Terrier Tussle 8: February 6, 1999.

Round 9: Questions by MIT Bubbles (Dom Ricci et al)



1. For 15 points each-first installment: Name these terms from Indian classical music; or personality disorders:

A. The melodic framework or sequence of notes on which improvisation is based. The term literally means color or passion.

answer: raga (RAH-ga)

B. Its sufferers are sometimes extremely sad and despondent; other times they are hyperactive and overconfident.

answer: bipolarity (or manic depression)


2. Identify the type of acid from the definition for 10 points each.

A. An electron pair acceptor.

answer: Lewis acid

B. A proton donor.

answer: Arrhenius acid

C. An acid, such as phosphoric acid, with more than one dissociable proton.

answer: Polyprotic acid


3. Name these Native American groups for 10 points each.

A. Contrary to the X-Files, this prehistoric southwestern civilization, whose name is Navajo for "Ancient Ones", was not abducted by aliens.

answer: Anasazi

B. This group of peoples, whose modern name comes from the Spanish for

"village", are the historic descendants of the Anasazi.

answer: Pueblo Indians

C. This westernmost group of the Pueblo Indians is known for its kachina cults and the ritual Snake dance.

answer: Hopi


4. Last week's Super Bowl was Super Bowl 33. With that in mind, number the following Super Bowls for 10 points each:

A. After losing only once in the regular season, the Bears shuffled past the Patriots 46-10.

answer: Super Bowl 20

B. Despite falling behind 10-0 to John Elway's Broncos, Doug Williams

staged a Redskin comeback to win 42-10.

answer: Super Bowl 22

C. MVP Bart Starr led the Packers past the Chiefs, 35-10.

answer: Super Bowl 1


5. Name these Friedrich von Schiller plays for 10 points each:

A. The title character is forced to shoot an apple off of his son's head for not saluting the Austrian imperial governor.

answer: Wilhelm Tell (accept "William Tell")

B. This tragedy differs from history in that Joan of Arc dies in battle rather than at the stake.

answer: The Maid of Orleans

C. Elizabeth I ["the First"] offs the title character by making it look like an incompetent prison official ordered her execution.

answer: Mary Stuart (prompt on partial answer)


6. Answer the following about the recent Romanian miners' strike.

A. For 5 points-what source of energy do these 10,000 miners mine?

answer: coal

B. For 15 points-from what large coalfield in central Romania were they striking?

answer: the Jiu Valley

C. For 10 points-a settlement deal was negotiated by what prime minister of Romania?

answer: Radu Vasile


7. For 15 points each-second installment: Name these personality disorders; or terms from Indian classical music.

A. People with it often think illogically; a common irrational belief they hold is that their spouse is cheating on them.

answer: paranoid schizophrenia (prompt on "paranoia")

B. This element of Indian music is best described as time measure and has two main constituents: the tempo and the distribution of stress within the time measure.

answer: tala (TAH-la)


8. Identify these characters from William Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury for 10 points each:

A. The youngest of the Compson brothers, he is the idiot alluded to by the book's title.

answer: Benjamin Compson

B. This Harvard student commits suicide.

answer: Quentin MacLachan Compson

C. This black woman cooks for the Compson family and narrates a section of the book.

answer: Dilsey


9. Name these types of ghosts for the stated point value:

A. For 5 points-from the German for "noisy spirit," this is a maliciously harassing supernatural force.

answer: Poltergeist

B. For 10 points-from the German for "double goer," this wraith-like apparition of a living person is a sign that one's death is imminent.

answer: Doppelganger

C. For 15 points-from the Hebrew for "clinging thing," it is the migrating soul of a dead person that corrupts the body of a living person.

answer: Dybbuk


10. For 10 points each-identify the following about the War of Austrian Succession:

A. The war began in 1740 when King Frederick II of Prussia invaded this province of the Austrian realm, northeast of Bohemia.

answer: Silesia

B. At the Battle of Dettingen, this man, aiding Austria, became the last British monarch personally to lead an army onto the field.

answer: George II ["the Second"] (prompt on "George"]

C. The war was called the War of Austrian Succession because it followed the death of Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI ["the Sixth"]. Name his heir, who survived the war losing only Silesia.

answer: Maria Theresa


11. None of these methods of torture produce sexual gratification that we know of, but name them for the stated point values anyway:

A. For 15 points each-this machine hoists the suspect's body by a rope tied to his hands, which are fastened behind his back.

answer: strappado

B. For 10 points-this is the removal of a living person's skin.

answer: flaying

C. For 5 points-the condemned is hung, but kept alive long enough to watch his entrails burn. His body is then divided into four parts.

answer: drawing and quartering


12. "I"-dentify these physics terms for 10 points each:

A. The overall opposition to an electric current, arising from the combined effect of resistance and reactance.

answer: impedance

B. The property that a variation in a flowing current produces an EMF in the conductor which opposes the change in the current.

answer: inductance

C. The average change in momentum, represented as the product of the average force and a finite time.

answer: impulse


13. Name the companies involved in these 1998 business deals:

A. For 5 points each-what two companies, one a cable giant and one a communications giant, announced a $66 billion merger deal on June 24?

answer: AT&T (or "American Telephone & Telegraph")


B. For 10 points each-which major ISP purchased which small software company, the author of ICQ, for $287 million?

answer: AOL (or "America On-Line"), Mirabilis


14. Name these Cartoon Network shows for 10 points each:

A. This talk show, which features director Moltar and bandleader Zorak, is now in its fifth season.

answer: Space Ghost Coast to Coast (prompt on partial answer)

