TOSSUPS -- MARYLAND MOON PIE CLASSIC 1999 (UT-CHATTANOOGA) Questions by Ezequiel Berdichevsky and John Nam Toss-ups: 1. Many of his books were authored under pseudonyms to avoid the impression that the views expressed constituted any definitive religious position. The unifying theme in his work noted there are three spheres of existence--the aesthetic, the ethical, and the religious--in constant tension. In one of his most famous works he retells the story of Abraham's dilemma in such a way as to present the two alternatives of an abstract ethical universal and a concrete religious commitment. FTP name this precursor of the existentialists and author of _Stages on Lifes Way_, the above-described _Fear and Trembling_, and _Either, Or_. Answer: Soren _KIERKEGAARD_ 2. This 1936 work was the author's last play. In it, the recently widowed title character, a proud and stern matriarch, consigns her five daughters to the eight years of cloistered mourning demanded by Spanish custom. Only Adela, the youngest, rebels. Her tryst with her sister's fiance results in tragedy when a third sister betrays her. Dona shoots the lover, and Adela hangs herself. FTP identify this work, featuring, only women characters, by Frederico Garcia Lorca. Answer: The _HOUSE OF BERNARDA ALBA_ 3. It regards evil as a physical rather than a moral entity and since women bound men to their flesh they were considered evil. Human beings, created by God, were divine in spirit but they carried within them seeds of darkness, sown by Satan, because of their material bodies. FTP identify this belief system originating in Babylonia in the 3d century AD, the principal belief of which is the concept of absolute dualism, the conflict between God, represented by light and spirit, and Satan, represented by darkness and the material world. Answer: _MANICHAEISM_ or Manichaeanism 4. As mayor of Montmartre, he tried to prevent civil war when the radical Commune of Paris revolted in 1871. It was his newspaper L'Aurore that published Zola's open letter "J'accuse." Elected to the Senate in 1902, he first served as premier from 1906 to 1909. Because he feared the power of Germany, he strengthened cooperation with Britain and approved the Anglo-Russian agreement of 1907 that, in effect, created the Triple Entente. FTP name this pithy French leader, popularly known as "The Tiger" who demanded reparations for France while leading the French delegation at the Paris Peace Conference. Answer: Georges _CLEMENCEAU_ 5. Because he was Jewish he was forced to leave both the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physical Chemistry and Germany when Hitler came to power in 1933. This was surprising, considering his impact during World War I where he played a major role in developing poison gases for the Central Powers. In addition it was his most famous discovery that allowed Germany to keep making explosives during World War I after the Allied blockade had cut access to Chilean nitrate deposits. FTP identify this winner of the 1918 Nobel Prize for chemistry for his discovery of a method for synthesizing ammonia. Answer: Fritz _HABER_ 6. According to Borges Book of Imaginary Beings this creature greatly changed in appearance from its introduction in Hesiod's _Theogony_, where it is described with 50 heads, in order to make it easier to depict in art. Fond of honeycakes which were often placed in the coffins of the deceased to appease it, Dante describes it with "a black beard, and claws that that in the lashing rain rip at the souls of the damned." FTP identify this creature of classic myth who guards the entrance to Hades and was overcome by Hercules. Answer: _CERBERUS_ 7. The broker Kecal arranges a marriage between Marenka and a stuttering simpleton named Vasek while her true love, Jenik, is bought off under one condition, that Marenka must marry the oldest son of Tobias Micha. When she hears of the sell-out, a bitter Marenka decides to go through with the arranged marriage, although Vasek has now become enamored of a circus performer. Jenik then reveals the he is truly Tobias Micha's eldest son and thus gets the girl and the cash. FTP identify this opera which was reworked 5 times before it became the greatest success of Bedrich Smetana. Answer: The _BARTERED BRIDE_ 8. First staged in February 1895 it was an immediate hit with all the critics in attendance save one, George Bernard Shaw, who was not amused and called it "hateful and degenerative." Nevertheless it ran for 86 performances, until its author was sent to prison. The story revolves around several cases of mistaken identity and the bringing together of two couples as well as two brothers. Algernon falls in love with Cecily while Jack desires Gwendolen. FTP identify this Oscar Wilde comedy in which the first name of the protagonists holds the