Boston Summer Open Round 1 Questions by Ed Cohn and Dom Ricci TOSSUPS 1. The name's the same. One rises in the Cotswolds, passes through Bath and enters the mouth of the Severn just outside Bristol. Its namesake contains a scenic stretch through the Vale of Evesham. Flanked by the wooded Arden district in the north, it passes through Leicester [LYE-ster], Warwick, and Rugby. For 10 points, name these tributaries of the Severn River, the latter of which flows through Stratford. Answer: the _AVON_ River 2. For lithium and sodium it is perfectly spherical, while that of copper is characterized by eight "necks." It reflects the lattice periodicity [PEE-ri-o-DISS-a-tee] of the crystal and is defined by the occupation level of the electron energy bands in the material. For 10 points, what is this boundary in momentum-space which separates occupied and unoccupied energy states in a metal, named after the physicist who achieved the first self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction? Answer: _FERMI_ surface 3. After his 1889 work _The Trial of Socrates_, this engineer retired to a life of meditation, discovered Marxism, and became a passionate defender of Albert Dreyfus. He attacked the bourgeoisie [bour-ZHWAH] for its decadence and mediocrity, hailed the mythic qualities of the general strike, and in 1908 published his masterpiece, _Reflections on Violence_. For 10 points, name this French social philosopher and leading theorist of revolutionary syndicalism. Answer: Georges _SOREL_ 4. He died during a second stay in Sicily, 20 years after moving to the court of Hiero. His first work may have been _The Suppliants_, a play about the 50 daughters of Danas with one actor besides the chorus; his later plays added a second actor. Tradition holds that he was killed when an eagle mistook his bald head for a rock and tried to crack open the shell of a turtle on it. For 10 points, name this Greek tragic dramatist of _Prometheus Bound_ and _The Seven Against Thebes_. Answer: _AESCHYLUS_ 5. Members of this group, founded after the Kent State shootings, believed that American society was an instrument of repression whose member-clones march through life with mechanical precision and no tolerance for ambiguity. It won an award at the 1976 Ann Arbor Film Festival for the soundtrack to "The Truth About De-Evolution." Jerry Casale and Mark Mothersbaugh front, for 10 points, what New Wave band whose third album, "Freedom of Choice," includes the MTV staple "Whip It"? Answer: _DEVO_ 6. Natives call it a "rakshasa," Sanskrit for "demon." References to it appear in the poem "Rama and Sita." There are supposedly three species -- the Rimi, the Nyalmot, and the Raksi-Bombo -- all of which have red-gray hair and smell bad. The earliest physical evidence of it was a footprint found on the Menlung Glacier in Nepal in 1951, although skeptics claim that the print belongs to a bear. For 10 points, name this Himalayan creature sometimes called an abominable snowman. Answer: _YETI_ (accept Abom. Snowman on early buzz) 7. When Napoleon invaded Prussia, she wrote to the general of the advancing army to convince him to keep Gauss safe from harm. Her paper "Memoir on the Vibrations of Elastic Plates" laid the foundations for the modern theory of elasticity. She used the pseudonym Monsieur le Blanc when writing her most important work, on Fermat's Last Theorem. For 10 points, name this French mathematician bestt known for her work in number theory. Answer: Sophie _GERMAIN_ 8. He was one of the impeachment managers during the trial of Andrew Johnson, even though he'd been a pro-Union Democrat before the war. After eight years in the House as a Radical Republican, he governed Massachusetts for two years and in 1884 ran for president as a Greenback. He is better known, however, for allowing freed slaves to join the army when he was a Union general. For 10 points, who was given the nickname "Beast" during his war-time occupation of New Orleans? Answer: Benjamin Franklin _BUTLER_ 9. The table in upper right corner includes a vase of flowers, a plate of grapes, two glasses, and an amphora. In the lower left corner is a large dog, with Georgette, one of the subjects, sitting on it. Proust likened it to the work of Titian at its best, and it won its creator a place in the Salon. In the center is the wife of one of the painter's new patrons. For 10 points, name this 1878 portrait of a woman and her daughters by