 pts: Name the poem from which the novel takes its title. Answer: The Second Coming 3. 10 pts: Name the protagonist, who kills Ikemefuna, a youth to whom he had been a father figure. Answer: Okonkwo 4. 10 pts: Name the village which is home to Okonkwo. Answer: Iguedo =0D 21. Given the first lines of a poem, identify it for 15 points each. You will receive 5 points if you need its author. 1. 15: 'There was a time when meadow, grove, and stream, The earth, and every common sight, To me did seem Apparalled in celestial light, The glory and freshness of a dream.' 5: William Wordsworth Answer: Ode: Intimations of Immortality From Recollections of Early Childhood b. 15: 'The sea is calm to-night. The tide is full, the moon lies fair Upon the straits; -- on the French coast the light Gleams and is gone; the cliffs of England stand Glimmering and vast, out in the tranquil bay.' 5: Matthew Arnold Answer: Dover Beach