key to wooing their respective ladies. Answer: The _IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST_ 9. The first European to visit them was a Spaniard, Alvaro de Mendana de Neyra, in 1568. Most of the islands are volcanic, mountainous, and heavily forested. The highest point in the country is Popomanasiu. Devastated by Typhoon Namu in 1986, in the early 1990s, soldiers from Papua New Guinea crossed into their territory in pursuit of Bougainville separatist rebels, creating tensions between the two countries. FTP identify this country granted full independence in 1978 with capital at Honiara, on Guadalcanal. Answer: _SOLOMON ISLANDS_ 10. The opening shots of this film, with its distorted images, have often been compared to a descent into hell, though in reality it is New York. The plot revolves around an insomniac who gets a part time job to help him cope with the moral sickness he perceives in the world around him. When his only means of escape, an ideal romance with a campaigner named Betsy, is ruined after he brings her to a porno movie, he finds a new mission in life trying to help a prostitute named Iris escape her pimp Sport. FTP name this film which features Albert Brooks, Cybill Shepherd and a young Jodie Foster, supporting Robert de Niro as Travis Bickle. Answer: _TAXI DRIVER_ 11. Badly damaged by a Jewish revolt, it was rebuilt by the Roman emperor Constantius II after a 4th century earthquake and was finally destroyed by the Arabs in 647. Reputedly founded by Ajax's half-brother Teucer after the Trojan War, it was situated on the east coast near the modern city of Famagusta. It is, however, most well known for two battles that took place in its. FTP identify this city, scene of a Greek naval victory over Egypt in 306 BC and Persia in 480 BC. Answer: _SALAMIS_ 12. Its two lobes occur on either side of the windpipe, connected by an isthmus of tissue. It is composed of many hollow sacs (follicles) filled with colloid (a gelatin material), which contains globulin, the storage form of the hormones it secretes. Important in growth and metabolism, a lack of function in infants causes cretinism, whereas a loss or low levels of its hormones later in life results in myxedema, and possibly goiter. FTP identify this endocrine gland, which synthesizes, stores, and secretes three hormones--calcitonin, triiodothyronine and thyroxine. Answer: _THYROID_ Gland 13. During its rule, the empire was extended west into Afghanistan and Turkistan as well as south to Tibet. The first, Li Yuan, abdicated in favor of his ambitious son, who reigned as Taizong. Further consolidation was carried out by the Empress Wu, one of China's few female sovereigns. The painter Wu Tao-tzu, and China's two famous poets, Li Po and Tu Fu, were active at this time. FTP identify this period in the history of China stretching from 618-906, at whose zenith the Chinese empire was the largest, wealthiest, and most populous on earth. Answer: _TANG_ dynasty 14. Key to the work of this poet is his concern with the creation of form, which becomes the only source of true knowledge in a world devoid of spiritual definition. Although "13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird" and "The Man on the Dump" are most readily touted by scholars, much of his literary fame hangs on his lush lavish style, inspired by Florida vacations, an example of which is: "Call the roller of big cigars/ The muscular one, and bid him whip/ In kitchen cups concuspicent curds." FTP identify this author of "Sunday Morning," "The Snow Man," "The Idea of Order at Key West," and "The Emperor of Ice Cream." Answer: Wallace _STEVENS_ 15. Its name was coined in a notebook written in 1957 by Gordon Gould, yet the first of these devices to be officially recognized came three years later when through the use of a ruby rod, along with a flash tube, excited chromium atoms were pumped in the ruby's oxide crystal lattice to an upper energy state, allowing T. H. Maiman to produce an intense flash of red light. FTP identify this device which come in various types including carbon-monoxide, color-center, and excimer types, and often power weapons in sci-fi films. Answer: _LASER_ 16. After his state's admission to the Union, he served as a U.S. Senator for 13 years, then as the state's governor for another three years just before the Civil War, when he was deposed for his opposition to the Confederacy. Prior to its admission to the Union, he served as commander in chief and two terms as its president, from 1836-38 and 1841-44. FTP, name this American general and statesman, a former governor of Tennessee who loomed large in Texas politics during its early years. Answer: Samuel _HOUSTON_ 17. Just one month after his split with his employer earned two pages in _People_ magazine, he was hired to replace Steve DuPlantis