Pierre-August Renoir. Answer: _MADAME CHARPENTIER AND HER CHILDREN_ 10. Its structure reflects Giambattista Vico's [jom-ba-TEE-sta VEE-kos] theory of "cyclical history." The opening -- "riverrun, past Eve and Adam's" -- is the continuation of the conclusion -- "A way a lone a last a loved a long the." The title refers both to a drinking song about a hod-carrier who comes "back from the dead" and to the Irish hero Finn MacCool. For 10 points, name this 1939 novel about Humphrey Chimpden Earwicker, written by James Joyce. Answer: _FINNEGANS WAKE_ 11. "Cadillac Flambe" [flom-BAY] appeared in the _New American Review_ in 1973; "Bliss's Birth" was an unpublished, 38-page manuscript. Each is part of this recent novel, which traces the rise of a boy of ambiguous race, who is raised by the black preacher Alonzo Hickman and becomes the racist Senator Adam Sunraider. John Callahan compiled it from the notes of the late Ralph Ellison. For 10 points, what novel shares its name with a holiday celebrated by Texans last month? Answer: _JUNETEENTH_ 12. Claiming to be a born-again Christian, he has produced two videos to teach others to avoid his "satanic" crimes, some of were supposedly ordered by a black Labrador retriever. He sent notes to police officers describing his hunt for "tasty meat" on the streets of Queens, and corresponded with Jimmy Breslin, who called him "the only murderer I ever heard of who knew how to use a semi-colon." For 10 points, name this six-time killer who terrorized New York City in the summer of 1977. Answer: David _BERKOWITZ_ (accept "Son of Sam") 13. It opens in the village of Domnino, where soldiers bring word that a Polish army is advancing on the capital. Sobinin seeks to marry Antonida but is told by her father, Ivan Susanin, that they must wait until the country's fate is secure. Mikhail Romanov takes the throne; the wedding goes on but is interrupted by the invading army. Susanin dies as he leads the invaders into the forest so that Romanov can escape. For 10 points, name this patriotic opera by Mikhail Glinka. Answer: A _LIFE FOR THE TSAR_ (accept _ZHIZN ZA TSARYA_, or _IVAN SUSANIN_ before that name is mentioned) 14. To the ancient Greeks, this term referred to a refutation technique in debate which used a systematic evaluation of definitions. Immanuel Kant denoted the "transcendental" one to be the "the endeavor of exposing the illusion involved in attempting to use the principles of understanding beyond the bounds of phenomena." For 10, name this concept in which a thesis gives rise to its antithesis to form a synthesis. Answer: _DIALECTIC_ 15. It is synthesized from S-adenosylmethionine [a-den-O-syl-METH-i-o-nine], a common intermediate of the metabolic process, and often distorts the shape of leaves by causing differential growth of parenchymal [par-EN-ki-mal] cells on the bottom and top of the leaf. It also inhibits stem and root elongation, induces flowering, and encourages the ripening of fruit. For 10 points, name this plant hormone--the only one typically found in the gaseous state. Answer: _ETHYLENE_ 16. His courts at Agra, Delhi, and Fatehpur Sikri were centers of traditional learning, but in 1582 he promulgated the Din-i-Ilahi (or "divine faith"), an eclectic new creed derived from Islam, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, and Christianity with himself as a prophet. He is better known for continuing the conquest of the subcontinent led by his father, Humayun, and his grandfather, Babar. For 10 points, name this most powerful of Mughal emperors of India, ruling from 1556 to 1605. Answer: _AKBAR_ the Great 17. He shot a second-round 79 to miss the cut at this year's U.S. Open. Supposedly one of the best putters on the PGA tour, he ranked 93rd in putting through July 11 and 166th in total driving. When he opened the year with a second-place tie at the Mercedes Championships, it looked as though this 42-year-old might repeat his banner year. For 10 points, name this 1998 champion of both the British Open and the Masters. Answer: Mark _O'MEARA_ 18. It includes observations of changing seasons, descriptions of art, and over 100 lists, including "Hateful Things," "Things That Are Unpleasant to See," and "Embarrassing Things." Part of the genre of zuihitsu [swee-HIT-su], it recounts the memories of the daughter of the poet Kiyohara Motosuke [ki-yo-HAR-a mo-to-SU-kay] during her sojourn in the court of Empress Sadako. For 10 points, identify