B. This series about a boy genius was the first of the network's World Premiere Cartoons to become a regular show.

answer: Dexter's Laboratory

C. This ongoing cartoon series features a set of kindergarten-age triplets who use their "ultra-superpowers" to fight crime and protect the world.

answer: The Powerpuff Girls


15. Name these people who improved 19th century American society for 10 points each:

A. This first secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Education advocated free public schooling for children.

answer: Horace Mann

B. This man sold over 120 million of his "Readers" which were used to

teach children.

answer: William Holmes McGuffey

C. During the 1840s and 1850s, this Boston teacher worked for the reform of asylums and the creation of hospitals for the mentally ill.

answer: Dorothea Dix


16. A period of Japanese history dominated by the Fujiwara family produced some really good literature. For 10 points each:

A. Name this period, which lasted from 794 to 1185.

answer: Heian Period

(prompt on "Fujiwara Period" if the lead-in is changed or cut)

B. The best-known Heian work is probably this Murasaki Shikibu romance, the world's oldest full novel.

answer: The Tale of Genji [or Genji Monogatari]

C. Written around 1000, this bedroom diary contains the reminiscences and impressions of the Japanese court lady Sei Shonagon.

answer: The Pillow Book [or Makura no Soshi]


17. Identify these lizards for 10 points each.

A. Members of this family have suction-padded toes, breakaway tails and voices.

answer: Gecko [or Gekkonidae]

B. This arboreal New World lizard also has suction feet. It can change colors from green to brown.

answer: Anole

C. Pets stores often erroneously pass off the green anole as one of these Old World lizards.

answer: Chameleon


18. Given year and the method of death, identify the English monarch for 10 points each:

A. In 1066, he was cut down by swordsmen at the Battle of Hastings while trying to pull an arrow from his eye.

answer: Harold Godwinson or Harold II ["the Second"]

(prompt on partial answer)

[Harold Haardrade also led troops at the Battle of Hastings.]

B. In 1100, Walter Tiryl shot an arrow through his head, a supposed hunting accident.

answer: William II ["the Second"] or William Rufus

(prompt on partial answer)

C. In 1327, he had his bowels burned out with a hot iron inserted through a hollow horn.

answer: Edward II ["the Second"] (prompt on partial answer)


19. Given a museum and a clue, name the architect who designed it for 10 points each:

A. The Louvre extension. The architect graduated from MIT in 1939.

answer: Ieoh Meng Pei

B. The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. The architect worked for Dankmar Adler and Louis Sullivan.

answer: Frank Lloyd Wright

C. Guggenheim Museum Bilbao. In the '70s, the architect designed a line of cardboard furniture.

answer: Frank O. Gehry


20. Answer these questions about 20th-century Marxist thought for 10 points each:

A. What concept, the supremacy of the whole over the parts, did Georg Lukacs [GAY-org LOO-cocks] cite as the difference between Marxist and bourgeois thought?

answer: totality

B. What term did Antonio Gramsci introduce to describe how the ruling class directs and organizes society through its cultural power?

answer: hegemony

C. Erich Fromm and Carl Grunburg were members of which philosophical school named for a German city and dedicated to modernizing Marxism?

answer: the Frankfurt school


21. Name these Graham Greene works from descriptions for 10 points each:

A. A cowardly, alcoholic priest wanders rural Mexico while being hunted by a revolutionary government.

answer: The Power and the Glory

B. Scobie, a British colonial officer in West Africa, attempts to keep his wife and his mistress happy at the expense of his morality.

answer: The Heart of the Matter

C. In pre-Castro Cuba, an easy-going salesman named Wormold becomes a spy by accident.

answer: Our Man In Havana


22. Identify these terms from Hinduism for 10 points each:

A. A sacred law of society denoting moral order and the performance of duty.

answer: Dharma

B. A term describing a legitimate end of man which includes all types of physical pleasure, not just sexual gratification.

answer: Kama

C. Another term describing a legitimate end of man, and referring to material possessions and political power.

answer: Artha


23. Answer the following about scientific accomplishments of the late 1940s for 10 points each:

A. Used to amplify and control electric signals, what solid-state device consisting of layers of different semiconductors was created by John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William Shockley?

answer: transistor

B. Aureomycin, created by Benjamin Duggar, was the first of what type of antibiotic drugs derived from Streptomyces bacteria?

answer: tetracyclines

C. Norbert Weiner published his research in what field which deals with control theory and information transfer as applied to complex systems?

answer: cybernetics


24. Given the city-for 10 points each-identify the German state in which it lies:

A. Bayreuth. [bye-ROIT]

answer: Bavaria or Bayern

B. Weimar. [WYE-mar]

answer: Thuringia or Thuringien

C. Dresden.

answer: Saxony or Sachsen


25. Name these traveling singers, none of them Wilburys, for 10 points each.

A. Lyric poets of southern France, northern Spain and northern Italy, who flourished from the late 11th to the late 13th century.

answer: Troubadors or Trouveres

B. German poet-musicians of the 14th to 16th centuries who claimed to be heirs of the 12 old masters.

answer: Meistersinger

C. Japanese troubadors whose tales were compiled into the Tale of Heike (HEY-kay).

answer: Biwa Hoshi