by Jim Furyk. FTP, name this man, who until March of 1999 had been the regular caddie during the entire pro career of Tiger Woods. Answer: Mike "Fluff" _COWAN_ 18. Strictly, they are any of more than 500 species of fish of the order Anguilliformes (or Apodes), which are slender, elongated and usually scaleless, with long dorsal and anal fins that are continuous around the tail tip. Some, of families Nemichthyidae, Cyemidae and Serrivomeridae, have long jaws, and others, of family Omphichthidae, have pointed tails that enable them to burrow backward into sand and mud. Their young are transparent leaflike larvae (leptocephali) totally unlike the adults. FTP, anme this animal whose young metamorphose from leptocephali into elvers. Answer: _EEL_(s) 19. The turning point of his life came in 1944 when he conceived the idea for the ballet _Fancy Free_, and with Leonard Bernstein, brought it to fruition with the Ballet Theatre on the stage of the Met. During the Red Scare in 1953, he experienced difficulties with HUAC--when called upon to testify about his membership in the Communist Party, he implicated eight others. This did not affect his career, however, as his hits on Broadway included 1951's "The King and I," 1954's "Peter Pan," and 1957's "West Side Story." FTP, name this director and choreographer, born Jerome Rabinowitz, who died in July 1998. Answer: Jerome _ROBBINS_ 20. Miranda is a Boston blue stocking in James Russell Lowell's _Fable for Critics_. Zenobia is a beautiful and intellectually brilliant woman in Hawthorne's _Blithedale Romance_ who drowns herself for love of Hollingsworth, and Elsie Venner is the titular heroine of an 1861 novel by Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. What they have in common is that all were drawn in part from the character of the same woman, whose own literary achievements include _Women in the Nineteenth Century_ (1845) and _Summer on the Lakes_ (1843). FTP, name this American author and literary critic, 1810-1850, most often associated with the Transcendentalists and the editor of _The Dial_ from 1840-1842. Answer: (Sarah) Margaret _FULLER_ 21. After acquiring a number of residences around London, he finally decides to settle down at Carfax Abbey. From there he sets out seduce Lucy Westenra, whose loose moral character makes her an easy mark. The problem arises when his attention turns to the wife of the man who sold him the residences, Mina Harker, because this move is preceded by the arrival of Dr. Seward's teacher Professor van Helsing who advises the companions to take immediate action against this supernatural enemy. FTP identify this title character, a nosferatu created in a novel by Bram Stoker. Answer: _DRACULA_ 22. It evolved around 1880 in lower class districts from the milonga, a fast, sensuous and disreputable dance, and also shows possible influences of the Cuban habanera. In the early 1900s, however, it became socially acceptable, and by 1913 was a craze in fashionable European circles. The first music for it by known composers was published around 1910; early on, they were spirited and gay dances, but by 1920 the music and lyrics became intensely melancholy and the step likewise developed from the early exuberance to a smoother ballroom step. FTP, name this dance of Argentine origins. Answer: _TANGO_ 23. In literary history, a woman with this name, a sister of the Duke of Ferrara, was allegedly loved by the poet Torquato Tasso. In opera, this name appears most famously as a princess in love with Manrico in _Il Trovatore_, as the "favorita" of Alfonso XI in Donizetti's _La Favorita_ and as the heroine of _Fidelio_. FTP, give the shared first name. Answer: _LEONORA_ BONI -- MARYLAND MOON PIE CLASSIC 1999 (UT-CHATTANOOGA) Questions by Ezequiel Berdichevsky and John Nam 1. One of the privileges of being tournament director and editor is that you can take bonuses like this one, originally submitted as bonus #30, make it bonus #1, and even add another appropriate part. For the stated number of points, answer the following seemingly unrelated questions. 1. For 10 points, give the full name of the main character from _The Philadelphia Story_, a wealthy heiress who finds her family's traditions too restrictive. Answer: _TRACY LORD_ 2. For 5 points, the Six Million Dollar Man is to Steve Austin as the Bionic Woman is to... Answer: _JAMIE SUMMERS_ 3. FTP, give the wrestling name of the current WCW member whose followers were known as "The Flock" and who wrestles under his eponymous Rules. Answer: _RAVEN_ 4. F5P, name the Georgia city featured in John Berendt's bestseller Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. Answer: SAVANNAH 2. Identify the following notable dwarves FTPE. 1. He crafted the weapons of many of the Norse Gods including Gungnir and Mjolnir. Answer: _SINDRI_ 2. He is the titular Nibelung whose abduction of the Rheingold precipitates the action in the Ring Cycle. Answer: _ALBERICH_ 3. This dwarf, son of Gloin, is his people's sole representative among the nine wanderers chosen at the council of Elrond in Tolkien's _Lord Of the Rings_ Answer: _GIMLI_ 3. Identify the Historical figure- 30-20-10 30- He had no interest in following in his family's leather goods business, washed out of the Army after dreary peacetime service on the Oregon and California frontiers, and failed at real estate, dry goods, and banking. 