this Heian period diary written by the Japanese lady-in-waiting Sei Shonagon, which much later became the subject of a Peter Greenaway film. Answer: The _PILLOW BOOK_ or _MAKURA NOSOSHI_ 19. Among its findings was the declaration that the Alien and Sedition Acts had been unconstitutional. Lesser-known defendants included the Reverend Ralph Abernathy. The case began when a civil rights activist placed a newspaper ad denouncing various government officials, and ended with the Supreme Court's rejection of the resulting lawsuit by a Montgomery city official. For 10 points, what 1964 Supreme Court decision held that libel cases filed by public officials must prove that the language in question was written with "actual malice"? Answer: _NEW YORK TIMES V. SULLIVAN_ 20. Its name was coined in 1890 by the philosopher Christian von Ehrenfels, and it received crucial support in studies of hen and chimpanzee behavior that were conducted in Tenerife [ten-e-REEF] in 1918. Kurt Lewin later applied its ideas to social psychology and Frederick Perls developed a school of psychotherapy based on it. For 10 points, name this psychological school, which taught that analysis of parts cannot provide an understanding of the whole. Answer: _GESTALT_ 21. The strong variety decreases in intensity with rising temperature and is exhibited by compounds which contain iron, palladium, platinum, and the rare-earth elements, all of which have some incomplete inner electron shells with spinning unpaired electrons. The weak variety characterizes many solid metallic elements, in which a magnetic field converts the spin of some loosely bound conduction electrons. For 10 points, name this variety of magnetism discovered by Michael Faraday in 1845, characterized by weak attraction to a strong magnet. Answer: _PARAMAGNETISM_ Boston Summer Open Round 1 Questions by Ed Cohn and Dom Ricci BONUS 1. Answer these questions about the winners of the 1969 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. A. For 5 points, Alfred Hershey, Max Delbruck, and Salvador Luria won the Nobel for their work studying what type of virus, which destroys bacteria? Answer: _BACTERIOPHAGE_ B. In 1945, Hershey and Luria independently demonstrated the occurrence of spontaneous mutations within bacteriophages. Hershey later proved that this was equivalent to, for 10 points, what process of variation of genetic material observed in higher organisms? Answer: _CROSSING-OVER_ C. For 15 points, Hershey and what partner are also known for the 1952 "blender experiment" which proved that DNA, not protein, was the genetic material of the phage? Answer: Martha _CHASE_ 2. Demonstrate your familiarity with Indonesian politics for 10 points apiece: A. What current president acceded to power with the overthrow of Suharto in 1998? Answer: B(acharuddin) J(usuf) _HABIBIE_ B. What political party of both Suharto and Habibie placed second in Indonesia's June parliamentary elections? Answer: _GOLKAR_ C. What opposition leader and daughter of Indonesia's founding president led the party which placed first in the elections? Answer: _MEGAWATI_ Sukarnoputri (prompt on Sukarnoputri, I suppose, but not on Sukarno) 3. For 10 points each, name these works by Goethe, none of which is Faust: A. This 1787 novel tells the story of a young man and his unrequited love for a girl named Lotte; it supposedly set off a suicide epidemic among its more impressionable young readers. Answer: The _SORROWS OF YOUNG WERTHER_ (or Die _LEIDEN DES JUNGEN WERTHERS_) B. This tragic drama, later the subject of a work by Beethoven, tells of a count who was executed for his role in a sixteenth-century Dutch revolt against Spanish rule. Answer: _EGMONT_ C. In this 1809 novel, the marriage of a young German couple falls apart as both husband and wife fall in love with one of their houseguests. Answer: The _ELECTIVE AFFINITIES_ (or Die _WALHVERWANDTSCHAFTEN) 4. Answer these questions about the Investiture Controversy for 10 points each" A. At the site of what Italian castle did Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV do penance and gain absolution from Pope Gregory VII in 1077? Answer: _CANOSSA_ B. What pope, who reigned from 1119 to 1124, terminated the practice of lay investiture by getting Holy Roman Emperor Henry V to sign the Concordat of Worms in 1122? Answer: _CALIXTUS II_ C. In order to ratify the Concordat of Worms, Pope Calixtus II called the first of what series of councils named for a palace in Rome? Answer: _LATERAN COUNCIL_ 5. Given a description, name the episode of "The Twilight Zone" for 10 points each: A. Bob Wilson, flying home after six months in a sanitarium, sees a gremlin on the airplane wing. Answer: _NIGHTMARE AT 20,000 FEET_ B. After a coin he throws to a news vendor lands on edge, bank clerk Hector Poole discovers he can read minds. Answer: A _PENNY FOR YOUR THOUGHTS_ C. Don and Pat Carter, a couple on their honeymoon, become fixated on a tabletop fortune-telling machine in an Ohio diner which seems to foretell their fate. Answer: _NICK OF TIME_ 6. Identify these artistic Doms, none of whom owned a platypus, for 10 points each: A. Although this Italian composed the operas "Narciso" and "Ambleto", he is better remembered for his 350 harpsichord sonatas. Answer: _D_omenico _SCARLATTI_ B. He created "Allegory of the Holy League" and "Martyrdom of St. Maurice" but is better known for a painting of Saints Augustine and Stephen attending a funeral. Answer: _EL GRECO_ or Domenikos _THEOTOCOPOULOS_ C. This American composer won a 1975 Pulitzer Prize for his song cycle, "From the Diary of Virginia Woolf". Answer: Dominick _ARGENTO_ 7. Given the pioneers in heavier-than-air flight and the years, identify these means of transportation for 10 points each: A. Joseph-Michel and Jacques-Etienne Montgolfier, 1783. Answer: _HOT AIR BALLOON_ (prompt on "balloon") B. Henri Giffard, 1853. Answer: _STEAM POWERED BALLOON_ (or equivalent; prompt on "balloon") C. Sir George Cayley, 1853. Answer: _GLIDER_ 8. Identify the following about the Magi, or three wise men: A. For 5 points, what holiday, observed on January 6th by the Catholic Church, celebrates the visitation of the Magi to the Christ child? Answer: _EPIPHANY_ B. For 5 points each, name the three magi. Answer: _MELCHIOR_ or _MELICHIOR_, King of Persia _CASPAR_ or _ GASPAR_ or _GATHASPA_, King of India _BALTHAZAR_ or _BALTASAR_ or _BITHISAREA_, King of Arabia C. According to medieval tradition, fifty years after they paid homage to Jesus, the Three Magi met in, for 10 points, what Turkish town where they all subsequently died? Answer: _SEWA_ 9. It was founded as a secret fraternal order with strong Protestant leanings by a group of Philadelphia tailors led by Uriah Stephens. For 10 points each: A. Name this labor union. Answer: The Noble and Holy Order of the _KNIGHTS OF LABOR_ B. The Knights of Labor expanded rapidly under the leadership of this Catholic activist, elected in 1879, who purged it of its secrecy and religious character? Answer: Terence V. _POWDERLY_ C. Membership grew to 700,000 by 1886, when it became associated with what seminal event in labor history that helped to bring about its decline? Answer: _HAYMARKET_ Square Riot (accept equivalents as long as Haymarket is included) 10. Name these British poets laureate for 10 points each: A. The office became vacant with the recent death of this man, who published both the volume _Birthday Letters_ and a translation of Ovid's _Metamorphoses_? Answer: Ted _HUGHES_ B. This man, whose "Mythology" was a sappy elegy to Princess Diana, will replace Hughes. Critics saw his valedictory poem on the death of Hughes as a self-indulgent declaration of availability for the job. Answer: Andrew _MOTION_ C. London bookmakers had considered her poet the favorite to succeed Hughes. This free-lance writer is best known for the collection, _Making Cocoa for Kingsley Amis_. Answer: Wendy _COPE_ 11. Wayne Gretzky was inducted this year into the Hockey Hall of Fame without the traditional three year waiting period. For 5 points each, name any six of the other nine hockey players for whom the waiting period was waived. Answer: Dit _CLAPPER_, Maurice _RICHARD_, Ted _LINDSAY_, Red _KELLY_, Terry _SAWCHUK_, Jean _BELIVEAU_, Gordie _HOWE_, Bobby _ORR_, Mario _LEMIEUX_ 12. Given several languages, name the most specific language group to which they all belong for 10 points each. You will receive five points if you need an easier language. A. For 10: Akkadian, Aramaic For 5: Arabic, Hebrew Answer: _SEMITIC_ (accept Hamito-Semitic) B. For 10: Malayalam, Telegu For 5: Tamil Answer: _DRAVIDIAN_ C. For 10: Samoyed, Lappish, Estonian For 5: Magyar Answer: _FINNO-UGRIC_ or _URALIC_ (accept Ural-Altaic) 13. Hillary Clinton and Rudolph Giuliani aren't the only potential candidates for Dan Moynihan's New York senate seat. For 10 points each: A. This Long Island Congressman upset