20- After Johnson's suspension of Edwin Stanton he stepped in as interim Secretary of War. UTC traces its origins to a Methodist university named for him. 10- Two of his greatest victories involved major sieges -- the one he executed at Vicksburg and the one he broke at (you guessed it) Chattanooga. Answer: Ulysses Simpson _GRANT_ 4. Identify the following about a part of the brain. 1. For 5--part of the hindbrain its primary function is to regulate and control sensory-motor coordination Answer: _CEREBELLUM_ 2. For 10--this branching structure of ganglion cells in the cerebellum is Latin for "tree of life" Answer: _ARBOR VITAE_ 3. For 15 this structure runs down and divides the two cerebellar hemispheres Answer: _VERMIS_ 5. Name these African capitals for five points each: 1. Chad Answer: _N'DJAMENA_ 2. Lesotho Answer: _MASERU_ 3. Benin Answer: _PORTO NOVO_ 4. Zimbabwe Answer: _HARARE_ 5. Eritrea Answer: _ASMARA_ 6. Kenya Answer: _NAIROBI_ 6. This is not the same Barenaked Ladies bonus as the one Charlie wrote for the Center of the Known Universe Open. Identify the painters of the following barenaked ladies F5PE with a 5 point bonus for all correct: 1. _Susannah and the Elders_ (1555) Answer: _TINTORETTO_ (or Jacopo Robusti) 2. _Sleep_ and _Woman with a Parrot_ Answer: Gustave _COURBET_ 3. _Olympia_ Answer: Edouard _MANET_ 4. _Young Virgin Autosodomized by Her Own Chastity_ Answer: Salvador _DALI_ 5. _Venus, Cupid, Folly, and Time_ Answer: Agnolo _BRONZINO_ 7. Identify these Greek Philosophers from a description FTP- 1. He studied with Thales and argued that even water was a compound of more basic material; according to him the physis was something that had the capability of becoming anything--something he called the boundless or indefinite. Answer: _ANAXIMANDER_ 2. This philosopher argued that before we can think of something or speak of it it must have existed at all times- thus no change is ever possible. Change is an illusion, an argument which is later carried further by his disciple Zeno of Elea in his famed paradox. Answer: _PARMENIDES_ 3. This man believed that all things existed somewhere between polar opposites and that everything in nature was in a constant change of flux, because of this he assumed fire to be the physis. Answer: _HERACLITUS_ 8. The Wasteland drew on countless sources; this means that there are often reconstructed references and direct evocations within the poem to other authors. This bonus will test your knowledge of both. Given a line from the Wasteland identify the author of the source for 15, if I give you the original work you only get 5. 1. 15: Sweet Thames run softly, for I speak not loud or long. /But at my back in a cold blast I hear/ The rattle of the bones, and chuckle spread from ear to ear 5: the line is from To His Coy Mistress Answer: Andrew _MARVELL_ 2. 15: Or with his nails hell dig it up again!/ You! Hypocrite lecteur- mon semblable- mon frere! 5: from the preface to "Les Fleurs du Mal" Answer: Charles _Baudelaire_ 9. Put the following British Kings in chronological order for 10 points all or nothing then identify their respective houses for five points each: James II, Henry V, Elizabeth I, Edward IV. Answer: Order: _HENRY V, EDWARD IV, ELIZABETH I, JAMES II_ Houses: Henry--_LANCASTER_; Edward--_YORK_; Elizabeth--_TUDOR_; James--_STUART_ 10. Identify these Eugene O'Neill Plays from characters FTP 1. James, Mary, Jamie, and Edmund Tyrone Answer: _LONG DAY'S JOURNEY INTO NIGHT_ 2. Charles Marsden, Henry Leeds, Edmund Darrell Answer: _STRANGE INTERLUDE_ 3. Adam Brant, Seth Beckwith, Captain Peter Niles Answer: _MOURNING BECOMES ELECTRA_ 11. 30-20-10 Name the substance. 30) When mixed with iron oxides and spinel, it is called emery. Widespread in nature, it occurs as barrel shaped crystals, large blocks or rounded grains in igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rock. 20) Industrially, it's used as free grains in griding and polishing and employed in the manufacture of special heat resistant materials. Most of this substance used in industry is artificially created by passing an electric current through bauxite in an electric arc furnace, producing intense heat which melts and purifies the bauxite. 10) The second hardest known natural substance, its finer varieties are the gemstones sapphire and ruby. Answer: _CORUNDUM_ 12. Given the value, identify the following physical constants FTPE 1. 1.38 times 10 to the negative 23 joules per kelvin Answer: _BOLTZMANN'S_ Constant 2. 1.097 times 10 to the 7 reciprocal meters Answer: _RYDBERG_ Constant 3. 4 pi times 10 to the negative 7 newtons per amperes squared Answer: _PERMEABILITY OF FREE SPACE_ 13. Identify these men who served the US in the revolutionary war FTPE- 1. This man's efforts were largely responsible for the triumph of the American forces in the South. He assumed command of a shattered army in 1780 and rebuilt it. His strategy succeeded in dividing the British forces under Charles Cornwallis, and he made the British "victory" at Guilford Courthouse so costly that Cornwallis had to withdraw from the Carolinas. Answer: Nathanael _GREENE_ 2. Facing the other half of Cornwallis' divided forces was this general, a hero of Saratoga whose January 1781 victory at Cowpens was a tactical masterpiece. Answer: Daniel _MORGAN_ 3. After organizing and leading Kentucky militiamen in the defense of their settlements, this man decided to carry the war to the British by attacking posts in Illinois. Leaving Louisville in June 1778 with fewer than 200 men, he took Kaskaskia without resistance in July. Answer: George Rogers _CLARK_ 14. Identify the writer 30-20-10 30) Before his success as an author he had a career in radio broadcasting cut short due to his political stance 20) His volume of poetry, _Christmas in Biafra_ was the joint winner of the first Commonwhealth poetry prize, and _Anthills of the Savannah_ was a finalist for England's coveted Booker award 10: He is most famous however for telling a tragic tale set in the village of Iguedo, where impending colonial expansion destroys a noble Nigerian. Answer: Chinua _ACHEBE_ 15. For 15 points each identify the following theorems from a description 1. The integral over a curve, C, of the dot product of F and dr is equal to the double integral over a surface, S, of the curl of the dot product of F and dS. Answer: _STOKES_ theorem 2. The integral term from a to b of f of x dx is equal to capital F of b minus capital F of a, where capital F is the antiderivative of f. Answer: _FUNDAMENTAL THEOREM OF CALCULUS_ 16. The Chicago Bulls, having won six championships in eight years, inspired me to ask about other sports dynasties. For 5 points per correct response, answer the following questions. 1. Name the only two other NBA teams to have won at least three titles in a row. Answer: Boston _CELTICS_, _MINNEAPOLIS LAKERS_ 2. From 1947-1964, the New York Yankees failed to win the pennant only three times, to two different teams. Name these two teams, one of which won in 1948 and 1954 and the other in 1959. Answer: _CLEVELAND_ (or _INDIANS_) and Chicago _WHITE SOX_ 3. From 1975 to 1984, Chris Evert made the U.S. Open finals 9 times (winning 6), only failing to make it in 1981. Name the two women in the finals that year. Answer: Tracy _AUSTIN_ beat Martina NAVRATILOVA_ 17. Identify these questions about the papacy FTP each 1. This man called for the first Vatican council and served longest in the position Answer: _PIUS IX_ 2. The papacy was established to be the successor of which apostle? Answer: _PETER_ 3. This man was the first to claim divine origin for the power of the papacy and had personal encounters in his time with Atilla the Hun and Gaiseric King of the Vandals Answer: _LEO I_ 18. Given some lines from a work by William Butler Yeats identify it: For 5: And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,/ Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born? Answer: The _SECOND COMING_ For 10: That is no country for old men. The young/ In one anothers arms, birds in the trees/ Those dying generations Answer: _SAILING TO BYZANTIUM_ For 15: I write it out in a verse-/ Macdonagh and McBride/ and Connoly and Pearse? Now and in time to be/Wherever green is worn/Are changed, changed utterly:/A terrible beauty is born Answer: _EASTER 1916_ 19. Identify the composers of the following works in my cd collection from a title for 5 with bonus for all: 1. Symphony #4 in E flat major- The Romantic Answer: Anton _BRUCKNER_ 2. The 3 Cornered Hat Answer: Manuel _DE FALLA_ 3. Dance of the Blessed Spirits from _Orpheus and Eurydice_ Answer: Carl Willibald _GLUCK_ 4. Les Adieux sonata, No 26 in E flat Answer: Ludwig van _BEETHOVEN_ 5. Slavonic Dances Answer: Antonin _DVORAK_ 20. Communist leaders often took pseudonyms. Givent the birth name, give their more well-known pseudonym for the stated number of points. 1. For 5, Vladimir Ulyanov Answer: Vladimir _LENIN_ 2. For 5, Iosif Dzugashvili Answer: Joseph _STALIN_ 3. For 10, Lev Bronstein Answer: Leon _TROTSKY_ 4. For 10, Vyacheslav Skryabin Answer: Vyacheslav _MOLOTOV_