Tom Downey in 1992. He is expected to win the Conservative Party nomination and challenge Giuliani in the Republican primary. Answer: Rick _LAZIO_ B. This GOP congressman is another likely contender; like Lazio, he was elected in 1992, but unlike Lazio, he opposed all four articles of impeachment and voted against Newt Gingrich for speaker. He has more recently been active on the issue of peace in Northern Ireland. Answer: Peter _KING_ C. Had Hillary foregone a run, this feminist from the 18th district would have been the favorite for the Democratic nod; she refrained from running, just as she deferred to Geraldine Ferrarro in 1998. Answer: Nita _LOWEY_ 14. In 1883, a singer named Johanna Richter made a guest appearance in the court theater at Cassel, Germany, where the conductor fell deeply in love with her. She jilted him on Christmas Day. For 10 points each: A. Name that symphonic composer. Answer: Gustav _Mahler_ B. Name the four-part song cycle about unrequited love that Mahler composed at the height of his post-breakup depression. Answer: _Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen_ (or _Songs of a Wayfarer_) (accept clear-knowledge equivalents) C. Mahler used many of the themes from "Songs of a Wayfarer" in his Symphony #1 in D Minor. By what nickname do we know that symphony? Answer: The _TITAN_ 15. Answer the following about the novel _A Confederacy of Dunces_ for 10 points each: A. Who won the Pulitzer Prize in Fiction for _A Confederacy of Dunces_, twelve years after he had committed suicide? Answer: John Kennedy _TOOLE_ B. What overweight, flatulent, and intolerant misfit is the book's central character? Answer: Ignatius J. _REILLY_ C. "When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him." Who wrote this sentence in his _Thoughts on Various Subjects, Moral and Diverting_, thus giving Toole's novel its title and epigram? Answer: Jonathan _SWIFT_ 16. Identify these pairs of things associated with Malaysia, for 5 points per item, 15 points per correct pair. A. Malay and English are two of the country's four most widely spoken languages. Name the other two. Answer: _TAMIL_ and _CHINESE_ B. Malaysia was formed in 1963 as a federation of Malaya, Singapore (which later seceded), and these two provinces on the island of Borneo. Answer: _SARAWAK_ or _SABAH_ 17. Identify the following from the movie "Back to the Future" for 10 points each: A. The first and last name of the character played by Michael J. Fox. Answer: _Marty_ _McFly_ B. The name of Doc Brown's dog. In "Back to the Future Part Three," we learn that the 1955 Doc had a dog named Copernicus. Answer: _Einstein_ C. This actor, who played Dr. Robert Yeats on _Chicago Hope_, was originally cast as Marty McFly but didn't act enough like a teenager. Answer: Eric _Stoltz_ 18. Name these operators for 10 points each: A. It acts on a scalar function to obtain the vector derivative of that function. In Cartesian coordinates it is expressed as, "partial d-d-x in the x hat direction, plus partial d-d-y in the y hat direction, plus partial d-d-z in the z hat direction." Answer: _GRADIENT_ operator (prompt on "del") B. This operator returns the expectation value of the total energy of a given state. It is the only operator to appear in the simple version of the time independent Schrodinger equation. Answer: _HAMILTONIAN_ operator (prompt on "H") C. For a harmonic oscillator, this operator transforms the state vector to the next highest energy level. Answer: _RAISING_ operator 19. Identify the objects belonging to Mercury from descriptions for 10 points each: A. Merc acquired this winged staff entwined with two snakes from Apollo. Answer: _CADUCEUS_ B. These winged sandals were loaned to Perseus and possessed the power of flight. Answer: _TALARIA_ C. Depictions of this winged hat resemble a WWI doughboy helmet. Answer: _PETASUS_ 20. Given a description, identify the economic theorem for 15 points each: A. "If transaction costs are negligible, an efficient solution to an externality problem will be achieved as long as someone is assigned property rights, whoever is assigned those rights." Answer: the _COASE_ theorem B. "It is impossible to translate individual preferences into collective preferences without violating at least one of a specified list of six ethically responsible conditions (such as responsiveness to individuals' preferences and the lack of dictatorship)." Answer: _ARROW'S_ Impossibility Theorem